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This is fake

It sure is.... which is why I tilted my phone to the left

Clearly you never saw the deleted scenes

Attached: lay down.gif (486x278, 1.91M)

I bet you're really fun at party's

Attached: 1569327955797.jpg (540x560, 24K)

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phoneposters think theyre clever but really theyre just still teenagers

Attached: phoneposter.jpg (574x417, 52K)

Wrong. 2,1,3,4.

Fuck that. I'm 30 and only look at Sup Forums on my phone.

normie sliiiimeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Attached: 1568796567850.jpg (570x584, 24K)


Thank you I leled


Attached: key.jpg (480x360, 35K)

You're welcome user

Attached: 1546173103115.jpg (500x764, 95K)

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I laughed because of the surprise!


Attached: funny desktop.jpg (600x479, 55K)

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went 1,4,2,3


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