>read this article where the guy is so butthurt that Suicide Squad 2 is being made
You can't make this shit up

Other urls found in this thread:

that guy deserves no clicks on his page so not gonna bother, that said SS may have had some problems but a sequel could definitely address them, hopefully Warner will look at the success of things like Logan and Deadpool and give Ayer the R-rating it deserved and more leeway, it's fucking bullshit how he had to basically kowtow and say the theatrical cut was the true cut.

But it was a movie that was universally accepted as a shit and the fact it's getting a sequel at all further proves how incompetent a studio Warner Bros. is.

>directly linking to the article.
Shilling on a chinese cartoon website.

>universally accepted as a shit

What, was Heat Street down or something?

Literally a nothing article. All he says is "it made a lot of money so they will make a sequel and that's bad because reasons."

It has more oscars than the MCU, therefor it's better

Where was this imaginary bias during Nolan's run?

DC movies have just been shit, Man of Steel was the only decent one

>a sequel to a terrible movie doesn't warrant disgust

What world do you think we live in?

I love how insane the MCUcks are getting lately, when WW gets a high RT score, just because she is the first female cape to get a modern solo movie, they are going to lose their minds, the shitposting and tears here are going to be glorious thou.

Speak for yourself. Fucking loser

I loved MoS and BvS, and even I know SS was hot garbage.

MoS was unwatchable

They lost their fucking minds when Iron Fist got rekt by RT, can't wait to see Wonder Woman doing great.

I didn't love SS but enjoyed for what it was. But a lot of younger adults loved it. Especially teenage girls and Harley.

If movie didn't appease your exquisite movie taste it doesn't mean it's garbage.

Suicide Squad was on par with the rest of Marvel flicks.

shitskins love it and this is trumps america so they need to win

>Also per PostTrak, the combination of African American and Hispanic moviegoers made up a huge 41% of the audience with both audiences giving the film a whopping 81% positive score.

>Suicide Squad has a 73% total positive score

But Dcucks just can't accept reality and would rather die living in denial than accept that maybe WB is just shit and can't make good movies even with fucking batman in it.

>Suicide Squad was on par with the rest of Marvel flicks.
Hit the nail on the head. They're all mediocre action flicks, the company war stuff is ridiculous.

I don't feel comfortable giving such an awful studio any of my hard earned autism bux. It would be validating their shitty decisions.

>Sup Forums is so contrarian it's started praising Suicide Squad
What a time to be alive

>73% positive score
>everybody hates it
Make up your mind shills I'm confused!!

but it also made a shit-ton of money without China, plus take into account all the home video and merchandise money it's making so take a wild guess why

>DCEU's worst movie still has more oscars than marlels best

it won an oscar
where are the marvel oscars?

>the hate against DC isn't real
t. no one ever

>make shitty movies
>keep making shitty movies


>he can climb anything


On the day of reckoning, all these glorified Disney shills would be put on public display for execution.

The movie.

>except the RT charts

jesus christ just end your life m8

Journalists are just passive-aggressive cunts.

I haven't met one person in real life who didn't like Suicide Squad. Can't believe internet critics still think they matter.

What's your problem, clam chowder?

Can someone remind me how many Oscars the MCU has?

Of course it's real. And it's justified.

>won infinitely more Oscars than the entire MCU

Funny, I've literally never met anyone who did like it.

You can't meet anyone when you don't leave your room.

Are you being intentionally retarded user?

Those races don't watch movies with actual plot and character development. They'll avoid a movie that shows any hint of substance.

I think they have a Kids Choice Award.


why wouldnt he be butthurt? suicide squad was physically painful to sit through

Do Nickelodeon Awards count?

I hate DC movies but only because they're all unwatchably shitty. Unearned hate against DC isn't real. Critics rate DC movies as bad because DC movies are bad. Marvel movies usually do a pretty good job of following a formula of shit that works. I don't like them, personally, because they're all the same, but they still work as movies. Unfortunately, no matter how open minded I am when I watch them, DC movies are so bad I can't deal with them.

most are the same, but not all. winter solider is not the same movie as thor for example


the only people i know who liked it are under eighteen gen z cunts like you

suicide squad was bad

nothing wrong with trying again

It wasnt released in China and ended up with 700 million at box office so yeah heaps of people liked it

Btw I saw it twice at cinemas

>nobody mentions marvel
>criticize 1 dc movie
>"b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bb--b-b-b-b-b-b-but mm-m-arvel..."

making a sequel to a terrible movie is something wrong actually. especially when good movies like Dredd didnt get the sequels they deserved

Why would you get mad that a movie you didn't like is getting a sequel? Do you insist on the cultural hegemony reflecting your tastes at all time?

Where I work there is a redbox, and I hear plenty of people say how much they loved suicide squad, all white trash though.

Is suicide squad the saltiest movie ever made ?

AVClub must be looking for ways to have a butthole transplant right about now

you would get mad if ghostbusters was getting a sequel, admit it

I hope WB gives it to Mel.

No I wouldn't because I never even saw the new one, or the old one either I think.

>forced perspective
>platform shoes
>hiding his head on the chest plate
>fake head
how insecure can one man be?

>Waah why did sjws criticize bvs
>Ahaha look sjws are criticizing iron fister

ok, fine. Just pretend you dont care that most movies are crap and its fine that so much shit keeps getting made

Power rangers also had a very high positive score

The fact that they are trying so hard proves how bias the media is. Other Movies that are considered bad don't get the same amount of attention and press.

Man of steel: 7/10. decent, somewhat underrated action movie

Batman vs superman: 6/10. flawed but ambitious, Batman was the best part

Suicide squad: 2/10. complete garbage

how will this trend continue?

Shit has always been getting made, most of everything is crap.

man of steel is an 8/10

bvs is a 9/10 you need a high IQ to fully understand the genius behind the film though.

>Not archived


>DC makes nothing but shit movies
>DC fanboys get angry when people don't like them

>it made money so it's good
>it made a bunch of money so people like dit

You know what else made a shit ton of money? This piece of shit made 1 billion dollars. Does that mean it's not a terrible movie? Plus making 700m doesn't mean it made money for WB.

You're retarded if you think that's true.

At least Alice 2 flopped hard
We can only hope audiences won't buy Suicide Squad 2

And that stops it from being shit how exactly?

just imagine the Salt levels if this happens. It will be Election night all over again

get some salt there

>Suicide Squad 2
get some more salt there

even more salt

AVclub will commit mass suicide .

why did the second one flop so hard if the first one was such a huge hit?

The worst IF review came from my Marvel Zombie friend who summed it up as "it feels like a DC show."

Gud bait

How many Disneybux was he paid?

suicide squad was complete shit. His hate is legitimate and necessary

I love trashy movies but SS was a crime against kino.

The sequel can only be worse.

SS2 first cinematic crime against humanity ?

This. So true. I just don't at all care for what the DCU is making. I honestly try so hard to want to love the DC movies. I watch them ALL, but just am consistently bored by or angered by the choices they make. that said, I truly do love all the animated DC series and movie. Justic league Dark movie was kinda crummy, but I still liked it more than the JL live action film.

Is it contrarian if it's blatant ironic shitposting?

>accepted as shit
>made a fuckload of money

Lel, it's you who is incompetent nigga, this shit's a money maker.

> Doesn't like movie
> Doesn't watch movie