TV Channels: Australia: 7 Europe: Eurosport USA: ESPN
Easton Hernandez
Lawsuit incoming
David Flores
nth for Sharapova will win the Aus Open this year
6-1 0-6 4-6
Leo Lopez
>dead slav
Jordan Kelly
she's so handsome, her sons would have been beautiful if she didn't have such fetish for asian men
Lincoln Lewis
says much about anglo """"men"""" lmao
Ian Harris
>advertisement emblazoned on your shirt What is this divegrass?
Wyatt Harris
Andrew Cox
Djockbot is dead?
William Adams
>mfw Thiem actually makes the SF
Anthony Green
loosening up his anus
Jayden Lopez
>literally assblasted
l m a o
Cameron Bailey
Reminder that Maria shrieks at 98 dB
Andrew Ramirez
>all that money asics wasted on djokovic sad!
Jacob James
I am glad she's got removed from the gene fool, though. Too manly and too much testosterone.
Charles Wilson
I have never seen Sharapova win a match of tennis in my life and she's one of my top tennisfus
Parker Hernandez
Austin Wilson
I miss Murray
Benjamin Bennett
>TFW dated spitting image of Kerber for 3 years but she was insanely crazy and got lazier in bed as the years passed Still miss her bros. They really are soul stealers.
Jaxon Garcia
lads...I'm so fucking happy...I've found him. I've finally find a replacement for Safin.
You know his name. You've hear of his IQ. And you'll soon see him eliminate the competition.
Time to get back into /xyz/. I'm so happy.
Jaxon Campbell
>mfw doc puts a finger up his bum to test his coccyx
Owen Jones
is this michael?
Christopher Walker
I thought the only way for Thiem to do well on hard was to put on red coloured glasses and believe it's clay.
Julian Evans
Is that a live stream? Where can I found it?
Isaac Barnes
2nd one has great legs, but I'll go for the first one
Michael Anderson
this desu
hasn't been the same without him
Isaiah Harris
7tennis using a vpn
Colton Jones
>unironically missing this '''man''''
Angel Hall
no it's Lucifer as in the Devil lol xD
Cooper Jackson
Is pepe imaz there Absolute state of this prediction
Alexander Bell
imagine if the girls only played in sports bras and the rest naked!
Kayden Phillips
>proceeds to destroy his opponent right after a med timeout Every fucking time
Jeremiah Perry
what a cuck. i hope he never recovers
Connor Phillips
Spend $600 and have them 69 each other while you punish all 6 holes.
Noah Lewis
Kerbe usually struggles with enemies much taller than her. that's why she always looked better against Serena than against Masha although Masha was just a bend-over for Gorilliams.
Jordan Allen
He has the most boring tennis I've ever seen, how can you miss Andy 'bam bam' Murray?
Julian Rogers
Is this gyppo on sewer side watch?
Austin Gomez
Connor Stewart
Nipples are gross though. Of course, if I am the one who is sucking those tits then it would be a different story.
Ethan Walker
the future is beautiful
Blake Hill
just thinking about how he would dismantle Berdych right now 2bh
Camden Brown
He got the required firmwire updates Absolute bullshit desu
David Davis
Just heard a blood curdling scream outside.
wat do
Dominic Garcia
why does shazza look so puffy in the face
Andrew Price
Turn up the tennis
Lucas Clark
Keep watching tennis
Ian Mitchell
Pretend to punch a dart and investigate
Jaxon Wilson
Such is life in the Australian Wilderness Just keep watching the tennis matches
Caleb Jackson
>Literally promoting race-mixing on public
He is Scottish, indeed.
Dominic Allen
>set 2 >Kerber still looking good
this can finally happen.
If you're planning on losing your virgeny take the milf for fucks sake. not even a question for thinking people.
Juan Hughes
Sure it wasn't just sharapova?
Xavier Gray
Just lost to Indians, lol.
Asher Jackson
>Dutch Commentator on Sharapova's shrieking: 'Decibels are increasing'
Hudson Robinson
Andrew Sanders
Calm down and get your g...
oh wait, we don't have any.
Benjamin Hall
Nooooo I just want to watch Fedwinslol
Christian Nguyen
Heh, depends who. >Thiem fucks this Your mileage may vary.
Gabriel Gutierrez
i like sharapova because she doesn't wear tape over her nips so they eventually always poke out
Aiden Torres
how can Sharapova have dabitis and own a candy shop at the same time?
Carter Johnson
How come female tennis players crouch after twohanded backhanding sometimes?
Liam Ortiz
Love a bit of net play.
Grayson Howard
>wear tape over her nips only whores do that
Ethan Mitchell
>That eyeliner Makes her look so scary
Gavin Hill
the fuck is wrong with him?
Landon Smith
>ded Potro F
Luke Morales
Nicholas Bennett
>Delpo Depressing 2bh, time to have a shower. Can Fognini stand a chance against Berdych?
Christopher Hill
Doubt it.
William Wright
Delpotro needed his flu-powers to win. Goddamn it
Ryan Reed
nah, he'll only go out to Federer noq
Matthew Bennett
kid is literally me when girls are near me at work
Caleb Barnes
Or people with sensitive nipples, retard. I had to tape mine when running marathons.
Cameron Robinson
c'mon Kirby!
Landon Gonzalez
Based Nole having some flashes of brilliance
Jonathan Flores
djokovic exposing the fuck out of ramos' left hand and ramos aint able to answer.
Jeremiah Thompson
Dominic Allen
oh nose, maria's high on her own supply
Kevin Gomez
Am I the only one watching Hewitt?
Leo Wright
That's the new norm in the UK. Harry showed us a great example.
Justin White
>Sharapova's ass jiggle noice m8.
Oliver Foster
Aren't rolexes just worn by try hards that desperately want to appear rich?
Lucas Stewart
bet you have a southern star tattoo as well
Colton Rogers
Leo Nelson
>people with sensitive nipples sure I believe this is the reason why these women do this, Xiao Wang Dong.
Easton Wright
Djokovic is playing on 1 leg at the moment
Nicholas Diaz
calm down newcunts
Brayden Turner
Sharapovas dress is literally see through
Lincoln Martin
is there an ace stream
Hudson Williams
Oh absolutely. It's just another 'paying for the brand' thing.
Jonathan Reed
t. balding scot
Joshua Reed
my cock is literally hard because of it
Benjamin Ward
highly unlikely
Cooper Brooks
Don’t spend more than $300 on a watch. There are amazing ones at that amount or less. Buy some actually cool shit with the money you saved like a fuckin car.
Easton Stewart
wrong guy
Charles Thompson
That kerber scream that wouldn't have been out of place in a porno Awwwww come on
Kevin Torres
show off their crotch
Cooper Martin
She knows how to market herself
Owen Green
That pissed me off tbqh. The blokes do better jobs with kids Even fucking kyrios was like hello whats your name to kid last night.
I don't know if they just don't know what to do with children, which is really fucking weird because they're women or they're just self centered cunts.
Charles Jones
Kerber is better looking than Sharapova. Sorry fags the truth hurts.