Chaffetz Questions ICE on the 953,507 Aliens with Final Removal Orders

How will they recover

America wtf, why do you release criminals, murderers and sex offenders in your population?

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Does anybody have the Chaffetz pepe?

So Ben Shapiro stops being based and Chaffetz now enters the scene and blasts cucks left and right.

balance is restored.

They're certainly trying their best to avoid any attention to these hearings, since the 4th of july I've seen nothing but BLM shit in the news and hillary shilling.
Not only mainstream / social media but also here.
BLM threads, nigger Sup Forums tier threads, etc 24/7.
This wasn't so bad a month ago, they've really stepped up their game.

Learned from Trumps mistake, repeatedly explained he was talking about the serious criminals beyond just illegally crossing the border.

trump will make them enforce this shit.

I certainly hope so
the numbers are appalling so far, still listening to some of the latest videos from today

Remember that america still keep stas for this stuff. sweden does not. does holland?

my point being that things are probably waaaaay worse in europe


Awesome. Thank you!

this women to hisright.....

I thought the term "Alien" was a slur.

I wonder if these "232,074" crimes were felonies or simple infractions and misdemeanors? IIRC, The Obama administration is committed to removing felons first and removed millions of illegal immigrants so I'm left wondering if this is not just political spin.

>that have been ordered by a judge at some level to leave the country. . .
I wonder if Chaffetz has never heard of due process or the process to appeal a decision made by every "judge at some level?"

>state department

This is Hillary's State Department he's talking about?

I heard the US had 0 (zero) immigration between 1926 to 1955?

Anyone know about this? is it on wiki?

What's with American institutions and not following the laws? That old hooker looks just like Hilary Clinton

I wonder why if that is the law, why it has only been used once since it was on the books? Is the issue more complex, involving international diplomacy, other treaties, etc. than is being presented?

>my point being that things are probably waaaaay worse in europe
Just in your country Sven, Germany cucked itself though. you let yourself get cucked for years now to a point where you have no go zones and city of malmo, now the rape capital of the EU.
No that's "ayy"
Does it matter?
These people have order to leave the country, they don't, continu to steal, kill and rape, only get dealt with once they are caught.
Yes among others
Not being monitored or regulated well enough so that people higher up can abuse the system from the inside.
Often more than not you need to get through 3-5 groups of third parties before you get to the real crooks who for some reason or another tried to make a quick buck on the behalf and regression of the people and society.
I mean the same people responsible, who knowingly and willingly commited the housing market fraud leading up to the 2008 crash, these people who were responsible with the banks got immediatly bailed out afterwards, no trial, no courts. they're still in business.
You got to wonder if you want your nation to be lead by people who have absolutely no integrity.



saved. Thanks user.

You don't get to appeal illegal status you dumbshit libcuck

go back to mexico

>Does it matter?
Yes, it does. Do you believe the federal government and ICE is made of unlimited resources? That there are unlimited immigration judges and courts to handle the cases? That there are a set number, a zero sum, of illegal immigrants committing and bein convicted of felonies? That those who are convicted of misdemeanors or infractions, for example speeding, are just as dangerous as "thieves, murderers, and rapists?"

There's a reason why administrations make priorities. If the felons are being removed nearly as quickly as they are being convicted and those who are convicted of minor infractions or misdemeanors

>You don't get to appeal illegal status you dumbshit libcuck
[citation needed]
I'm going to guess you're one of those special individuals who believes only US citizens are entitled to due process under the Constitution?

Chaffetz/Gowsdy of vice versa FOR PRESIDENT 2024 WHO'S WITH ME

I understand they haven't got unlimited resources but for what good cause should illegals have the right to stay, reminder that these people have far more children on avarage and are a huge strain on your economy on the long run, how is this a good thing?
Also having no idea who or where they exactly are is the first problem to address

You have to go back.

no but it was limited by a nationality-based quota system during those years

"muh holocaust" was exploited to get rid of it

>have the right to stay
Straw man? Who said they have a right to stay? The point was whether or Chaffetz is trying to spin the facts and present the issue in a way far more sinister than it really is. That these are "dangerous" individuals that are being let out into society rather than people arrested and convicted of less serious crimes than "theft, murder, and rape."

Am to assume by the lack of a citation that you have nothing to support the claim:
>You don't get to appeal illegal status?

No I'm saying you have to go back, alongside your beaner criminal cousin. Be sure to lay a brick in the wall on your way.

>The point was whether or Chaffetz is trying to spin the facts and present the issue in a way far more sinister than it really is
Is it my dear shill, because so far regarding this issue, the Hillary trial all the evidence is there and the people being questioned cannot answer on even some of the more simple matters.
When there is no clarity and these people are obstructing a trial even though they know more about the facts than they're willing to admit is it not you who has to open their eyes and admit that maybe something is wrong about this and the people shilling for mass immigration, etc do not have your interest best at heart.

Can we prosecute the Secretary of State for not following immigration laws?
Kill yourself

this chaffetz guy seems pretty cool
redpill me on chaffetz Sup Forums

>When there is no clarity and these people are obstructing a trial
We are talking immigration and ICE and you respond about Hillary's trial about Benghazi and refer to her as "these people" as if somehow the whole administration is on trial for everything done by everyone even somehow tanegentially related?

Do you honestly expect me to take you seriously?
No, I guess not. I'm done wasting time bringing up inconvenient facts to someone who demonstrates having a closed-mind and incapable of contemplating being wrong on this issue.

>Kill yourself
Not an argument.

I don't give a fuck if it's JAYWALKING if you're illegal and commit a crime you go back
IF you're Illegal and get stopped by the cops you go back
If your neighbor tells on you for being illegal you go back
You committed a crime by crossing the boarder illegally
you must be held to the same standards as all citizens
As my fellow user said make sure you place a brick in the wall as you cross back

I agree with you that anyone who is here illegally should go back to where they came from. However, what I cannot hold truck with is bullshit like Chaffetz is spewing. That's just playing politics. That makes it even harder to actually deal with the issue.

fucks sake

gayenese, kek

Due process is granted by the constitution to citizens faggott

Only to citizens? It does not afford similar protections to Legal Permanent Residents?

Move the goal post much faggott?

got the link to the full hearing bro?

why are democrats actively trying to destroy the USA and why haven't the republicucks done a single thing about the democrats actively destroying the country?

Are you tossing around a term you do not understand? The point was that illegal immigrants are protected by due process just like citizens are.

Perhaps I gave your intelligence too much credit? Were you posting something entirely redundant when you posted:
>Due process is granted by the constitution to citizens
Am I to understand that you were not trying to argue that illegal immigrants are not afforded due process protections under the Constitution?

>The point was that illegal immigrants are protected by due process just like citizens are.
Foreign invaders on US soil are provided no protections by US law, no matter how you word their status.

>Foreign invaders on US soil are provided no protections by US law
Foreign "invaders?" Are you trying to argue about a different class of people from illegal immigrants as some sort of militants? Even "enemy combatants" held in Gitmo are protected by due process.