Good to know that all it takes to make Batman let up is to say his mother's name

That really raises the stakes for the next movie.


Other urls found in this thread:

>why did you say that name?!?!?

It was a sign you autist. How would you react if a fucking murderous all powerful alien said the name of your mom when you're about to kill it?.

Fucking marvel autist.

>if you don't like this film, then you must love all of these films
You're the autist, sweetie.

memes aside there are actually people with the emotional depth of a wet dog that didn't understand this scene.

kek look at him angrily defending his shit movie

>the entire movie batman is picturing him as an alien with no human qualities other than his looks
>the entire movie batman goes around with this in his head, along with the devastation this alien has caused
>as he stands over the alien with his spear held to deliver the final blow this alien, instead of begging for its life, begs for his soon to be killer to save the life of his adoptive mother
>batman is given pause because maybe, just maybe, this alien isn't as alien as he believed
It's pretty simple

>pretending the problem is people not understanding the scene rather than it being terribly written

What a great scene completely rendered moot by the fact that the director didn't even know that he had already set up Bruce's reaction.

What was the point of the Prologue/Mr. and Mrs. Wayne's death?

What was the point of Bruce reflecting on his parents the entire movie?

All Superman had to do was say "Mother" or eek out any kind of mention of his mother. Bruce's reaction stems from realizing Superman isn't some malevolent alien come to start a war, he's just a kid who is about to lose his mother. By the time of their fight Batman is looking for any excuse to NOT kill him, and "Martha" was by far the stupidest and nonsensical one.

Fucking hell Snyder, I want to like your movies but what the fuck.

Batman's main argument was that when the stakes are that high, not even a small chance of something going wrong is acceptable. Whether Superman is considered human or not is not even relevant, especially since Batman goes around killing humans the entire movie.

>tfw Darkseid wins because one of the motherboxes is named Martha

>Marvelettes still salty over the failure of the Spiderman trailer

so sad.

>20 years of fighting crime
>faced quite possibly literally hundreds if not thousands of criminals, who are very fucking good at playing the pathetic/mercy card
>probably tens if not hundreds of them already cried, begged and brought up ''m-muh m-mommy nobody will care about her if I'm locked up ;_;'', wives and kids etc
>yet when literally same street self-righteous scum, except with powers of Hancock at least does the same, it works

hmmm and batman is supposed to be at human peak mental state? top detective? 20 years of experience as Batman? really? for that shit snyder's own mother deserves to die Isis-execution-style death while snyder watches in VR 4K Ultra HD, and then he should follow.


>Marvel brainlets really still dont get it after a year



>"S-Save muh mommy"
>"No one cares about your alien whore mother"
>"S-Save M-Martha Kent"
>"Wait who?"

come on man

The point of the scene wasn't Batman seeing the humanity in Superman and having to spare him. He already mentioned being weathered down by people themselves getting corrupted.

The line Superman specifically said was, "You're letting him kill Martha."

That exact sentence forces him to remember the guilt he felt in the moment that his parents died and the years following. "Martha" was not just his mother's name, it was also his father's last word.

He actually thinks Superman is taunting him for a moment. And when he learns that he was referring to his own mother, he doesn't just see Superman as another human, he sees his father in him. And when he takes a look at himself, he realizes that by becoming this aggressor, this hunter, he's now Joe Chill.

Real emotions here, ironic manlets feeding on quips can't understand, bravo user.

>He still doesn't get that Superman knew everything about Bruce and the only way to stop him from trying to kill him was the exact approach he took

Don't worry kid - you'll get it someday

Eh, Bats was looking for any excuse not to kill him. It's why he was sabotaging himself from the start.

So the whole point and plot development of the movie rests in the fact that these two women happen to have same the name by absolute coincidence

See .

