I have a friend that wants to go to Peru and take Ayahuasca with a shaman to have a 'spiritual journey' or some bollocks.
How do I explain to this hippie retard that all she is doing is fucking up her brain chemistry?
I have a friend that wants to go to Peru and take Ayahuasca with a shaman to have a 'spiritual journey' or some bollocks.
How do I explain to this hippie retard that all she is doing is fucking up her brain chemistry?
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just tell her ''im a fucking idiot who has no idea how brain chemistry works, so you probably shouldnt listen to my advice on this subject''
Your friend can come to sweden and eat poisonous shrooms as the vikings did.
most brits have scandi admixture from the dane invasions so tell your friend to connect to the roots.
drinking a shit tasting brew from a toothless indian in a coca cola t-shirt isn't very spiritual.
boo hoo, an HT2A agonist combined with MAOIs
you both are stupid, because it's neither very dangerous nor worth going to Peru for when you can do it anywhere
>shrooms plus St johns wort
She just wants to get raped by an entire third-world village while high out of her mind, eh?
Lost cause let her lose herself into brain damage.
Even better use for that specific mushroom is to decarboxylate its poisonous chem and smoke that shit
>brain damage from using Dmt once
Can't tell if really old or 15 but for sure stupid
Why do you think that you have to stop her? You can just let her do it, if she wants to.
I wanna go to Peru and chew some coca leaves and trek some mountains with my injun sex slaves
I've drank Ayahuasca over 70 times. It doesn't fuck up your brain chemistry Nigel, and it's nothing like "lol shrooms" so that is not a substitute. Ayahuasca was possibly the single greatest experience of my life and you should stick a scone in your mouth, shut up, and let your friend do what she wants.
ahiyauasa-hippies become joe rogan style idiots for the most part.
I'm pretty sure Joe Rogan was always an idiot. All the idiots that give psychedelics a bad image were idiots to begin with.
>go to Peru and take Ayahuasca with a shaman to have a 'spiritual journey' or some bollocks.
Dumb whore,tell her the entire South America sells this scam for superficial gringos with little knowledge and experience but lots of time,youth and money.
Real shamans are dirt poor and live in rural siberia,eastern europe and south america.
>Pro tip
Real shamans don't advertise Ayahuasca rituals,you don't just take that shit
>implying she will even taste the real thing
Real shamans don't take money,but to get to one you will have to gift many gifts,a few bribes
The man itself will ask for a present,not money.
He will most likely ask for your watch or some clothing.
They are hard to find,the real ones.Great experience though.
Fake shamans will get you fucking killed,haunted and fuck with your "spiritual being" so you can understand.
so close
Psychedelics are the ultimate blue-pill and create the most egocentric know-it-all little twits I've ever known. Even when I was into them as a kid, I could never stand the subculture, and now there's a new generation that believes the same worthless platitudes about these drugs that have persisted for decades. Speaking about them as if they're the first.
Enjoy your delusions of grandeur, psychonauts.
nothing bad is going to happen
Although its debatable if its worth going all the way over to take some plants
brexit that stick in your ass
I hate this "eastern solution" vibe like "ooooh it was such a great experience it changed my life"
Literal destruction of intellect.
>she is doing is fucking up her brain chemistry
women do retard things and you can't explain them why is that shit idea
more you talk more she wants
Tell her she's engaging in cultural imperialism and invading native space. Gets them every time.
>b-but mother nature told me we need to love eachother.
yeah damn straight but mother nature didn't tell you to hate your people id she?
Ayahuasca is ingestable DMT basically, this guy covers the topic very well youtube.com
Tell her to buy some DMT off the deep web. I've done it three times and all that happens is you go to sleep see vid related and talk to whoever you want to talk to. It's pretty fun desu .
>eastern solution
It's from South America tard.
>Literal destruction of intellect
You sound like someone who has never taken a psychedelic before.
>I've drank Ayahuasca over 70 times.
Thats how I recognize another scammed gringo shit.
Go trip on peyote or chuma.
>Pro tip
Your will never recover your lost braincells.
Your hallucinations and chemical highs are just that,no great truths discovered.
Taking drugs will never fill the spiritual void in your being.
>I hate this "eastern solution"
Its South American
Maybe you should go try it out
And how exactly is her brain your concern commie?
I do psychedelic drugs and I'ma white nationalist.
Come at me bro.
>im a fucking idiot who has no idea how brain chemistry works, so you probably shouldnt listen to my advice on this subject
as opposed to
>im a fucking idiot who has no idea how brain chemistry works, and neither do you, so don't take psychedelic substances which may very well turn you into a potato (i mean, who knows right?).
