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And most importantly..


>a few hundred muslims are terrorists so that must mean all 1.6 billion muslims are too

Fuck off sand rat, you have to go home, you and your entire disgusting parasite cockroach family need to LEAVE.

eat shit ahmed

>t. pedophile sandnigger

your time is coming dune coon

ad hominem is not an argument

How about this argument: you're not wanted in Western countries, please go away. We don't care what "percentage" of sand niggers are "radical" sand niggers and what percentage are "moderates" who support the "radicals" we don't want any of that shit in our countries.

>tfw not muslim
>get nuked with the rest of them anyways

>one person did somethin bad
>wow everyone like him is bad! kill him! witch trials NOW! RACE WAR W H E N

stay retarded, Sup Forums

thanks for that rational argument, you really changed my mind there.


1.1 billion muslims think that shariah law should be implemented, which makes them EXTREMISTS.

1.1 billion people. Yes, ALL muslims.

t. sand nigger

Why don't you tell me your opinion about Jews, Achmed?

Please just go away, it's not an "argument" it's a polite and peaceful (for now) request.

post the one of the guy changing his profile pic to a flag


Which part of Sharia law specifically?

>which makes them EXTREMISTS
Why would following a core and basic part of their religion make them extremist?

So you want all Muslims to leave because you're scared of them?



>So you want all Muslims to leave because you're scared of them?

Yes, please and thank you. Take your stuff, and we can do what we can to subsidise your cost of emigration and make it easier for you.

Are you planning on losing Rome straight away in this war like all the others?

I think we should strap about 5-10 muslim apologists to a few nukes, then drop them on places like mecca, and all over the middle-east in general

They can die with the pieces of shit that they champion, knowing that WHITE FUCKING MALES cannot be outdone in mass murder.

>Why would following a core and basic part of their religion make them extremist?
Because that core and basic part of their religion makes them incompatible with western culture and values, which means GET THE FUCK OUT OUR COUNTRIES.


We don't want you.

It must be horrifying living in a state of constant paranoia, I'd be on edge if French Canadians were so close to me too.

I've been looking across articles but nothing has confirmed it is Muslims yet. Has anyone seen a reputable source saying it was Muslims? Considering how long it's been with no description/ name of the attacker, I'm assuming it is Muslims, I just would like confirmation

It's pretty horrifying to see your beautiful, once-white, once-peaceful country gradually being taken over by smelly brown low-IQ sub-human shit-skins.

Yeah, it sucks, not gonna lie.

Jesus, who else would it be? Japanese?

History is not your forte, my pakistani friendo. But it doesn't matter, hush, please your prophet and stab some kuffar.

Just please, make sure plenty of people are watching and say ALLAHU AKBAR very clearly, like only you islamic friends can do

Sup Forums really needs to stop thinking in a black and white mentality and needs to stop letting their feelings affect their judgment

Yes, Islam is not a religion of peace, it's teachings are barbaric (although the same can be said about the bible and the torah), and it is responsible for most terror attacks nowadays, but that doesn't mean every single muslim is a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer

In fact, most victims of islamic extremism in foreign countries are muslim

As your views aren't in line with Western civilisation I'm going to have to ask you to go back to Africa.

>Judging the actions of someone that lived hundreds of years ago with modern values
not an argument

Good job answering the question.

open your fucking eyes shit head


>Sand niggers attack our civilisation
>Let's not fight them, let's engage in high-brow intellectual debates about how no one is really at fault here

Are you a faggot by any chance?

Yellow pot calling the kettle brown.


Make sure your arms are in frame in the war declaration or no one will know what you're saying.

>not an argument

I didn't make an argument I expressed a desire : we don't want you.

>b-but you're reason for not wanting us are not good

I don't care. We just don't.

based jap

We dindu nuffin

Pretty much. Look at these kids spewing venom at you, giving the rest of us a bad name.

It's amazing the species has lasted this long.

I'm seriously at a point where I'm ready to attack people I meet who defend muslims.

Enough is enough. A few bad eggs are killing thousands of people and you have no fucking excuse for supporting that by following the same faith that drives them to violence.

Open your fucking third eye inferior being.

>Sand niggers attack our civilization
>We put them in jail

I guess you have to genocide their entire race to make leaves happy.

Don't forget muslim apologists. They can burn too.


>I didn't make an argument
Do you even look at what pictures you're posting or are your brain cells too rotted to see properly?

Western civilization is superior, Mudshits haven't done anything worthy of praise.

