How do you beat someone bigger than you up?

How do you beat someone bigger than you up?

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outnumber them

>Hit them in the jugular

Be first and headbutt across the ridge of their nose. Wont knock em out but theyll bleed like stuck pigs and they will automatically cover up. Finish it.

Trained experienced MMA practioners won't get sidelined by that tho and youll get fucked up probably. For drunken bar tards and if youre young, bullies, wont see it coming

i beat up someone bigger than me about 3 weeks ago

How do you headbutt someone tho? Just "bow" into them?!

Was it easy?

You get lucky.
That's the only way really.

Be better at fighting then they are.

Put your hairline on the bridge of their nose.

Essentially, yeah. The more you exert onto him, the less pain in the transgression will be yours.
I'd also go for the crotch if I were you.

> be fast
> be aggressive
> exude confidence you can fight the guy
the last one is a big one.


look it up on YouTube. you actually try to duck your head below then and hit them with the crown of your head which is the hardest part of the head and will not knock you out in return. it's not like in the movies when people headbutt with the forehead

Poop in their cereal

a gun

Nose then solar plexus. If they are still upright after that, then run and hope that you are faster than they are.

Thats the gist of it. Nose is sensitive and it wont take much force to shatter. Hard to see coming as well unless you wind it up massively. You can destroy peoples hands with your head as well if you got good reflexes, but that takes practice. If you got zero fighting experience, then yes, 'bow into' them would be my advice

Im guessing that you don't know bjj or any martial arts and neither does the other dude, so just play dirty, soccer kick him in the balls as hard as you can, if he bends down you grab his head and knock it over with your knee.
Be careful, if he grabs you and you end up wrestling he will kill you if you don't know what you are doing like most people

i surprised him and it was surprisingly easy

You guess right, I know nothing about fighting... He is big, but like fat at the same time? I'm about 200lbs and 6,3. This guy is probably 350 lbs but around 5,8 somewhere, gymhead.

TL;DR it's an abusive bf to my sister that she won't leave. I dont have the closest of contact with my siblings, but no one wants to see them bruised everytime you see them.

So, basically "foul play" according to both of you then? Not thinking of rules per se, but you know theres some things you don't do? Nutshots and headbutts.

Who cares about fair play? Youre not in a ring mate..

weapons. approach from the rear. Stab in the back. renal artery. Stab high. shooting's better. keep distance. Guys, like cops, who street fight all the time, don't use fists much. If they're up against a big boy it's taser, pistol, more cops. That's what works.

Why would he let you get that close? I wouldn't.

Idk OP but my dream is me and 3 or 4 buddies go to some random bar that we have never been to and will never go again. Some place that no one knows my name. We go inside and find the biggest guy in the bar and punch his gf in the face. That will piss off everyone in the bar and have a massive ass bar brawl. Hopefully beat the shit out of everyone and vanish

Doubt it, but if you wouldn't, then you're not unexperienced. Most idiots will get into kissing range of your face talking shit. Open for anything

True. If it were fair play, he wouldn't be bigger than you. There would be weight classes. Use weapons and surprise. Give him no chance whatsoever. Come up behind him with anything from a ball bat to a shotgun.

Bee spray to the eyes
Caution: you will have to pay the consequences

id never let someone trash on my family. fact that ur asking on here tells me u wont do shit about it anyways

>you know theres some things you don't do?
are you street fighting a nigga or are you gay wrasslin' with your butt buddies? there is no such thing as "things you don't do" in a real fight, kiddo.

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Take up some form of MMA
BJJ ;. Muay Thai & Jun Fan JKD are very effective.
Never start an aggressive attack yourself, but always be well prepared & willing to defend yourself or others who are being victimised who deserve your protection.

>it's an abusive bf to my sister
this sounds like a good reason to get a gun.

You are a rail thin faggot. If you are going against a "350 lb" gym head you are going to get absolutely wrecked without a weapon... and it better be a big one.

Idiots. For one it's more of an advantage to headbut someone if you're shorter than them. you might as well drug him call the police while he's got drugs on him. Don't be a pussy. Look up lee Morrison on YouTube and watch his videos if you think you want to fight. Otherwise put on a dress and let him fuck you.

Here is a better one call 911 say this guy's name you seen him with his phone out and he had naked children on his phone, when the police show up tell them you seen children nude on is phone and point him out !

Ask him if he can take a picture of his cock in front of a picture of your sisters face for you to jerk off to.

Punch them in the throat

Fuck him in his ass.

/thread this is the only accurate answer
>coup de jarnac

I'm not a violent person and aviod confrontations if I can. I love my family tho, and will do what I can for them. Obviously not writing down every reply on here for facts, but fact or fiction, I've been told things here now that I would never think of myself and that checks up if you crosscheck it. Again, yea, internet, but, also again, I got zero experience, what do I got to lose? Headbutt and nutkicks sounds pretty logical as well if you ask me.

this would only work if the sister was underaged and sent him nudes.

Pressure points ;^)

Fight them.

I actually asked a co-worker how he'd go about fighting someone taller than him. He was short but also learned a lot of martial arts through out his younger life. He said that he'd immediately go for there shin or knee with a striking slightly downward kick and/or stand in an Iron Shirt position, more than likely they'll over swing, dodge the punch and then use how much ever momentum they used against the, but it's essentially grabbing the arm and throwing them to the floor. Memory is fuzzy because we were both drunk

>Sweep the leg

faggot mentality... wellplaced headbutt, elbow, fist will bring down any one. being a 350lbs fatass isnt an advantage unless he lays on you

Oh say you seen him deal drugs to someone

This. Work with large animals and learn their pressure points ;^) they weigh 2,500lbs.

>How do you beat someone bigger than you up?

Sup Forumsro if you're being threatened, fucking tell someone. Teacher, principal, parents, cops..... no is entitled to threaten you.

If you're not being threatened then here are a few thoughts

> It's hard to beat a combo of boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

> "Gracie Bully-Proof" is a good resource

> Boxing is complex to learn, so beginners should do something like this (below). Using those motions to protect your head is quick to learn.

> High School wrestling is a great martial art. Learn to take people down, stop them from taking you down, clinch effectively, and get in great shape to boot.

> The second some bully starts trying to intimidate you, ATTACK! Defense is a state of mind... if a reasonable person believes he's in imminent danger then he can act defensively even if the "attacker" hasn't thrown a punch.

> To the above, hit first, hit hard, and keep hitting until the threat is neutralized.

> A sharp mechanical pencil can be a helluva weapon. Stick it in the throat, eyes, and other soft tissues.

Good luck.

>This guy is probably 350 lbs but around 5,8

Jesus H. Christ what a fat motherfucker!

Let him get winded after 30 seconds then open up and beat him.