So with fall coming, again a spiderbro choose to live in my appartement. name him bros...

so with fall coming, again a spiderbro choose to live in my appartement. name him bros. i just gonna let the little guy (or girl) chill in here

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Obersturmführer Spinner.

thats fuckin great



go fuck yourself


Trygve Slagsvold Vedum

Lil retard


thats good too. does anybody know where they usualy hide? i only seem to encounter it in the evening

Cracks in the wall, vents, windows, etc.

OP here, location is central europe. can anybody identify it? my guess is Tegenaria domestica?

bump for legboi


fucking Netherlander retards


Just picked up a cup and found one of these guys in it. Bastards dead now!

I'm all chill with spiders when they follow the house rule; KEEP YOUR SHIT TO YOURSELF! I don't go around trashing webs and disturbing nests and I don't mind you chilling in the corner, under the bed and or running along floors but keep your eight dirty feet of the linens and crockery AND MY GODDAMN SHOES!

Denzil has been living in the corner above my reading chair for weeks and his bro lives behind my fishtank and they're cool, but this bastard thinks his home is my cup! TOUCH THE CUP AND YOU GET FUCKED!

Saul, I like that name.

op here, its swiss actually.


it looks like either that or the giant house spider (Eratigena atrica)

I always get plenty that big during fall and winter myself. They love to make their homes downstairs close to the wood stove where we store our wood and burn fires to heat the house. Never a surprise to see them down there. I typically leave them be unless they come at me.

i second this

I really have to work on my arachnophobia.

Charles Winchester III

just think about that they eat all the tiny bugs and creep you can not see.

It will be a boy. They come out at this time of year looking for a female to mate with.


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the ooga booga sound effect


What happened there?

Little Homie

Hey how's deeze doing? Long time no see, is he still hang up about that thing with his eggs? Tell him i'll visit soon

Attached: george.jpg (361x361, 23K)

flip flop survivor?

I'm sure he'd appreciate the visit, he seems somewhat lonely up there.
