Will everyone be happier if i ran away? I want to live away from all people so i don't hurt anyone anymore...

will everyone be happier if i ran away? I want to live away from all people so i don't hurt anyone anymore. should I do it, and how and where shall i go?

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What country are you in?

The US

How have you hurt people? Are you some emotional millennial who keeps calling people by their not proper pronoun? Or some sadist serial rapist?

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yes fuck off dumbshit and never come back
also kys

KYS fag

This. If you actually want real advice, you'll supply us with more than just some vague emo "I've hurt people" bullshit

no, i respect pronouns

no matter what i do people are always upset at me. Im sick of it, i dont want to make people upset anymore

Sounds like you're an asshole...

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I'm not

How do you hurt people?
Physically, mentally?
If you feel like everyone hates you, and that you're just hurting someone I'm not gonna tell you to stay.
But if that's not it and you're just upset then don't.

Are you retarded? Or mentally disabled somehow? People don't get pissed at you for no reason at all. Come clean, what did you do?


nothing specefic, but i am an aspie

More info man, are you 12? 32?
Do you live with your family? Loner?

19, i live with my grandmother, she provides housing.

If you're getting no where, if you don't have the job you want, and if you're not studying to get to where you want to be, and you truly believe or know that you're just causing everyone pain, then I would tell you to leave and just start over in a new town, yeah.

how do i get the money for that? Initially i made a thread about being one of those anime findom Twitter accounts but it got deleted

Job at your local pizza place, work as a cashier at a gas station for a month or so.
I've fantasized about just running away over and over again.
You won't need a lot of money for surviving when you're not paying rent, etc...
Buy a motorcycle if you have a license, they're cheap and don't pull a lot of gas, if not maybe just some shitty old family van with a small engine.

Get a bus ticket to key west Florida and take advantage of all the tourists

I literally have a job at a local pizza place, still cant get a house
that sounds vauge

Ppl are responsible for their own emotions

What state?

well i know that


Sup Forums being kind and actually giving advice instead of saying kys to OP?
What kind of fucking alternate universe did I crash upon?

You're shooting to far if you're want a house right away.
Get an apartment, room mate if you have to.
No 19 year old working at a pizza place can afford a house.

tbh, i feel the same way
Isn't that still too much?