Masters 2018 Semi-finals
>13:15 (best of 11 frames)
Mark Allen (NI) v John Higgins (Sco)
>19:00 (best of 11 frames)
Judd Trump (Eng) v Kyren Wilson (Eng)
Masters 2018 Semi-finals
>13:15 (best of 11 frames)
Mark Allen (NI) v John Higgins (Sco)
>19:00 (best of 11 frames)
Judd Trump (Eng) v Kyren Wilson (Eng)
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comfy be good to see the match fixer get fucked off
Hate these "funny" OP pics to be honest :(
Should I go to Aldi and get some booze?
STOP drinking alcohol
STOP fapping
STOP playing games
START working out
START drinking more water
START reading more
wow dude, stop browsing the internet
START browsing life
>STOP drinking alcohol
Hello everyone!
Good afternoon lads
How do I get this physiqué?
Will BBC show the match?
There's no snooker.
Starts at 13:15 for some reason today
13 bings away
Be patient la, it's snooker, it's like the 50th thing on their priority list
I'm watching on Eurosport.
hey lads
hey qt
>Trump talking about being 28 like he's nearing the end
>Wilson taking about being 26 like he's a baby
Know that feel
Now then lads.
Anything to take me away from the trauma of Hull City vs Sunderland later.
I haven't payed any attention to snooker since 2009ish. What is this faggy entrance music? Are they trying to turn this into wrestling or some shit? And why is Dennis fucking Taylor still on commentary? Does he still mention the 1985 World Championships every opportunity he gets?
>two scabby af nawty snooker players with suspicious names
It's either gonna be glorious or a trainwreck
who /TheWarrior/ here???
Barry Hearn took over and he's trying to turn it into darts
Also Dennis is maximum comfy
Yes, but only because I'm an ABT
This is some Riley's-tier play at the moment.
Why would you want to turn anything into darts? It's tacky. I kinda get the moving away from the bowties though.
>Also Dennis is maximum comfy
He's a vapid cretin.
Alright Willie don't get angry
Nah Wiley Thorne was worse, much worse.
When will Ronnie retire, lads?
They still have bow ties, they wear ties in the afternoon sessions and bow in the evening
Is Judd Trump related to Donald Trump?
Wrong way round lad
Yeah I was confused when I turned the TV but it wasn't my fault I copied BBC website
Shut the Hell up, you disaster
Who we all rooting for?
No worries bro
You're shitting me. I've been watching snooks for years, knew they had to wear some form of neckwear (except Stephen Maguire) but the afternoon/evening tie thing never clicked.
Guess it makes sense when you think of formal dress codes.
Judd's tie knot looks fucking secondary school-tier, FFS
Trump > Higgins > some other people
I regret getting excited
>this might turn out to be the longest frame
>it certainly is so far
Yeah, no shit Steve
Judd "The Torturer" Trump
>m-muh cloth
I will never understand why snooker audiences have those silly earpieces to here the commentary. Are they all casuals who wouldn't know a good shot unless told? Or maybe they are all aware how boring the games is and need a distraction while Mark Selby is taking 2 minutes to think up a shot.
you mean while selby looks up at his wife
>sat in a quiet auditorium listening to the breathing and coughing of the old men around you
No thanks
It's more intersting, otherwise you'll have to listen to people coughing every 2 minutes
The Burger King is looking pretty decent
Bazza to turn Snooker into being like his darts events WHEN?
So, can we all agree that Riggins will win this?
Can't stop the #MAGA train lad
Depends on the odds innit
He has to. He's bet on himself that he will win.
All this begging for questions. I remember once years ago there was a question to the effect of "why are there two white stripes on the balls?" and instead of ignoring such an obvious dumbass question they actually spent mintues explaining the reflection of the lights on the balls. Complete with cutting to john parrot at the practice table.
>Judd humping the table
pwopa nawty snukka
Hey lads, drank too much gin last night, who we got for this? I;m still on the Kyren train.
*claps hesitantly*
How the heck do I enable html5 on bbc's ghetto ass webshite?
Wilson's gonna get btfo if he doesn't start making breaks higher than 20
*strikes the cue ball slightly harder than most players would*
WOW such naughty snooker! This Judd kid is destined for the top!
hoping for 2-2 interval
Can Judd not wear his ties like a cunt or something?
Kyren is like a nuJudd
>The Kitten from Kettering
>the crumbling ruins of wilkinson
Just in time for 3pm kickoffs
What is this hairstyle called, lads?
If your job is to be a host on national television how in the fuck do you manage to end up wearing this? I'd get the shit ripped into me if I turned up to work with this colour coordination.
>blue and blue
Pretty common m8
The Impending Transplant
Carefully brushed forward as he's losing his hairline
Not common at all to wear all one shade, but with a tie he'd get away with it. Without it just looks a mess imo, which considering his job is literally about presentation isn't ideal.
who's sending in troll questions? never heard them ask for the questions to be friendly so many times
>already losing in the footy
g-good thing the snooker has restarted h-haha
You're acting more nawty than Judd Trump lad
The questions are retarded though. Hurr durr what beginning tip to use. Should make a game to find the most stupid question that they'd legit ask
I sent in a few dozen asking where's Hazel
Speaking of retarded questions, why is trying to pot off the break so much less viable in snooker than in pool?
because it's too risky, you have no sure fire way of potting a red and no way to know if you will be on a colour so it's not worth it
Tighter pockets, bigger tables, more balls, more potential to pot the wrong ball, almost certainly that you'd lose the frame in the very likely scenario that you don't pot anything
Thanks lads
that is a good question desu, I don't want to watch jason everyday
I don't want to watch Jason at all
Are the Palace players at the snooker or something?
>4-0 down in 25 mins
based Hendry absolutely RIPPING INTO Judd
Bring me Denise Higgins and Hazel pls
>you'll never be in a hot tub with Hazel, Mrs Riggins and Vicki
Really want to see escort with her body and face but their all in brothels with dodgy Hungarian women.
>no mention of Tabby
literally end my life why can't I have this
>could have had a century
>decided to play nawty snooker