Women's Sexuality

Reminder that the reason why the average woman has difficulty cumming during sex is because the average penis size is too small for them. The average penis just simply lacks the girth to fill the walls of the vagina and the length to reach the end of the vagina which elongates up to eight inches during arousal. This is why women typically talk and gossip about large penises among each other and why they look for black men who stereotypically have larger penises.

So do your girlfriend a favor and learn how to sexually pleasure them with your mouth, hands, and toys since the vast majority of you have penises averaging 4 to 6 inches.

And please, if you only care about your own pleasure, please consider having sex with prostitutes as you clearly don't deserve a real woman. Just remove yourself from the gene pool.

Lmao this is one of the most Canadian posts I've ever seen

stale pasta my uncreative leaf friend

>quintessentially Canadian





Sauce of this webm?

My boyfriend is coming over for a visit in about a month and his dick is 10 inches (he's shown me pics) meanwhile I'm a virgin, how much is this going to hurt?

Good thing I have a Hungarian horse cock.

How come penis ended up with the average size of 7.5 inches they have now then? Wouldn't there be an extreme evolutionary pressure to make penises bigger if women wanted it?

>absolute shitposting


Don't do it. Premarital sex is degenerate .

A fucking leaf strikes again

> females don't have orgasms because you aren't able to reach the hot spot at the end of the vagina

confirmed for sex-starved leafy


Phew, good thing I have a big thick cock that women love. Plus I'm white, yay.

Your ass will never be the same, faggot.

Enjoy pooping your pants for the rest of your life.


t. a gril

Says who?

Shrimpdick asian here, just gave a white slut the first orgasm of her life

OP is either a virgin or a jew shill trying to psyops Americans into depression or discouragement.

Fuck off OP

>the average size of 7.5 inches

Poor German humor

your grand canyon will not feel anything you stupid slut

Give me the name of this grill already

>he believes the big black cock myth

What do you mean by this?

will you guys stop posting this retarded gif ? NO i do NOT think the bulimic hippie whore is hot


why ? do you find her attractive ? if so, how ?

>he's ruled by an actual niggerfaggot

Julia Roberts Niece
Emma Roberts, she doesn't normally look this hot.

Juno Temple

>Reminder that the reason why the average woman has difficulty cumming during sex is because the average penis size is too small for them. The average penis just simply lacks the girth to fill the walls of the vagina and the length to reach the end of the vagina which elongates up to eight inches during arousal.
This is actually caused by women being sluts and riding the cock carrosel daily, their pussies end up stretched like literal buckets.

My gf was a virgin when we first had sex, she bleed a lot that time, and still does.

I admit that my penis is of a decent girth, but it is no monstercock by any means, and yet every time we have sex she feels pain and bleeds either during or after sex.

Women just want you to believe that this is your fault, and not a result of them being fucking sluts. The roastie effect is also caused by this, you know, when their inner lips start getting loose and falling off their vaginas? That shit is because of overuse.

Go be a cuck somewhere else.

6" master race here.

Have "hit bottom" on almost every girl I've fucked. Girth does matter, but length is overrated, especially when you have more than can go all the way in. Jesus, watch a porn every once in a while. You see how giant cocks can go all the way in most assholes but get 2/3 of the way in a pussy? It ain't 8 inches deep.

On top of that, women are just as different as men in regards to size, so your generalizations are just wrong. Again, girth matters, length much much less so.

even i, as a member of gipsyland, can confirm myself superior to the fuckin leaf. even me, with my retarded WE WUZ DACIANS LATINS shitpost , am above this. can I have confirmation? because i sure as hell feel like that. australian shitpost is good, funny, this is just....disgusting

>the reason why the average woman has difficulty cumming during sex
The reason my wife doesn't get off when I fuck her is I just can't compare to how she used to get fucked as a preteen.

you sound like the gayest fag i've ever met in high school

Even taking religion out of the equation, there are many studies that show that people who engage in premarital sex are unhappier on average. Plus it's emulating black culture, and is leading to declining white birth rates.

Of course the cuck is Canadian. I hate this country sometimes...

It's not a myth, blacks have on average 15 points less IQ , 1 inch higher calf insertions (better for sprinting/jumping, worse for aesthetics), and 0.5 inch longer (not thicker) penises.
Now that extra 0.5 inch length means that BBCs are more common than BWCs due to the bell curve being shifted to the right.

As long as you move your balls out of the way, you should be ok

>and yet every time we have sex she feels pain and bleeds either during or after sex

shit dude....wtf

He's 100% white though, wouldn't dream of having some negro stick it up there.


>You see how giant cocks

They hire manlet porn actors to make the dick look bigger too. bretty sure




>shit dude....wtf
That is how tight a virgin pussy is mate, my cock is just thicker than the hole im trying to shove it in.

Feels pretty good to me, but is quite painfull to her.

>every time we have sex she feels pain and bleeds
She should probably get that checked out. There seems to be something medically wrong with her.

Thanks, and you're right, that dance was on point though

Humans have proportionally the largest penis to body ratio of all the primates.

The only reason average dick guys are so prevalent is because of the advent of clothing, before that, women chose men who had larger penises (thus the reason why human have the largest penises in the primate family). But after clothing hid the penis, women had to choose their mate based on other factors like wealth, and power.

Women were built for larger penises, in body and mind. This is why they're always gossip about who has the biggest penis and why they always purchase above average dildos.

>and the length to reach the end of the vagina
This isn't hentai. Hitting or even penetrating the cervix will cause a crippling amount of pain.

>Reminder that the reason why the average woman has difficulty cumming during sex is because the average penis size is too small for them.
You don't know women. Not bothering beyond this post because this is obvious bait.

In my experience a bigger dick might mean less pleasure for you if you're a girl. If you're actually tight and a virgin I imagine 10 inches being uncomfortable as fuck.

you are shoving it in the wrong hole son

I consider myself to have a small penis and probably 90-95% of the times I've had sex the woman finished. It's really not hard. And that shit about a dick not hitting the walls of the vagina? Total bullshit. Given the shape of vaginas, the parts that aren't really stimulated often are the tops and bottoms of the vaginal interior, not the sides. That's why one of the ways to fuck good is to go in sideways, it really activates the vagina.

>he average penis just simply lacks the girth to fill the walls of the vagina and the length to reach the end of the vagina
ha HA HAHAHAHA oh wow what bait

>She should probably get that checked out. There seems to be something medically wrong with her.
Agreed, I keep telling her that. But the fact is she is just very very tight and my cock is too thick for her hole, so when we are fucking i literally tear her pussy a bit due to the girth of my cock.

>you are shoving it in the wrong hole son
No im not, if I was the bleeding would be coming out of her asshole and not her vagina.

>all these brits and canadians obsessed with nigger cocks

You realize the only people that care about nigger dick sizes are whores, niggers and cucks (you)?

Current gf explained to me what it feels like to get your cervix hammered (I hit hers quite often in certain positions). As near as I can tell, it's similar to getting kicked in the balls.

I don't think anyone has a 4 inch cock unless its some kind of medical problem. Mine is 6 when fully erect and seems small to me