It's actually over this time. Trump is going to be impeached. Holy fuck guys how did we let this happen?

It's actually over this time. Trump is going to be impeached. Holy fuck guys how did we let this happen?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dude, as much as we want this to happen, this is the government we're talking about.

Ain't nothing gonna happen anytime soon. It's all preliminary meetings to schedule preliminary meetings so that people can attend preliminary meetings about what to talk about during preliminary meetings.

also if they impeach him there will be an armed revolt


Never gonna happen. It would be a guaranteed reelection.

That's funny, I can see it now. 8 toothless hillbillies driving to DC from florida, all drunk as skunks and waving their shotguns.

Halfway there, they run out of gas or beer or shells and say fuck this and go back!

These stories practically write themselves

You're a massive faggot


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This. Impeachment means nothing cause Republicans won't remove him from office.

Good to hear leftists are about to make themselves look even more unhinged. Nobody of even minor awareness, would find Biden a threat to Trump in 2020 and what the fuck would the Ukraine know about him? Also, WTF are you idiots parading that little retarded girl around for? Are you hoping someone will shoot her? Because that's what it looks like, especially with all the shit stirring going on here. I have 14 images of her hidden right now and it was over 20 last night. Can we say, "O R G A N I Z E D"?

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They blow hot air like this every few weeks. Remember the recount? That went well

Spotted the newfag
And future shooting victim

Why would democrats drive to dc to get shot?

So you haven't read any credible news in 3 years? Biden's son was breaking the law in Ukraine for the hillary camp. Now that it's being investigated, the left is returning to "not me, you" strategies

Yes, I'm talking about all them democrat-voting gun-toting hillbillies in Florida...

You ain't very smart, are ya?

sauce on any of that?

I avoid the MSM like the plague. Finding anything I would consider 'credible' is nearly impossible. Based on my own conclusions though, Biden isn't even the candidate yet and even if he was, he's zero threat. There is no reason to get this far out in front of the process with a risky and potentially impeachable act.

Trump 2020

holy shit, the shills/sheep are working overtime right now. there's like 20 threads...

why do you think Trump is in full favor of the "investigation" and is releasing the transcripts you fucking retard? this is the very last ditch effort of the the liberal left before their party undergoes a full collapse. all orchestrated by a true patriot whose been planning this shit for 30 years and a man you and yours genuinely think is retarded. may God have mercy on all your souls.

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I hope they all do revolt and get shoot the fuck up. Either way rednecks, know I will fuck your wives and daughters... And fuck your son's too, as you die for the orangatang

You were dropped on the head at birth, right?

Well he is a republican so probably not he probably isn't very bright. I never really met a bright Republican well one that made less then
$1000000 a year anyway. Not saying all Democrats are smart.

that's not a source

Is it really that easy for the jew to control your mind? There's no "toothless rednecks with shotguns" and you're not, "fucking people's wives, sons and daughters". They are dividing us and you guys are their prime targets. You lap this shit up like fine champagne.

do me a favor and look up Honest Abe Lincolns personal, business, and political track record prior to being elected president, then compare it to President Trump's. smart motherfuckers sound like crazy motherfuckers to dumb motherfuckers and are never truly appreciated until they're long dead and gone. maybe one day you'll wake the fuck up and realize you were a pawn in the communist/socialist/liberal indoctrination machine that began in the 1960s your emotions were played upon by very insidious and deceitful people. you claim Trump is this person when Trump has done nothing but keep it real with everyone he's ever spoken to his entire life. he openly admits to everything you claim is shady that he's done all while your team has tried to destroy this dude while he's laughed at you flailing your arms. and you wonder how he's gotten away with it. HOW CAN THIS RETARD GET AWAY WITH IT? HOW HOW? HE'S A RETARD! NOT ME! NOT EVERYONE ELSE THAT HATES HIM! HOW HAS HE GOTTEN AWAY SCOT FREE EVERY TIME! because HE'S DONE NOTHING WRONG YOU FUCKING BRAINLET. the full might of the world has been brought upon him and he's still swagging on you cucks. Jesus fucking christ how fucking stupid are you people? YOU'RE FALLING FOR THE RUSSIA MEME ALL OVER AGAIN. my. fucking. sides. this is why faggots like you and Obama can never ever have any real positions of power ever again.

