NFL Prematurely Promotes Patriots-Vikings Super Bowl LII Matchup


>All possible superbowls facebook posts are pre-made
>Most probable superbowl is the default one
>muh conspiracy

>Post is by the NFL
>You could win tickets to watch the Patriots vs. Vikings

Why not post all four teams or no teams at all? And then not mention that the tickets are for the Vikings vs Patriots....
Just FYI, Association football is rigged too Mohammed.


>Most probable owl


I think they meant to post it on monday or tuesday (looks like they may have mistaken the week) when the superbowl was known and would have posted the correct pre-made post

>Super Bowl is in Minnesota
>Obvious, purposely missed tackle by the Saints defender last week.

The fix is in. Professional wrestling was the first sport exposed because Jew McMahon didn't want to pay taxes. Soon NFL, NBA, and all soccer games will be moved to /asp/.

Until Brady decides to become the heel Mohammad Bradee of the New England Jihadists against Big Ben in his biker phase, I think we're okay.

>he believes the three other possibilities have even been considered, never mind designed

>bit ly
>asking for donations

Obviously hacked. A billionaire industry would never need to use those.

Three times

Wow, go for a fourth, shill.

I'm going to post it in every single thread that pops up about this garbage.

You're a disgrace to your shithole of a country.

You're a disgrace to rational thinking.

You know your team is going to lose (Pats and Vikings are the obvious favorites), so you're already looking for excuses before the game even begun because a Russian hacker wanted to make a quick buck.

Don't reply to my posts, Jose. You have no right.

t. low IQ amerimutt

Well obviously they have a bunch of these made ahead of time, because tom brady is getting his ass KICKED on sunday


So what is a real sport then?

Are you actually French and if so where do you live? American living in Paris, could do with a sportsbro over here

Very reputable.

Golf is the only obvious answer.

Didn't something like this happen last year?

Why can't this be the reality we live in?

Apparently if you googled vikings super bowl appearance or patriots super bowl appearance, it lists this year too. If this comes to, I'm actually done watching football.

>you're about to fuck a new girl for the first time
>she bends over
>see this

wat do.

Dive in

Stuck on pooper

Please respond to this user()
it makes me sade that you ignored him for this long :(

so now they are going to rig it for the eagles to save face.

I despise the Vikings almost as much as the Patriots, which would be worse/better? Pats trolling the Vikings at Minneapolis and matching the Stillers (I also hate them) or Vikings winning at home? The Jags truly are the good guys

This is all a plot to get viewers and increase ratings for this weekend, knowing loads of people will scrutinize every play and call looking for evidence to justify their suspicions.

Nigga I was asleep
Yes I'm french living in Normandy, I'm completely autisitc though

remember when people were posting that if you google searched "Patriots Super Bowl Appearances" and it showed Super Bowl 52 and the same for the Vikings but not for the Eagles or Jaguars and everyone started sperging out and calling them autists and screaming about MUH ALGORITHMS? lol fucking faggots