If he hadn't said it, he was damn likely to hear it anyway. Bruce is fucked up. Hell, for all we know, Supes didn't even actually say it.

there's a shot of him waking up and reaching for a nightstand full of booze and pills

literally, the movie has a bunch of detail that elucidates the world and character that isn't referenced at all in dialogue

Then, Bruce in his delusion hears Superman saying the name of his mother which is also coincidentally the name of Clark's mother?

brah what the fuck are you saying, this goes completely against lois' intervention and the aftermath of the scene
batman has always been weird about his parents, i think morrison has been the only one to actually do something with it other than simply addressing it

That's not the shit part. The thing is that any situation, real or delusional, that is based on the coincidence that their two mothers are called the same so the story can continue is incredibly unlikely and forced.

Batman had forgotten the reason why he had become Batman in the first place. Calling out his mother's name reminded him of the pointlessness of their deaths, and how he was leading to more pointless deaths if he continued down this path.

It's called an epiphany

How could it have been better written?

>brah what the fuck are you saying, this goes completely against lois' intervention and the aftermath of the scene

Lois wasn't there yet to hear what Clark said. The fact that Bruce is screaming their moms' shared name like a lunatic and Lois recognizes it doesn't even matter. Her presence alone stops Bruce. He's not murdering a defenseless man in front of anybody, let alone a reporter he probably recognizes.

The die was already cast the minute he chose to forge a spear.

it's amazing people don't understand this. they keep expecting him to be Bale's straight edge grape juice level headed batman

life is full of coincidences, and the point of that scene isn't that their mothers happen to have the same name,

for this contention against the movie to be accurate, it would have had to play out as batman literally stepping off of him immediately after he said martha and changed into a calm interrogative tone

but that's not what happens, 'martha' hits, he loses it, then lois comes in and the whole situation turns into a reversal of the night his parents died

Don't forget when Lois "Instant Transmission" Lane senses Superman's power level and teleports to Wayne Manor to explain everything, an ability previously witnessed in an emotionally climactic scene in Man of Steel.

It is full of coincidences but that doesn´t mean that in the development of a fiction story you can use a pretty big one to solve a plot.
Is the same principle of a deus ex machina.

this doesn't work because the parts of the movie in no way move around the flubbing of auditory signals either before or after
yes, the spear and bruce's relation to it is important to consider, but straight up implying that clark didn't even lead anywhere

>a year later
>the plebs are still mad that kino is too complex for them


then lois is the device here, not martha, as martha itself only causes bruce to get triggered (surprised it hasn't become a meme)
that's why this constant focus on martha is wrong, because it frames that one word as on its own doing things in the movie that it very clearly doesn't

ITT: MCUcks try to compensate for their shitty franchise by bashing another.

That's not really what solved it, though.

Bruce in vigilante mode can kill in self-defense, but only at a distance, by happenstance. He can't bring himself to kill anyone face to face. He can't justify it to himself. Even when it comes down to KGBeast, he can't even shoot *him* directly.

It's all about finding ways to rationalize away any deaths as not really being his fault. Self-defense? Sure. Combat? "It was him or me." But someone he's got the drop on? Not a chance in hell.

Ok, I haven't read a single post ITT cuase its probably just full of marbelshills and autisim, but this is what I've got after watching it about 2hrs ago.
the film opens with the Waynes deaths, the absolute last thing Thomas Wayne says is
Bruce heard this and he's the only one who did, Joe had already run off. So this event is seared into the Bats memory he relives it constantly, so when he's about to kill supes, supes says
the bat reacts angrily, I saw it as less 'why are you saying my moms name and more like this is going through the bats head in that moment
>are you trying to give me shit?
>how do you even know about that?
>do you mock me
>seriously i'm about to curbstomp your ass wtf?
Lois comes in and throws herself over supes
>its his mom
The Bat
>oh umm this is kinda fucked up
>might, maybe be going to far here
as for supes
>i'm about to die moms in danger, I need to get though to this rage machine that someone needs help, wat do?
>scream out her name hope bruce picks up on it even if he kills me, maybe just maybe theirs a chance, he'll save her
anyway that's what I saw, didn't seem nearly as dumb as memers have been making out

Yeah, man. I get where you're coming from.

As for me, I'm not totally convinced that's even what Clark said and is just what Bruce wanted to hear. "My mother." "Martha." Close enough for a guy as psychologically fucked as Bruce was at that point.