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remember the "inminent" Russian collusion. This is just a smoke courtain made by the Dems, who happen to be desesperate bc they can't choose a decent candidate, and losing the popular vote after 4 years of anti-Trump hysteria would be too sad.

They are desperate because they have been usurped by communists and are being ripped apart from within.

not really. Dems have always been the recipient of all the alternative-ish, hippies, Commies, socialists, far-left, gender ideologues (when it wasn't mainstream), and such. Traditional Dems have no problem with that, like Hillary. Remember how traditional and Chrsitian she sounded back in the days.


Just wait.

It's specifically the DSA, right now. Globalists pretending to be communists, thinly veiled behind the hippy nonsense. Moderate dems, need not apply.

No clue how impeachment works do ya?

I think the whole party is close to a collapse. Dems will dissolve into Moderates and Socialists. But the Republicans gotta work a lot. The Libertarians are getting more and more support, and being the first option only for white male boomers has its perks, like getting your voting base to die first.

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They've been saying the same thing about the GOP for years now. None of these parties will collapse, there's just way too much funding. It's infinite war forever, like 1984 it is

idk man. the gop seems more united than ever, specially bc of trump. The dems breaking up will happen after the 2020 elections, and only if they lose.

it's an 2020 election thing
they're just trying anything at this point

Doesn't mean Hillary is automatically president faggot

All because you want to diversify your stock portfolio and pay lower taxes on your gains. Oh wait your poor! You just don't like mexicans! Rich people use people like you as pawns

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trump gets away with anything

it's what he does

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I think it has something to do with defying the will of the people.

No guys it's called a fucking election
Holy shit did you all forget what you did the last time? You know... vote?

You can vote for Trump again you know-- our secret, promise I won't snitch. But it's not an impeachment bruh, it's just the election

kek ur retarded. trump was democrat within the last 30 years dipshit

Naw. All the kiddos that don't want to seize the means of production, but didn't bite on trickle down and the great replacement grow more alienated. There's no place in conservative America for anyone that even acknowledges climate change. Too many have realized if gun control doesn't work, then it doesn't on abortion or the drug war. The youth have been dancing the endless waltz of regime change with their phones since pre-kindergarten. Everyone has an openly gay or trans friend now.

The GOP has actively excluded all of these people until politically mandatory. In much the same fashion as western aristocracy since the early Industrial Revolution. There will be no replacement, only a lack of renewal. Lefties have seen what pragmatic solidarity has done for the right, and it's seeping into mainstream positions. Many are realizing they've been had on the "assault weapons" thing, and see it from the other end of abortion/drugs. Once there's no pressure holding them together they'll fracture, but not until then.

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good riddance,my only hope is he's out of the republican party to.alongside his idiot supporters,time to pack your bags you left wing piece of shit

thats what you morons said about obama to,yet here you are.smoking meth in your trailer parks being as useless to society as you've always been

lol,the party that collapsed is the republican party.thank donald trump and his idiot supporters for that,cant wait til your out of the party along with your "god emperor"donald trump

This book discusses the aftermath.

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nice jesus on the cross there,im sure supporting a guy who raw dogged a pornstar while fathering his kid surely is conservative christian values.what a joke,this is why nobody likes trump and will be glad when mike pence takes over and cleans up the mess you rednecks left us with your shit president

Even if the house votes to impeach, the Senate will never convict. It is nothing but a stunt and waste of time so they don't have to do anything constructive.

Go back to whatever Southern shithole state you came from you bunch of racist red neck niggers. Sara Sanders can go back to fuking her brothers out by the cider mill or whatever fucked up hillbilly activitys you engage in.

I think this alienation will cause a war
Whites keep becoming more and more conservative at immigration

Republicans are just Slow Motion Democrats except with a tax cut every now and then.

I think Republicans vs Democrats will literally boil over into PostModernist Neo-Marxists + Classical Marxists vs Christians + White People + Nationalists + all the fractured groups on the right (neo-nazis, alt right, eco-fascists)


LOL do you know anything about govt?

