>I thought since Donald Trump became president in America that anything goes over there
What did Klopp mean by this
>I thought since Donald Trump became president in America that anything goes over there
What did Klopp mean by this
>breaking news
>hipster faggot signals virtue
>more as we get it
>Wealthy cosmopolitan hipster icon says Donald Trump is bad
Surely this will change EVERYTHING
rent free
I don't understand why almost every celebrity hates trump.
Based Kloppo supports trump's deregulation
>Reddit manager hates Drumpff
I didn't see that coming.
Because celebrities are just better than us plebs, and it's up to them to tell us off when we step out of line.
Are you retarded lad? I can understand supporting him in a Sup Forums edgelord faggot way, but how could you possibly not understand that he’s legitimately a brainlet manbabby unfit for any amount of power he’s given
Lefties should thank Trump for all these zingers they get at his expense
Because when they don't they get shit on
trump is a celebrity too. a rich spoiled brat who sold himself as the champion of poor rednecks in flyover country.
Trump is literally a leftist plot to destroy the right lad. Dumbass flyovers can’t get enough of his stupidity which makes any sane and reasonable centrist go to the left for years to come, consolidating the rule of the democratic party until the 4th millennium
>waaaaah don't make a joke about Trump
>f-fucking SJW get offended by everything
are you retarded lad? I can understand a scrawny leftie manlet crying foul in /soc/ in an AIDS-ridden way, but how could you possibly not understand that you're legitimately a worthless crybaby perfectly fit for any amount of black cock you're given.
Based Klopp. It's impossible to dislike Klopp
Lmao. And they say Americans are shit at banter.
What’s more easy to trigger Sup Forums? Femenists or Sup Forumsets?
do you guys believe in the trump curse? what will happen to liverpool now?
The audience of almost every celebrity are left wing
Nice. I like Klopp even more now.
Because he is a shitty self absorbed person that makes people with money look bad so they try to distance themselves as much as possible.
If they praise him they don't get work anymore.
If they don't say anything the journos report that they're evil nazis and don't want to admit it
Because he's bad
>You'll Never Win Again
Hahahahahahhahaahgahahahhahahahahahha haha
Livershit BTFO
hes giving his fellow celebrities a bad image
Hollywood and msm is completely ran by left wing politics. Everything and everyone will dislike you if you announce yourself republican. In fear of losing your job/opportunities. Its a vocal minority who is actually truly left wing. The rest just goes with it.
because they don't have to live surrounded by the invaders coming from the shithole countries like we do. They live in their mansion in their rich neighborhoods and put their kids in expensive all white private schools. When you're living this kind of life it's easy to be the "tolerant" and "generous" type calling for more immigration because it doesn't affect you and if shit goes south you can always leave and get another mansion in another country.
Trump is objectively,
How can anyone like him?
>god emporer trump
this is an over 18 board get out you little cunt
>If they praise him they don't get work anymore.
Yes Klopp would totally be sacked and never get another job right?
>Klopp makes an off hand joke about Trump
>All this sperging out and talk of media conspiracy
Lmao, grow up niggas
oy do you have your TV license?
We should make a Kekistan national team!!!
He said celebrities you mong
Klopp Is a celebrity
Hollywood and the media are left-wing circlejerks
Leftists. It's always going to be leftists
t. /ourbrazillian/
BREAKING NEWS: The whole world hates Trump
He's actually popular in Russia, China, India and some South American countries
celebrities are the most degenerate persons in the world
any conservative politician is a danger for their lifestyle
>he has the lowest approval rating of any president ever
It's like 80% of the country. Celebrities are going to be thrown in there too.
But here are some cultural luminaries who love Trump!
-Kid Rock
-Ted Nugent
-Richie Incognito, the famous openly racist NFL lineman
-Vince McMahon
...that's all i got