So the X-Files is Sup Forums approved but what about Millenium?
This is probably the darkest thing show I've ever seen, like se7en mixed with twin peaks, how come it's never talked about?
So the X-Files is Sup Forums approved but what about Millenium?
This is probably the darkest thing show I've ever seen, like se7en mixed with twin peaks, how come it's never talked about?
Cuz its shit
you really shouldn't advertise such a great show on here. it deserves only the eyes and ears of those who are capable of gratitude.
this. Sup Forums can't appreciate a show this kino.
I was thinking that before posting the thread
It's genuinely too smart for Sup Forums
i just realized hannibal kind of ripped this show off a bit, will is a lot like frank
Saw the crossover Xfiles episode and wasn't thrilled. Sell us on the show OP.
does this show have a proper end or did they just cancel it. I was youngin watching this barely remember it.
They very much dropped the ball on it. They did a crossover with Xfiles after the show ended IIRC and that was the wrap. I only remember enjoying season one desu senpai.