What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

He looks like the serial killer from Reno 911

doing his job, he wasn't the hunk they wished for

why legitimate reasons would he have to stick fingers in their vaginas?

another jewish pedo, what a surprise

Literally nothing. Rubbing their pelvic region and in and around their anus is his job. They're gymnasts, he has to work over and probe those areas with his fingers. I like a lot of these gymnasts like Maroney, so for her sake I hope she's not lying and was really raped here, it'd be a bad look for them to exaggerate the facts and lock an innocent man up.

he confessed, you nimrod

>I hope she's not lying and was really raped here

is there audio of it?

He confessed

And they have literally nothing to gain from falsely accusing him

He had like 3 terabytes of child pornagrophy on his computer


Damn what a sick fuck, was any of his Maroney work filmed and leaked? I want to see how disgusting he truly is!

So that's why they went on another janitor hiring spree.



Wtf do you even do with 3tb of pics its not like you will fap to everysingle one

does a connoisseur drink every bottle in his wine cellar?


This. It's hard to tell how much he did without seeing evidence

desu i think he just really liked raping children

kek, takes me back.

he did what all of us wish we could

Kiddy fiddler desu.

Daily reminder that if he was a Chad all those girls would happily be letting him "molest" them to this very day

>I like these gymnasts so I hope they were molested

holy fuck ive been trying to figure that out for ages

the drugs didn't last long enough

that's what you'd think, james franco

someone has to take the fall for the elite. he is the perfect fall guy. I only hope he has the balls to spill the beans on everyone around him.

I'll show you later

None of these girls were old enough to be a good vintage desu
