Cristiano Ronaldo is the most hated man on earth. He is hated for scoring tap-ins, for not scoring...

Cristiano Ronaldo is the most hated man on earth. He is hated for scoring tap-ins, for not scoring, for scoring penalties, for missing penalties, he is hated for scoring against small teams, he is hated for not scoring against small teams, he is hated for getting the credit for his team's win, even when he deserves, he is blamed for his team's loss, even though he tried his best. He was hated for not winning any international trophy but after euro 16, he is hated for not being present in the field in the final for most of the time and still winning it. To be a Cristiano Ronaldo is probably the toughest thing in the world. This is all because Haters can’t accept the fact that he’s wayy too good.

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>most hated man on Earth
probably not

I agree with this post. People hate what they don't understand and Cristiano Ronaldo is indeed someone who cannot be easily understood especially by those with a simple mind due to how good he is in the beautiful game. He's not great at dribbling, he's not great at making plays, but all of that doesn't matter when you're a massive goalscoring threat. You can say whatever you want about his dribbling ability but dribbles doesn't win you games, goals do, and CR7 is unrivaled when it comes to that.

>copy the text to microsoft word
>change: hated for: loved

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Cristiano Ronaldo.

because he thinks he's even in the same league as messi, when he's far from it

How is it any different than what Messi faces except for the tap ins?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Cristano Ronaldo. His play is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical football most of his skills will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Cristianos's nihilistic playstyle, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from other tap in masters like klose, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of his football, to realize that he's not just talented-he is the greatest in HISTORY. As a consequence people who dislike Cristiano Ronaldo truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the skill in Cristianos's exeptional tap ins. What fools... how I pity them.

They hated Jesus too

when somone will ever say to you, I hate you remember they first hated Ronaldo sama

He literally can't make plays at all

Is he pretty widely hated outside the States? Any foreigners wanna chime in here

dude, only bad things about him are reported. the leftists rule the medias in europe

Only incredulous people who treat the media as gospel

every journalist hates him so soy people buys their shit

Media hates him and would rather talk about his newest tweet instead of reporting actual News. Most young guys ive met would have voted for him if they were american.


Hated by his own fans too. And most hilarious of all is that he tries so hard to be liked.

>projecting your manlet insecurities this hard


if you asked people around in europe they would tell you that trump want to kill gays despite allowing trans in the army
the level of desinformation that the international media is pushing is astonishing, no wonder every major newspaper is going down

No but i will tell you that journalists are absolute commie scum that will report literally anything to make trump look like dumb or mean etc, and when they make interviews about opinion on him they edit so the only complaining about him can be heard, they are twisting the reality image. We got bombed by Clintons and we absolutely hate them and 99% of this country supports/ed Trump and yet the media that is owned by USA and EU globalists shilled for Hillary here so badly.

According to the dumbfuck uni kids he's the devil incarnate, racist, mysoginist, homophobic, xenophobic every buzzword imaginable.

Journos need to be rounded up and shot, cunts are mad with power

Trump makes it easy to be hated, but news reports of American politics outside of America are carbon-copy of CNN.

European news media simply regurgitates american MSM.

Every laughs at him but fucking hates his policies


It's impossible to tell you how much of a fucking joke this clown is here. Like a spurdo comic accidentally became potus.

Colombian here (in America for a work trip.) No self-respecting south american has a positive opinion of Trump

because he's against of the resurgence of the spanish empire?

cnn and new york post are the only american media that european journalists consume

How many ilegal mexicans has colombia, honest? question


Not a sizeable amount. To be honest, there isn't a thing that could be perceived as "an illegal inmigrant" in Colombia because inmigration laws are never enforced. In general they are indistinguishable from your average poor Colombian. We don't have a separate connotation just for illegal inmigrants like say, Americans do. We do have a shitload of illegal venezuelans due to their crisis, though.

Ronaldo > Messi
I'm not even memeing. Look at the stats and it's clear who the better player is. Ronaldo has proven himself in the most competitive league in the world too (EPL), Messi has done no such thing.

do people from colombia support mexico taking over their lost lands?

literally everyone that has played against them disagrees

I don't. He has some good ideas on certain topics but I believe he's a fucking moron on most subjects. 6/10 would vote for.

In the US he has the support of half the country at least.
His image here is worse than kin jong un or putin

Is this the exaggeration station?

Hi obsessed proxy leaf


He's based, death to illegal inmigrants

Just stating facts my gypo friend. Sounds like you're the one projecting

fucking lol