I know 2024 is right around the corner at least we got 5 more years of the good life.

Thus why Democrats want to take our guns. It all makes sense

Trump hates guns and serves Isreali/Saudi masters

Sup Forumstards literally can't grasp that

no fucking shit, he is the most liberal republican of recent times. If he could of made his own party and won I am pretty sure he would have.

Good. Gotta kill those Trumptards. Can't wait.


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Wtf i love shell now

That's not the point. They know he won't be removed. They're getting down names on paper so that history will always remember which republicans stood for good vs evil.

Trump and his supporters will be the nazis of our time. Hunted and exterminated. Living in hiding and shame.

Do you think you're on the right side? Because you're contradicting every current talking point of the right. The things you don't believe in are facts, and the things you do believe in are fantasy.

It did go well. The dems won the recount. You lost a senate seat over it. What is wrong with Trumptards?

Because you're an idiot.
Congress: Release the whistle blower report.
Trump: Okay. Investigate.
Congress: No. Release the report. You must.
Trump: Okay, okay. I will show you the transcript.
Congress: No. You must release the report immediate or face impeachment! It is the LAW!
Trump: Biden.


There isn't a single democrat that wants to take guns away. The closest they come is regulating gun ownership back to 90s standards before the NRA (Russia funded) destabilised your country with legal bribes (lobbying).

The alt-right is just a handful of incels. They will never unite because they can't even agree on who is and isn't white.

It will be normal people 99% of all people vs Alt-right incel retards.

Can anyone summarize why Trump is getting impeached?

>The alt-right is just a handful of incels
This is true. Any insurrection talk should be rightfully laughed at and openly mocked.

Witness tampering, treason, extortion, tax evasion, election interference. One of those, probably?

Don't forget sexual misconduct!

This kinda fishy bullshit is gayer than the Greta Breads.

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Sexual misconduct, bribery, possible pedophilic tendencies.

Impeachment =/= removal from office
Also, pence is there to take his place

This has been a non stop barrage of trying to get Trump in trouble before during and after his presidency without any evidence. When will it stop? Does more blood have to be spilled to quench your thirst?

>without any evidence

Ooooh, that felt good. Thanks. It's good to laugh.

Show me some, hun.

You're a bit cagey, bud.

What evidence?
A bunch of salty pundits on TV tlking about supposed slights and spending money in ways that would make a panny pinching kike blush in envy of thriftiness? Hill-Dog spent so fucking much money, it almost seemed like she was doing it to buy an election instead of doing any work, meanwhile Trump made you cuckoos cry like a faggot that got fucked with a splintered rolling pin.

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Go away, shills.

Why is it reds who bring up Hillary?

Why do the Clinton's want to take our guns???

fake and gay

They don't. Thats never even been on the table. Now take your boomer-tier posting elsewhere.

You haven't made a single point, just making claims won't get you anywere. I'm always amazed at how many people can say so much without actually saying anything at all. You talk like a politicans, might want to look into running in your state, I bet you'll be successful.

You realize that as a businessman and celebrity, Trump has being playing cat and mouse with the federal government for decades, right?

He wouldn't authorize the release of the call transcript if it were incriminating. He would make them jump through all the hoops and investigate.

Assualt Weapons Ban.

I wish I had a dollar for every time this got posted on Sup Forums so far

You'd have about $350

Same fag is samefagging it up. You and the rest of the anti-American pussy league (Democrats) can only win by subversion and ballot harvesting. The only exception are the shithole cities of America such as LA and Detoilet. There the poor dopes keep voting in people who say nice things to them while not giving a fuck cuz muh feelin's. Bunch of left wing babies.

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LOL! Love it ! Dems doubling down on what cost them the election last time!

lol fuck you but seriously. Republicans win by dirty gerrymandering, literally giving us minority rule. Trump is a lifelong crook and it's time someone held him accountable.

>all the seething blues replying to this comment with threats when they can't even ask their wife's boyfriend to pick up stuff from the store
Kek. I am so ready to watch a zoomer's head pop like a watermelon when my round is the last thing going through their head.

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