Where is the rage? Your turn white people
Where is the rage? Your turn white people
He was acting like a nigger. He refused to comply to the police officers a dozen+ times.
He started wandering around the street like a lunatic. He refused to comply over and over again.
Unlike a nigger, I'm able to see this for what it is. The idiot deserved to be put down. Sorry faggots.
Yah, almost nobody knows about this kid because the media only reports it when black guys get shot by cops. Makes them more money and feeds the leftist agenda.
tips fedora
They shot him with a shotgun when he was already injured on the ground and bleeding out....
>white guy acts like nigger
>gets shot
>whites see this and accept it
>nigger acts like nigger
>gets shot
But he didn't do anything, was pulled over for nothing and have no guns on him
Good, fucking I hope it hurt.
Call me edgy, but if you don't cooperate with police, you're acting like a nigger, and deserve to be put down like one.
Fuck off
So the fuck what? Did you even watch the video? They kept telling him what to do and refused over and over and over and over again. What do you expect the police to do? Leave him there to bleed out while they grab some coffee and munchkins at the local DD's?
He was either a feral retard or wanted to die. Suicide by cop is common you faggot.
Whites get killed by the police all the time. Just like with niggers it was probably deserved.
one less degenerate faggot who if lived would probably lie and make it out to be like he's the victim and dindu nuffin
I just can't wait till I see all your children getting shot by guardians of the state
pretty tragic but suicide by cop is still suicide.
No gives a fuck about some spoiled white clovis kid who copped an attitude with the porkers. Assholes like him r always terrorizing the road ways by driving fast and flying around corners.
Ive been pulled over plenty of times and nothing bad every came out of it. Plus I'm a beaner
Did they have to shoot him with the shot gun after they already shot him 4 times and he was on the ground? This is why no one pays attention when whites are shot even though police shoot more unarmed white people
>acting like a nigger
no he wasn't. He knew exactly what he was doing. Right before he was shit he scream "i fucking hate my life"
it was a suicide.
Obviously MSM hasn't shown this at all.
Who the fuck is this
Clearly a suicide by cop, feel sorry for the kids family and the officer he forced to kill him. If you want to kill yourself just jump off a bridge.
Been pulled over 6 times and complied every single time. Not a single ticket
My children are taught to comply and not jump out of a motor vehicle when a cop is asking you to do X. In fact, I don't even need to teach my kids not to walk down the middle of the street regardless of the situation.
Who does that? Either a fucking retard or somebody who wants to get killed by the cops.
So what do you recommend? He was non-compliant. He did not obey the officer's commands. How much of a hypocrite are you?
Was the fat nigger who was blasted "executed" by cops also somebody who dindu nuffin?
stay woke mah nigga
He deserved to be killed he's a fucking degenerate that has no respect for the police and can't follow simple instructions
He probably deserved it.
Pro tip. White people only rage at niggers
This thread makes me happy, all of your children will be shot by our own secret police and you will say welp they moved their hand wrong
Someone post a link or video
We don't chimp out like you niggers. Seriously I don't know this kid, I give 0 fucks.
He looks suspiciously non white, like a mexican or something of that nature.
My rage is reserved for the niggers who are responsible for the militarization of our police in the first place.
Why does he have a boner?
>If I... If I had a son... He would probably look just like him. *whines internally*
I dunno... Anyone want to walk on highways, refuse to leave until our incoherent or non-existent demands are met, and yell at reporters for not reporting about us walking on highways?
What about daniel shavers who begged for his life on his hands and knees no gun? I could post these all day
Watched the video, doesn't say a word in it, copniggers just shoot at his truck like copniggers do.
>All the bootlicking cucks in this thread
Stay golden americucks.
>Where is the rage?
We're responsible adults and have a fun thing called foresight, with which we use to look into the future based on any given decision we choose to make and predict what the outcome to that decision may be.
Plus, BLM's welfare checks don't pay themselves, some of us have to work so they can go out and disrupt our economy.
>Can't think beyond petty tribalism
Pick one, faggots.
Classic suicide by cop, kid even says "I hate my life" in the body cam video. It's a shame he chose to die but the cops were just doing their job.
Not taking the chance
this plz, I want to see and see if I chimp out
he literally said he wanted to be shot right as he got shot.
His family should be fined for the bullets in my opinion.
Get your ears checked you Paki-Nigger-Chink. Kid wanted to get shot.
Explain this then
Sup Forums literally blow the fuck out
Come to think of it, minus niggershines dictating response, how many fewer of the roughly 480 whites killed by cops would have wound up dead?
At least 50.
Anothrr white man shot in the back while face down with his hands above his head
I don't have a gf faggit
>driving a lifted truck
I'm scared
Goebbeleafs speak the truth.
The second shooting seemed pretty questionable but he was practically asking to be shot the first time.
why the boner?
bootlickers, bootlickers err'where.
Don't care if bait
The difference is white people don't turn around and justify a bunch of drunk assholes fucking things up as a legitimate political movement.
White Lives Matter most
flipping a news van isn't the same as burning down churches and small businesses and murdering eye witnesses that went against the narrative of the situation your protesting. Nigger.
Oh fuck off
Well act like it instead of boot licking
fuck you
He deserved to be shot twice, but the shotgun was waaaay ott, they could have held him down at that point. But the guy was acting like a nigger
What? Whats teh story of this?
Just because you wimpy white faggots aren't brave enough to take the fight to the streets against positions of power who oppress you as well doesn't mean that you should undermine the efforts of black people to fight an unjust system.
post sauce faggit
Man crawled out of his hotel room on his hands and knees begging not to die and got ventilated when he pulled his pants up
Wife called the police on the guy because he was in a hotel room with another woman.
I guess it's an effective way to slide shill threads
oh come on
White people aren't a mob.
Thats not what happened his wife was in the room
You will die tonight.
Which is why you get cucked
It's true guys
>brave enough
there's nothing brave about protesting today
you face no real danger and no real sacrifice because they destroy other people's hard work and property
you fucking moron
Faggot. Why'd you have to drag my gf into this
people only get mad at what the media tells them to get mad at.
This. The media is trying to start a race war, this doesn't fit their agenda
No, cause that would be happening to me, and I would do something about it.
Nobody mentioned kangaroos.
Why arr white people okay with being murdered by police
he fucking deserved it
this OP IS A FAG
Yes frenchie, nothing really sticks it to the man like stabbing, shooting, and robbing other civilians on the street, burning and or looting businesses and privately owned cars, being trollbait for anyone to go in with a gun and shoot at protestors then police to escalate shit, breaking police shit that people who actually contribute to society and pay taxes have to replace, and attacking police who are just doing their jobs. The jews are really feeling the hurt. Gonna throw in the towel come next spring I tell ya. Whew lad.
I'm glad the police are doing their job and killing people like this for society
Will you comply when they move you to the fema camps?
Collateral damage
damn you
But thats a spic
Cops should be shooting people, that's the job of border patrol. There should be 0 crime inside of country, nigger should be shot at borders, as well as Mexicans, then cops should be re-educated to solve real crime and not play cowboys when they are useless faggots in solving real crime.