If it were possible, I'd kill them all!

all muslims are filth

The time for compromise is over. The time for peace is over.

They wanted this war now they have it.

I wonder what the terrorists per capita is for Muslims, would be interesting to see how low it is.

What have you done that's worthy of praise in your life, other than your post count on Stormfront of course.

>doesn't mean every single muslim is a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer


>picture prove that fucking a child is halal

So what you've got a fucking problem with this? You'd rather I post these?

contributed to the linux kernel



please just leave your bullshit fairy tale shit behind already and join the 21st goddamn century faggot. grow your own brain and stop looking to the sky for answers

1/600,000 commits, nice.

fuck off cunt, let's see you talk about how nice the bad guys are when your head is off

I'm not even a Muslim, Paco.

How are you too dumb to realise there's a difference between terrorists and regular Muslims?

I don't go on and on about how all Irish people are terrorists who's values don't mesh with Western civilisation because of the IRA because I'm not a fucking retard.

(Yes I know they're loosely comparable but it's a comparison.)

>fuck all muslims

I mean......maybe some?

So, Muhammad was a PEDOPHILE!?!?!

the problem with lefties like you is that you'll blame anything except the actual problem
you can't be altruistic when you're dead

Just like

The way liberals speak has a great capability of making me go insane

and go back to rebbit, fucking putting things in brackets

The only difference is their population density

That's exactly what you're doing though you fucking retard, ISIS are killing people, not the 1.6~ billion non ISIS muslims.

I'm not a lefty by the way and describing yourself with left or right is dumb.

> A few hundred Muslims are terrorists, 1.6 billion benifit from it.


Brackets are Reddit now? You people love boogiemen don't you? Just blame everything you dislike on the big scary boogiemen and it'll go away.


Yeah those thousands of Muslims ISIS kill sure are benefiting from it. All those countries in the middle east that are being destabilised love it too.

i just hate the way you cucks speak over there, so cringey and irritating to read
no one actually cares what you have to say

Japan is the most secular First World country

I'm not from Reddit but if you're so familiar with their writing style you must love it there, you have to go back.

Because Buddhism and Shinto are totally comparable to the mainstream religions.

you're from tumblr then
probably even worse

Yeah they're much less nuts and they are only nuts when talking about Bushido

All terrorists are Muslim.

Accept it fucker.

Are you just reading out from your big list of boogiemen now?

I guess the IRA and those retards that attack abortion clinics aren't terrorists then.

atleast I know boogiemen exist
in your mind everything is sunshine and flowers

The only thing people in this thread, and in general, need to understand is that Islam is a political ideology and therefore it does not matter whether or not it's violent. It's there to overtake your society.

Muslims are traitors by definition.

Everything in your mind is fucking nothing because you have no brain cells capable of sustaining thought or literacy.

B-but guys only small percentage of people you're letting into your countries are future mass murderers and rapists, that means you should keep letting them in!

You are handed a bowl of skittles. There's a good few hundred in there. You are told that one of them is filled with poison and will kill you slowly over several years. The person who handed you the bowl insists that you eat some skittles. Do you do it?

>So you want all Muslims to leave because you're scared of them?
There's a reason why people are scared of snakes. It's because so many are poisonous.
If Western civilization hadn't taken in so many Muslims, we wouldn't have had so many atrocious terrorist attacks. They are the group that we need to remove if we want to get rid of the highest common denominator of terrorism.

run out of arguments cuck?
that sweet anger
i'm sure the muslims that don't know who you are appreciate your defending and will accept you as one of their own

but they won't, unless you assimilate into them


If people were so fucking petrified of the slight chance of harm no one would go outside, no one would fly in a plane, no one would drive a car, we'd do fucking nothing.

>run out of arguments cuck?
Funny you say this when you had no arguments at all.

It's funny how it's a simple yes/no question yet no libcuck ever is willing to answer it.

id aloha in her snackbar

So that's what happens when two figurative retards meet

you were giving such brilliant arguments though, why stop

>le consider le following

How to spot a smugcunt reddit post instantly

>lone-wolf faggot Dylan Roof kills 9 innocent black people in a church
>the Confederate flag becomes an all-encompassing symbol of oppression that must be abolished and expunged from all record despite Roof having no affiliation with it nor the KKK
>ISIS has killed hundreds of innocent Europeans in random populated clusters
>you're labeled a piece of shit and Islamophobic if you think they represent Islam