Is LA the most well known American sports city?

NFL: Raiders finally coming to greater LA (Vegas is connected to LA with an hour flight), and is a SB contender by being on pace to win the AFC west. The Rams are good too, I guess, but no one in LA cares.

NBA: Lakers have 16 championships and with a core with Ingram/Ball/Paul George are poised to become consistent playoff contenders

MLB: Dodgers by far the best team in the MLB, 5 straight NL West titles while rebuilding and would've won the past 2 WS if it weren't for rampant umpball

NHL: Kings won 2 championships this decade

NCAA: UCLA GOAT at basketball, USC GOAT at football

MLS: Galaxy historically good, getting another team

And the best weather, food, economy, and people.

Who can beat LA?

Other urls found in this thread:

The Kings aren't even in the playoff picture right now

Feels good being a superior Angeleno. And you have to remember, Midwestern and Least coast shitholes got like a 100 head start on us.

>Greater LA
Holy shit you fuckers have colossal egos
t. Midwest kid at LA uni

So this is the power of chicano mexitrash

How is Vegas NOT Greater LA?

By your logic, New York can claim DC, Baltimore, Philly, and Boston

is boston greater new york?

Kill yourself LAutist.

If I'm being honest, everyone outside of LA sees you as bandwagoners and not a real sports city. Sorry to burst your bubble

>sees you as bandwagoners and not a real sports city

That's why the Lakers and Dodgers always sell out, and the Raiders when they played in LA made StubHub Center a home game, right?

Fucking moron

That’s why the favela of LA has lost nfl teams before right?
No one fucking cares about the city of stinky angels.

every road team made stubhub a home game

Kek I live in LA and there's just as many pats, eagles, cowboys and Steelers fans as there are raiders fans. This city IS bandwagon city when it comes to football. And laker fans are mostly fairweather just look at the last few seasons. LA is a baseball city honestly. You can make a case for LA Galaxy but >mls

daily reminder

>almost half

And ya got losing records vs the 2 best SoCal teams

How much do I have to pay Trump to deport this fucking loser already

Sage goes in all fields

>Hartford, Connecticut



Literally whos

Awww ClippeRam fan mad? How sad do you have to be that the NINERS had a home game at the Coliseum?

Once the Raiders move to Vegas, the true NorCal-SoCal rivalry will start

It's a greater distance than Boston to New York or Philly to New York

Why are there so many Mexicans in NJ? How do they make it that far northeast?

You're stuck with the Rams and Chargerd
More like the Clippers
No one cares about Boreball in LA
Ducks are more preferred
Fuck babby sports
Why are we getting a second divegrass team?

Except people don't regularly commute from Boston or Philly to NYC like Vegas residents do to LA.

Look at the commuter numbers to San Bernardino County from Clark County.

LA's Skyline fucking blows

san bernardino isnt la

Shut the fuck up you dirty spic.

then build a better one, it's your people's city now anyway

>greater LA

damn worst coasters can't even into geography.


The funny thing is, despite OP's post coming off as a bad parody of moronic LAutist I think he is actually retarded. Hard to tell.

San Bernardino County isn't LA County...


Dont lump me in with that fucking autist he makes this thread all the fucking time and people still fall for the bait this shit is funny tho

no u

we already have in Mexico City

It shows that Vegas is CLEARLY in LA's orbit, you dumb fucking hick.

yeah, but only until the next earthquake comes along for you guys down there

gotta have a reserve city, amigo

SF-Oakland is in LA's orbit too. This map is wrong.

Ok, here. Idiot.

working on that in Monterrey, mein freund

>this thread

>Except people don't regularly commute from Boston or Philly to NYC
Are you seriously this retarded?

is boise in greater seattle?

looks a bit asian, but not bad

you should build those just right at the border once trump's wall stands
would be quite the cheeky troll

Maybe if their country wasnt a fucking corrupt shithole for cartels maybe this would be clever

Theyre still coming by the waves though skyline be damned

Also my boss drives from cherry hill to Hoboken everyday

There's some skycrapers being beilt in Tijuana as we speak

>Theyre still coming by the waves though skyline be damned
typical drumpfkin who doesn't know Mexican immigration is at its lowest in decades, you are thinking of Central Americans, friend ;^)

Yeah im thanking him for keeping this out of my country

You beans are subhuman waste and should all be deported ASAP

I would like to know this too. Wouldn't the blacks and mafia scare them away?

