The beautiful sport
The beautiful sport
Nice to see people in Detroit finally giving real football a chance.
Can't wait to see them in european youth teams in twenty years time
the beautiful game
How the fuck do you play in flip flops?
A game of true sportsmanship and gentlemanly courtesy
They don't have trees in Detroit m8
it trades a lower top speed for easier penalties and fouls so it's really a tactical decision
when did football become popular in Alabama?
The beautiful gay
Really beautiful.
Honestly, if you think about it, football is one of the best sports that can be played as a hobby, all the rules are bendable, all you need is a ball.
Can't imagine those kids playing American football or baseball.
Although i once saw kids in England play cricket in a park once, didn't get the appeal at all. Most of the playtme was spent on fetching the ball
more murders in Detroit m8
I was talking about the ones in the OP picture good job completely missing the point
>Although i once saw kids in England play cricket in a park once, didn't get the appeal at all. Most of the playtme was spent on fetching the ball
Playing with flip-flops is shit in every aspect
Maradona honed the skills that made him the GOAT on that very pitch.
to be fair to the Euros, Brazilians aren't human and have never been so you can't group them together.
So this is what Diego Costa has been doing all season?
>le argentines are black meme
why do people keep forcing this? I don't understand.
trinidad & trivago
These people are too white to be from Argentina
The future of the french national team is looking bright
All you need for baseball is a stick and something shaped kind of like a ball. The Dominicans have been doing that shit for decades. There are plenty of ways to bend American football rules too like smear the queer and 500.
Seriously, are they any non-shitskin and non-faggot countries where soccer is the main sport?
are there* any
This actually is beautiful though. If you understand the romanticism of street soccer being played by people living in poverty you are a fucking pleb.
don't understand*
every time
This is why I prefer hockey. It costs hundreds or thousands of dollars to play per year so you don't have to deal with poor people.
why are the cold parts of the world so much more civilized than the rest?
>I don't have to deal with poor people
>Russia dominates
>we're terrible at sports so let's make up a sport that only rich people can play at in order to give ourselves a chance
>Russia dominates
At least our white people are good at sports. What sport are white Americans down to being the best at? Driving a car around in a circle for 90 minutes? Pathetic.
*invents concussionegg*
I bet your wife's pretty good at bull riding, 56%'er.
>talking to a mexican as if he cared about white people
he won't give a shit m8
t.12 years old
This is what is called projection
>This is what is called projection
They could probably project an IMAX movie on your gut, amerifat.
I do think it's beautiful that those kids, who probably don't even have eletricity or pipe water, can have fun because of the sport and dream of a better future through it. Most won't make it, obviously, but at least it soothes the misery of their youth.
Agree completely. But not edgy enough for Sup Forums
I always wonder how shit amerimutts feel when they learn the truth.
it's unfair. Basketball is a black sport in America
>it's unfair because Amerimutts are black and Argentines are white
he made it about race, how's this unfair?
>was lynched, quartered and beheaded by football spectators after he stabbed a player in a match he officiated on June 30, 2013.
How do things get this bad? Even by third world shithole standards, Brazil is a fascinatingly terrible place.
NBA all-stars are black because blacks are superior athletes
if you look at tier 2 teams, they're white
a mutt is somebody who is extremely mixed. aside from curry most of their apehoop team isnt mixed race.
You find it shocking that south american shitskins behave like subhumans?
Nah, it's because America's culture is devoted to black praising. This goes from sports to music.
The vast majority of europeans don't give a shit about Basketball and yet they still make a fair amount of the best players in the league.
"""black""" people in USA are not really black, they're mixed beyond recognition.
it just happens that amerimutts used the one drop rule, that's all.
All those black players are at least 10% white
you haven't seen real black until you go to France/Africa
source for that chart? Brazil can't be that fucking murderous
>t Rodrigo "Pistola" Martínez.
why are argentinians always seething about race? why can't they just embrace your mixed genes like brazilians?
It's probably worst than that by now.
Honestly I have no idea. Not remotely funny
>let's use nigs as farm equipment instead of exterminating them
You had one job yuropeans.
if anyone's seething that's amerimutts posting fake images with dumb filenames just because they're angry at their mixed roots.
argies are a bunch of notoriously fragile shitskins desperate to convince everyone that they are a country worth taking seriously. Triggering them on Sup Forums is really fun desu
glad to see the sport is growing in the US.
wasnt that mainly because of the frogs and waffles? bongs just used irish "people" instead.
another unsourced graphic is not a source lad
>there's more Spanish speakers in America than in Argentina
let that sink in
>this truck dodger ITT making the same miserable attempt at failed bants
a few posts later...
its almost like theres more people in america than argentina or something.
>north korea
How the hell did they get that data?
Malvinas lol
> Otávio sent off player Josemir Santos Abreu, 31, who refused to leave the field and began a fight with the referee. Abreu threw a punch, which prompted Otávio to draw a knife from his pocket and repeatedly stab Abreu
why does the ref have a knife
>Abreu died on the way to the hospital.[2][6] When fans watching the game, including Abreu's friends and family, found out about his death,[7] they invaded the pitch[8] and stoned Cantanhede, before decapitating him, quartering him,[9] and putting his head on a stake in the pitch
why did the match go on after the ref stabbed a guy and called an ambulance?
Holy shit stop fucking crying about it. I don't care for baseball much, but that doesn't mean I go and complain about it everyday.
55,000 of those blue murders are America
nobully detroit fc
yea we also have more portuguese speakers than portugal, lmao you're a fucking joke.
You don't actually.
There are 10 million people in Portugal btw.
but they've at least something to wear, right?
that doesn't seem right
Can't see what is ugly about children playing.
Pretty much every country in this list undercounts the actual murder number.
down the hall and to the left
It's weird how America went from hating black people to worshipping their dogshit culture
They're africans in the mud for one
Tbh this, It's not funny
>o-only the good ones are black we have plenty of white players, they're just bad
>t. I'm German, Irish, Swedish, English, Polish, and Dutch
detroit is way uglier than that
this guy will be in another thread, furious, that anons say soccer is popular because poor people can play
t. seething
>the beautiful sport
baseball is more romantic in that regard
You'd think players of such a beautiful sport could afford a hand saw.