Warning, EXTREMELY graphic video from Nice

Warning, EXTREMELY graphic video from Nice

We must deport them all right now
This is so sad

Fucking muslim scum. Burn in hell



It was a truck driver, not a terrorist


Thank fuck we left the EU. Muslims are all scum and no cucked EU officials should be able to make us take them in.

surreal, why isnt anyone helping

Nothing but...


What exactly happened?


Jesus what the fuck? What happened?

Assault truck.

No way the religion of peace could behind this one

ever heard of state of shock, filthy dumbass ?

>rivers of blood
>victims laying spread out
>no missing limbs
>no additional gore on the street
Didn't know trucks could kill people any other way than squashing them.

WIll someone give me a non-twitter source my computer doesn't do twitter videos.

Well fucking memed retard. We get it.

Why did the truck do what it did?

That's fucked up.
It's confirmed Muzzies right?

It did squash them dumbass

i mean like the police. if it is immediately after the truck went through where is the crowd? seems like few people

He was running in the 90's.

blunt force trauma retard

The truck decided to get an extended bumper, thus becoming an assault truck, killing innocents

islam is a religion of peace, isis isnt islam

ban assault trucks pls

Oh gee I wonder, there certainly couldn't be a religion behind this attack...

why the fuck are you people linking twitter these days. Jesus this place is consistently terrible

How many of those people voted day in, day out, for the status quo? How many feel so great about diversity, and smug about being so progressive.
Fuck them all. America has a very tiny portion of people paying attention, Europe has even less.

It just shows a bunch of people, not a whole lot of blood, and the quality is bad enough you can't make out a whole lot. I've seen a lot worse in R rated movies.

>ban assault trucks pls

European trucks are actually a lot safer than American trucks.

We consider American trucks death machines.

I hope so. Please someone confirm this.

I'm sure you pussies will respond the same way you always do. If even one of you idiots had balls, you could easily take out hundreds upon hundreds of Muslim pigs if you wanted. Like blowing up a large mosque on a Friday, when most of these leeches are praying. Or better yet - throwing Molotov cocktails on them, all the whole barricading the doors of the mosque.


Lots of poos near Dearborn, Pajeet. Call your senpai.

While certainly distressing for the dead/injured and their families, we must remember that the real victims of this tragedy will be those who are assaulted by islamophobic rhetoric in the coming days.

Hillary Clinton

What do you want them to do? None of them are medics, all they can do is wait for ambulances and try to stop the bleeding.

>bunch of dead bodies in the street
>what happened?
>assault truck
You'd make a great detective, user.

its sad that these people have died, even if they're french. but more people are becoming woke everytime this happens. i have a feeling that this was the final straw. european peoples will no longer stand for this. you're going to see a sharpe rise in retrebutions among native people. the thing we've memed about for all these years, for all the oldfags and newfriends alike. stay safe fellow poors, the war in europe has started. its time to bring the front to them

Yeah we get it, assault truck, haha

No one cares about your gun laws right now

that webm pisses me off so bad