Nearly 40 years later

>nearly 40 years later
>still the only capeshit that's actually legit kino

Other urls found in this thread:

>Shitty meme opinion seeking validation by doing the stereotypical 'the original was the best guys yaya'
Fuck off.


It's a 6/10 at best

>Best capeshit
Best Superman movie, I'll give that

What's the best cape shit? Spoder man 2? I like that.

Seeing this in the theater was probably the most excited I'd ever been as a kid. The whole audience was amazed, it was just full of gasps and cheers the whole film, it was incredible.

its funny that no other movie even comes close. Burton Batman and Raimi Spiderman come close but they are still "good for capeshit"

Superman 78 still blows them out of the water

Nevr seen this should I saw this?

>screenwriter is the author of the godfather
>the oscar winning d.o.p from 2001 a space odyssey
>marlon fucking brando
>gene hackman as the villian

absolute kino.

if you can watch movies from the 70s give it a chance but Sup Forums is filled with 12 year olds who can't sit through older films

If true, thats very cool man. Im jealous.

Superman finding lois dead and turning back time is probably the only time I've ever felt any actual emotion at a Superhero Film

>inb4 REEEEEEEE turning back time
stop watching film

Is this the one where he reverses time by reversing the spin of the Earth by flying really fast?

Yeah, no.

Yea, it really is an intense moment

Whats your fave cape movie?..if you have one that is.

Logan, followed by the Dark Knight. You're not gonna trigger me kid, I'm not an autist meme extraordinaire.

enjoy your warning.

I only like the most serious of children's comic book films

Sorry I like good movies. It's literally no more cringe than this thread though.

>I like the old ones

Hey man, though i was "triggered" by tour comment I held back. To be civil.

So, in the name of discussion. I can agree with you on TDK, havent seen Logan yet but I hear nothing but good about it.

Superman was pretty great, and while the time traveling stuff was a bit much, it is in tune with the more golden age Supes, who had a bunch of ridiculous powers.
I get the criticism of it though but it kinda adds to the idea that Supes really is incredibly powerful but wants to do nothing but good, and besides he loved her, i mean did you feel nothing for him when he screamed in agony? That part was great.

>liking old films

Yeah, that sums up modern day Sup Forums pretty well.

>immersing yourself in low-stakes mellowdrama aimed at literal children who would cry if they saw Pwofessor X die

There's a huge difference between liking something and telling people you like something.

>this was a serious response

I admittedly haven't seen the movie since I was a kid, but since you mention Golden Age Superman, yeah he did have insane powers that make no sense and he no longer has, so I can accept it.

and what are your favorite cape films, if your taste is so great?

Great """taste"""

Thanks, I'm not insecure in my opinion and I know they are great films.

Logan is also my favorite comic book film, followed by Raimi-Man 2. That doesn't stop me from loving Superman '78, it's wonderful and magical. Give it a shot.

The Mark of Zorro - 1940
Flash Gordon - 1980
Superman - 1978
Blade - 1998
Spiderman - 2002
Mystery Men 1999
Hellboy 2 - 2008

>They're good because critics really like them

Woah, great """taste"""

Im not that user, but, what are your fav cape films?

That's a good list


Its funny, i never liked Spiderman 2 as much as everyone else. I always thought 1 was the best one.

As for why 2 bugged me, all the girls running into the screen screaming, that always bugs me and its just so lame. I get its supposed to be campy and harkens to Raimi's Evil Dead movies but man. I just cant get past it.

Batman Returns
Spiderman 2

the rest are "good for a comic book movie". Get some fucking taste in Cinema and the Art of Film Making

I never saw Hellboy 2, not a fan of the character but.. that is a good list.


>The Mark of Zorro - 1940
Absolute kino