Judging by how often I hear of people getting their head chopped off by cartels im pretty sure you have nobody left to send paco

this doesn't show shit, you're dumb fags that don't know geography.

Y'all some dumb fucks Hispanic doesn't mean just Mexican

It says percentage Hispanics, which include Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, who are all over the Northeast

It says that VEGAS is part of the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MEGAREGION which is centered around Los Angeles.

How more clear can I be?

And we're expanding. I'm chicano and I have family in California, Texas, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina, and Massachusetts.

>can't see flags
tell that to your fellow American flags, not me lol

>getting this riled up over calling out your ugly skyline
w e w

Thats disgusting af desu go back

i think those are puerto ricans
not all hispanics are mexican, you know?

now if you ask me why there are so many puerto ricans in that region and why they didn't just go to florida, no idea
but they were already known to be in the new york area once the west side story musical was released, so puerto rican immigration to your northeast region doesn't seem to be exactly a new phenomenon

maybe they were just sick of the constant heat and hurricanes
snow storms are more comfy

And I forgot Tennessee

Fuck man thats horrifying

Ricans are annoying cause all they do is talk about how awesome Puerto Rico is while they live here

Ever seen mexicans?

Yeah man, we're everywhere now. For example, my cousins moved to Massachusetts about a year ago to open a Mexican restaurant, and they're making a killing. Gringos keep giving us shekels, so we assume they want us here.

that, too, has been known since the west side story came out (at least when it comes to male puerto ricans)

Nah it's NY.

>only thing mexicans know hot to do is peddle their cheap food everywhere
Self hating whites are more of a plague than you beaners they will kill us all in the name of their moral grandstanding

Vegas is in nevada and LA is in caliornia, fuck off with your made up megaregion bullshit fagtron.

Ok. Jersey City is in New Jersey, so it has nothing to do with New York City at all.


People literally take the train from Philly to work in the city

I guess everything from Kansas City to Toronto are suburbs of Chicago now

fuck i live in portland maine, so based off stinky smelly LA logic.
I get to claim Pats, Yankees, Red Sox, Giants, and Steelers?
Count me in.
Portland Maine is the new city of champions

>part of the Northeast megalopolis

Ok. idiot.

Learn basic geography

You're going through a stroll in all the upper West side and these hoods come your way
What do?

oh shit my bad,
Ill replace them with the redskins.

dance like i have never danced before!

LA really does have an embarrasing skyline for how big the "mega-region" is
even a small city like SF has a better one

Why the fuck are SF faggots so obssesed with LA?

I post on a city forum and SF faggots always obsess over LA. Get over it. We're better people than you.

>better people

yeah just because of the lakers

nobody gives a fuck about or even knows the other shit is from la

Look how much richer and more successful LA is than SF. You think the movers and shakers of the world want to move to LA or SF?

Think about this: LA gained 2 NFL teams and the Gay Area is losing an NFL team. LA doesn't lose sports teams like the Gay Area does.

midwestern people are fucking stupid enough to fall for bait

lol im not even from SF I live in Tucson, which is probably still better than LA

The Lakers are the biggest brand in American sports

lol ok the New York Giants and New York Jets aren't NYC teams.

>who are the new york yankees/dallas cowboys

wrong dipshit, the Yankees are


American sports are for faggots and niggers.

Pic related will shit on anything from California the only thing thats worth noting are the Lakers.

More like Lesser New York amirite:

Kiwi sports are for Maoris and sheep.

Yeah the Lakers ARE the most known team in the world

I didn’t even know other California cities existed until I was 15

Under WHAT metric is SF better than LA?

NJ has large communities of Puerto Ricans, colombians, Dominicans, and Peruvians.

>better than LA
>literally a shitty version of phoenix

Bump for Raider, Laker and Dodger dominance

I don't get this map. So everywhere between Kansas City and Buffalo is part of Greater Chicago?

Bay Area>