Good thing Affleck is leaving the sinking ship.

No one but Cuck Snyder is willing to direct these garbage movies.

he kills like five people trying to save martha though

The directing of the scene focused a lot more on martha than in lois

Why the FUCK is batman killing anyone anyway? His entire creed is that he doesn't kill people.

Fucking movies ruining personalities of beloved characters

>As for me, I'm not totally convinced that's even what Clark said and is just what Bruce wanted to hear. "My mother." "Martha." Close enough for a guy as psychologically fucked as Bruce was at that point.
the movie sets no precedent for this, and the scene continues on as if clark had indeed said martha

you're wrong bro

What? Elaborate

I like how the shills are starting to admit that batman does, in fact, kill people, but its okay and totally deep because hes not close to them.

In that case, the whole Martha stuff was completely unneccessary but they still made it a big deal.

>I'm not totally convinced that's even what Clark said
Meh I think he did, still works fine is what i'm saying

what matters here is the relationship between elements of the scene

for martha to be a self contained device there'd have to be nothing else but the word, and only the word martha pulling the weight here

that is not the case

Batman shouldnt have to choose to fucking spare him. The entire point of the fight that they built this fucking movie around is meant to be Batman warning Superman I AM THE 1 MAN ON EARTH WHO CAN FUCKING KILL YOU IF YOU GO TOO FAR. But nope Snyder couldnt keep it at that he had to literally go and make the fight IM GONNA MURDER YOU SUPERMAN.

that was the point of Dark Knight Returns, not the point of BvS

>implying bvs had a point

Where were all of these apologist faggots when these movies came out, is the question. I'm starting to think that WB does indeed have a discord for shilling the board.

They made a flashback to emphasize the single word. It very clearly is the device.

>His entire creed is that he doesn't kill people.
no its fucking not, I can't believe this has become something that's entered public consciousness as the 'defining' aspect of The Bat, I'd blame Nolan but really you only have yourselves to blame for thinking this

desperately just wanted DKR on the big screen eh? just read the fucking comic or watch the cartoon, we got something new and it was great

I think that all the true comic book fans will enjoy this film. Zack snyder has proven himself quite adept, time and time again, and putting out exciting movies. This is just another example as to how Warner Brothers is beating Marvel in every c1) Many forum administrators will allow you to add a signature to all your posts. The more you participate, the more your assignment will be displayed throughout the forum pages.

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no people just watch the films after all the stupid shit has died down and realize they are better and have a re-watchable quality totally missing from most other superhero movies coming out now

so this is marbel falseflagging now? damn u fgts are getting desperate

>no its fucking not, I can't believe this has become something that's entered public consciousness as the 'defining' aspect of The Bat, I'd blame Nolan but really you only have yourselves to blame for thinking this
Why? It's been part of the character for like 80 years. You want it to be one way, but it's the other way.
Sounds like you're an impressionable idiot who jumped on the bandwagon of "these movies aren't that bad after watching them 30 times" what a cockwipe.

See .

You sure? Clark reacts weirdly to him every time he says it. Maybe he's just rolling with it because it's not exactly the time and place to start a discussion about how *Bruce* knew his mother's name.

What if when Clark comes back, he's under the impression that Bruce is psychic or something, because he distinctly remembers *not* saying his mom's name?

And let's not overlook the allegorical component at play here.Notice how frequently people reference "worlds" over the course of the movie? Well there are three women who pretty much unquestionably represent different aspects of the world:

Diana: The world of the past.
Lois: The world of the future.
Martha: The world as nurturing mother.

Fits nicely into an allegorical tale where the takeaway message is about clashing ideologies realizing that no matter what they call it, they both share the same world.

more terrible/poor hamfisted exposition


yeah, but it's not just the word one word, 'martha', alone, is it?
what is its context?
how does this context contrast with bruce later on?
what happens in both scenes?

these details are important, as most of the time the discussion around martha completely ignores all context and insists, again, that martha alone solved everything

i'm not saying that martha isn't being used here, what i'm contending is that its just a random coincidence that comes out of nowhere that ties everything up

>Batman's main argument was that when the stakes are that high, not even a small chance of something going wrong is acceptable.

