Help a Sup Forumsrother Out frns. How do you smoke weed in a hotel room with a smoke detector?

Help a Sup Forumsrother Out frns. How do you smoke weed in a hotel room with a smoke detector?

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sock over the smoke detector if you can reach it. Or just blow it out the window its not really viable to set off any smoke detectors because most of them are sensitive to heat

lol, go outside you faggot

use a bowl and exhale into a pillow

Buy a liquidless vape like Arizer Solo 2

Not an option where I live

Put dryer sheets in a toilet paper roll, blow smoke thru, try to take one hitters so none of the smoke can stink up the room. Candles and air freshener help too.

Can also blow it up into the vent in the bathroom if they have a fan that sucks up humidity.

Like nobody next to you is going to smell it. I live in an apartment building where someone on my floor smokes it and you can smell it all up and down the hallway. Cig smoke would be easier to hide.

Don't know why you'd use their smoke detector to smoke. Just get a pipe

Go outside newfag. Problem solved.