Post your Exs

Post your Exs
>fucked her in a public toiled (which is disgusting tbh)
shes about 20 by now, so I think shes a year older than me. but I like older girls, they are more experienced n shit.

I remember squeezing her nose when I came, she got mad but it wass funny.

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>double penetration
>fucked in a car
>blowjob while driving
>shared with friends
>went clubbing with my cum on her skirt
>clubbing with my cum on her dress
>walked around city after car blowjob with cum on face

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andd then you woke up and realized it was just a dream because youre a faggot

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>brutal pounding
>cum on her face
>cum in mouth
>face fucked

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keep dreaming faggot


>When I was 16 I once fucked my girlfriend in the ass while we had about a half dozen of her friends in the room. It was late and the lights were out but I know that everyone was still awake and listening. I still jerk it thinking about that night.

moarr pics?