That was obviously a flimsy justification for his own feelings of failure and irrelevance.
>That's how it starts. The fever. The rage. The feeling of powerlessness that turns good men... cruel.

it wasn't bad the first time, its not bad the forth time, on the other hand I can't get re-watch any of the dribble put out by the other studios, cept for the DC's of the x-men movies I'll at least watch those once again when the DCs come out

I was right here from day one, saying pretty much the same things I'm saying right now. Unlike the overwhelming majority of cape films, this one has things to be analyzed, digested, and more fully understood over time.

>You want it to be one way, but it's the other way.
where? when? nolanverse? bta? when? cause it sure as fuck isn't in the comics

>Don't forget when Lois "Instant Transmission" Lane senses Superman's power level and teleports to Wayne Manor to explain everything, an ability previously witnessed in an emotionally climactic scene in Man of Steel.

She got a helicopter from THE ROOF. Do you not pay any attention?

bro, bruce had a fucking metal heel with spikes literally at clark's throat
"clark reacts weirdly"
>squirming like an animal in its final moments
>oops, more subtext i was going to hold off on talking about
yeah that's well and fine, doesn't change the fact that the guy does indeed say martha and that nothing in the movie implies otherwise, as the movie would let us know if that was indeed the case

When I watch Snyder's masterpieces, I feel like I'm part of something. At first when I saw them in the theater I said "that was crap" but then when all the rebels and kinossieurs started praising them online I said "they were awesome." It's just part of who I am now, why all the hate. I knew being an intellectual would be hard but this much vitriol is ridiculous.

When Batman hears Martha’s name he is snapped back to the moment of his parents’ death and realises that he wasn’t the hero who was going to save the world from a dangerous alien, he was the man who was about to take a boy away from his mother. He was about to become the very thing he had fought against all his life and what had caused him to become Batman in the first place. Even though he was ready to kill Superman before, he had never thought of himself in terms of his parents’ killer and instead saw Superman as the killer. He lost his parents to a shooter “for no reason at all”, he lost Robin to the Joker (chaos) and he lost his last family, his employees to the Kryptonians’ war (that emerged out of nowhere).

But now he realised that he had things the other way around and that Superman was the victim and the man with a family, a mother and people that he loved and whom he was trying to save and was helpless to save at that moment. He saw things for what they really were: Superman was the boy about to lose his mother to a madman and that boy was helpless to save her. That is why when he realises all of this he throws the spear away in anger at what he had let himself become.

When Batman is faced with this reality he doesn't just come back from the edge and become good again, he manages to FINALLY come to terms with the loss he suffered for 30 years. By getting a chance to save Martha, he can finally do something that allows him to cope with his loss, which 20 years of fighting criminals and stopping evil couldn't do. It also reinstills faith in him that what he did for 20 years WASN’T a waste and that "what falls" ISN'T "fallen" permanently and that his life as Batman WASN'T just "a beautiful lie". This is proven at the end of the movie when he says, “Men are still good, we fight, we kill, we betray one another, but we can rebuild, we can do better, we will, we have to.”

>I was right here from day one, saying pretty much the same things I'm saying right now.
No you weren't, when Man of Steel came out nobody had the brass balls to pretend to like that piece of shit. The daily spam and OCD goodness started years after it was out, most likely from refugees from /r/dc_cinematic. The problem is that it has become so bad in here, it's 10 times more delusional than it is on that site. They even admit most of that shit was terrible, with some shades of goodness here and there. This board imploded in ironic shitposting and a few idiots who took it in earnest. Funny how that bullshit started around the same time the star wars prequel apologists showed up. Hell, we even had two or three Prometheus defender megatrolls.

so there you go

now you have no excuse to post "dude martha lmao"

seeI don't really know much about the discussion, but in the movie the Martha thing was pretty emphasized, the context of all those scenes frames that word and the uses it as an IMPORTANT part of the movie, being just a random coincidence. It would have worked without it pretty well but they still included it

You sure know a lot about reddit

>How would you react if a fucking murderous all powerful alien said the name of your mom when you're about to kill it
I'd be undeterred by his jedi mind tricks

>I'd blame Nolan

Ironically Bale has the highest killcount of any Batman.

fuck your new, people spammed MOT is GOAT threads every fucking day, it isn't even that long ago, how new are you?