You forgot an image for that mfw boyo.
hahaha god you brit bongs love peru, so do i though fellow anglo bro
it's definitely a risk on a couple different levels:
1. since a bunch of privileged middle class western euro-weaks have been going there to do the 'ceremony', there have been alot of scam artists popping up and stealing peoples money
2. there real danger of never coming back from the journey, mentally or physically. i've seen people who are definitely completely gone from doing it too much, and then there was that story of 2 tourists who did the ceremony and one of them killed the other, and i'm pretty sure was british and one aussie
no peoples faces when reading it will suffice
there are way better things to do in peru than ayahuasca
Jesus bonk, why dont you google it yourself
She isnt. Its the real deal.
Expat living here, it helped with my ptsd, before my experince with it I couldnt hold a job or even go grocery shopping without breaking down in anxiety attacks.
im mostly healed, i do it once a year now.
Changed my life forever
>You sound like someone who has never taken a psychedelic before
>come on man you have to make your brain malfunction with chemicals before you can see the truth
Why do you have fucking loser friends like him? drop that fucker and don`t forget to tell him why
Also this
non-potato confirmed,
you're missing out,
Well it won't because she'll be back to normal within a day.
If they are blue pilled, why are psychedelics then mostly banned?
nice, i've never done it but have someone once told me they have literally seen demons expelling out of people
Ok Gypsie, I'm sure you know way more about the real situation down in South America than me. Ayahuasca tourism has grown significantly in Peru, and there are many many legit places to do it. Yes I'm sure if you're retarded you could find yourself in the hands of some fake shaman. I've never heard of people being given "fake" ayahuasca.
>Thats how I recognize another scammed gringo shit.
I didn't pay for 70 ceremonies. I worked as a musician and apprentice to the Shaman for most of those, and drank for free.
>non-potato confirmed,
says who? I mean, you think the holocaust never happened and that jews are behind 9/11...right?
isn't THAT a coincidence
Why go to a shithole like Peru for that stuff? Just come here for some, best ally Bong.
None of the stuff in that is dangerous unless you're a dumb nigger and don't pay attention to the diet they lay out for you.
no, idiot, if you make progress while you're high, that's what matters, if you can open the door a little more
>I do psychedelic drugs and I'ma white nationalist.
You and every other brain dead chav.
>tourists who did the ceremony and one of them killed the other, and i'm pretty sure was british and one aussie
Thats because fake fucking shamans don't know what they're doing,what they're preparing and offering.
And people are NOT supposed to take ayahuasca on their first try,not after preparations.
A true shaman(we call them vraci) can tell if the individual in front of him can take certain plants AND come back.
Westerns should just comfort themselves with peyote or their local nigerian's offer of weed and columbian trash.
I don't understand the correlation, unless this is supposed to be the "psychedelic drugs open your mind and the government doesn't want people thinking for themselves" argument. Psychedelic drug users are truly the worst sort of insufferable, deluded fucking morons and the quicker they degenerate into full on schizophrenics who can't function on their own and get locked up somewhere (preferably in a private institution with their middle class parents footing the bill), the better.
>Yes I'm sure if you're retarded you could find yourself in the hands of some fake shaman.
t. retard that drank "ayacumhasca" 70 times from some seedy "shaman"
Go back home,Pedro.
Tell him he'll get raped. Not even kidding, it's common knowledge down here that dirty Indians will rape you while under the influence of yahe. They don't care what you look like.
I'm not a chav, both my parents hold degrees, I was complemented on my intelligence throughout school, I don't wear a track suit. Also if you are refering to marijuana, it is not a psychedelic. You don't even know what you are talking about.
You shouldn't speak on things you know nothing about, as a general rule.
Sage for faggotry
Hallucinogens are redpilled famalam.
Stop being a faggot and just use HBW bark. The process for creating a salt from the DMT is not hard and you will end up with jungle spice which has a bit of the MAOI in it.
It does not alter your brain chemistry in a negative way and I use it semi annually to help me control my own bi-polar condition without having to rely on the poison that is SSRI hell.
It's all about ego death and DMT is a naturally occuring substance in the body which is metabolized within 15-30 minutes after smoking.
>you are refering to marijuana, it is not a psychedelic. You don't even know what you are talking about.
Never said that.
I just said that westerners should just stick to weed and other crap instead of getting themselves killed,raped and scammed in spanish shitholes.
Or becoming someone's bitch abroad until they escape.
take a picture of her before and after, and get her to sign some letter saying that it will be shit and she will get rekt.
then when she comes home you can wave it in her face and laugh
I didn't realise there were so many "just expand your mind bro" faggots on Sup Forums
Why would you want to weaken your mind and accept any old shit that this poison brings to you? Ultimate bluepill.