Except they do, because none of that shit happened outside of your head. He immediately went "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME RAAARHHRAAARHL WHERRR IS THE DETON8R" and Lois with her teleporting powers told him that was his mom's name. That's all that happened, everything else is an addendum by you, in some kind of autist stupor of stockholm syndrome and psychotic delusions. Liking shit ironically gets to you eventually.

You sure are a brand-warring faggot. I'm surprised you didn't add your favorite brands of videogames in there, sperglard.

fucked up
u see I don't really know much about the discussion, but in the movie the Martha thing was pretty emphasized, the context of all those scenes frames that word and the uses it as an IMPORTANT part of the movie, being just a random coincidence. It would have worked without it pretty well but they still included it

>Lois with her teleporting powers
literally shown getting a helicopter before they start fighting across the bay

her making it there when she did is 'teleporting" now? fuck off m8

>i'm too stupid to think about things for more than 5 seconds, so i apply my own infantile simplistic view of film onto both other viewers and the creators themselves.

yea I know, the term spoonfeeding has never been more applicable, people heard bats saying he doesn't kill, this somehow allowed them to ignore all the deaths he caused, it would be funny if it wasn't so sad

Except he wasn't batman when he killed those ninjus.


your mental gymnastics are a wonder to behold

Watch this:

Right after "Why did you say that name?" That doesn't just look like pain or fear to me. It looks like confusion. Yeah, sure, he *could* be confused about why that name would freak him out like that, but . . .

The look right after Clark says "My mother needs me," and Bruce replies, "Wait. I'll make you a promise - Martha won't die tonight," again Clark pauses briefly, but it doesn't look like he's just weighing his options, there's again this little hint of confusion.

I'm telling you - there's something more coming.

?, we';re talking about BvS someone keeps bring up Marbel, is it you?, so whos the shill here?

But he was when he crushed those cop cars with the Batmobile, when he left Ra's in the crashing train, when he pushed Harvey off the ledge. Might be a couple others I'm forgetting.

What was the point of her being there? She was always where the plot needed her to be, exactly like in Man of Steel. She's just a reporter, she doesn't get flown around like she's the president other than to deliver exposition to her. It's shit writing.
>I'm a vary creativ parson so I imagine things that diden't happen
Go imagine your own movies in your hugbox, corky. We're discussing what was delivered on screen.
Those look like youtube comments.
The irony in your post is ridiculous, no way you're not trolling.

You're right. I didn't start defending Man of Steel until after I saw BvS and started understanding I was looking at both films from the wrong angle.

Snyder is a motherfucking genius. You don't expect to find those working in "capeshit," so I went in not expecting it to be an actual film.

You can't spell for shit, and you're the only one who mentioned marvel, you underage spasm.

>Those look like youtube comments.

They're tweets.

>lets him die in the fire

>being just a random coincidence. It would have worked without it pretty well but they still included it
this is completely wrong user

their fight in no way hinges on the coincidence of their mothers having the same name, the fight hinges on bruce's experience of reliving that night then seeing himself and his actions through a new perspective, THAT'S WHY ITS INCLUDED

the juxtaposition between the night his parents died and his fight with superman, you can't have one without the other

did me misspelling Marbel trigger u? maybe just don't get so invested in your employer, its just a job brah not a lifestyle

>their fight in no way hinges on the coincidence of their mothers having the same name, the fight hinges on bruce's experience of reliving that night then seeing himself and his actions through a new perspective, THAT'S WHY ITS INCLUDED
He relives that night every night, which is why he does what he does. Which is why he would never snuff out a life if he could help it. This is why it's tonally deaf to have him murdering and branding people, while the joker is still running around in his jokermobile. Seriously, that shit was like straight out of the 1968 TV show.

So is these movies in Star Wars?