Beyond all that it turns you into the most frustrating know it all pricks going. Oh you're so fucking worldly please tell me about the locals. Yall don't know shit.
I agree that she is making the more difficult route to DMT, as I said here and she should just order DMT from the darkweb or something like that.
such a wasted /get/, rip
trust a leaf to fuck it up
>white nationalist viking wannabes
>not berserking
>tfw literally everything affects your brain chemistry
>tfw DMT is a natural neurotransmitter and taking ayahuasca can be a very powerful and positive transformative experience.
>tfw you explore the subconcious and come to terms with negative personality traits and possible trauma that are normally ignored
>tfw nothing wrong with using ayahuasca responsibly
You should just let people pursue their own ideals OP, yours is not the go to/end all of opinions.
Go to thailand instead and have a spiritual journey with some boipucci.
That ayawhathefuck never ends well with you gringos.
Psychedelics do not have opinions, they help decloud your consciousness. Also not a poison. Ultimate red pill. I bet you also think alchohol is less damaging despite literally being a poison.
You can't, since a single dose of DMT is essentially harmless.
Doesn't make enough $$$$$$ for the Jew York drug importers
Pharmahuasca is safer and more convenient.
>Needing drugs to connect with source or having an OBE
toplel, have fun with your crutches
Friend of mine just got back from Peru.
Fucked her shit up, got sick in like five different ways and got parasites. Peru is no place for anyone, let alone Bongs.
That must be why we're on such a great path now, given the huge psychedelic movement of the 60's with all of those (((declouded))) people growing up and taking power. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but if you'd like to turn your brain into a soup sandwich, be my guest.
I know you're a young kid and think it's clever and everything and you get to hold it high above everyone's head but the truth is that it's a massive deception and you'll be worse off for it. Godspeed.
Those same ((people)) that banned all psychedelics.
Come back when your politics is internally consistent.
You're a fucking idiot, but okay. Good day.
The 60's wasn't down to psychedelics, mushrooms have been in use for thousands of years and LSD was only invented in the 1930's. The 1960's cultural revolution was a culmination of black rights, femenism and anti-vietnam war protests, plus a huge number of other things, to blame it on psychedelics is massivly ignorant. Psychedelics also do not turn your brain into a "soup sanwich", Richard Feynman, Francis Crick, Kary Mullis, Bill Gates, Jack Nicholson, all successful people who have used and some attributed their success to psychedelics.
Also, trying to put down my argument by attacking me personally is a logical fallacy, you should read the sticky image.
Compelling. I am xXxStraightxXxEdgexXx 4 lyfe now.
Tell her the chamman dump the bodies of overdosed fools on the river and everybody thinks they get lost on the jungle.
>this is actually true
Yeah I don't think any shaman has the capability to extract over 5g of DMT from a single plant.
Most likely drug-related cause of death from these things is people not fasting beforehand and getting serotonin syndrome from the MAOI.
You were sold Rohypnol and raped not DMT.
DMT = Crystalline busy workmanlike elves running the werks of the unterplane and occasionally smirking or chirping at you. No sleep involved.
>peyote a tame substitute for Ayhuasca.
My friend, I did peyote one time years back. Drank it in tea form made to traditional specs. I was not on earth for 7 days and 8 nights. I have tried most things and Peyote by far was the most potent one.
I think by "sleep" he means go un responsive so far as others are concerned.
I think he's never actually done real DMT.
So, basically everyone on Sup Forums fucks around with hallucinogens?
Like most people who say they have on the internet.
She's going to black out for a day or so and about 30 men are going to pay to have sex with her unconscious body.
If you want to form a reasoned opinion (i.e. be 'redpilled') on drugs you need to at least try some and possibly have a personal mandate to try at least one of each 'category'.
I do psychedelics and Heil htiler, tell me how I'm a liberal faggot
Hallucinogens...rarely. Psychotomin/Psychotropen.
Neo puritan fags need to read the sticky (false dichotomy). Doing psychedelics doesn't make you a liberal faggot, nor does not doing them make you morally superior.
While I personally wouldn't describe the experience of smoking DMT as 'sleeping' there is a strong urge to relax one's eyelids and lie down during the onset of an inhaled DMT trip. Combine that with the time dilation effects and overall 'dreamlike' experience and an inexperienced user could reasonably be expected to believe they slept.
How do you get drugs in Taiwan? Aren't they super brutal against that kind of thing?
Only on long holiday. I had access to a complete ethnobotanical/research chem. restricted catalogue in Amerika.
Go to 14:00.
>research chemicals
Don't touch that shit.
depends what it is fool