ITT: perfect passes
ITT: perfect passes
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/r/ Busquets assist
the fucking composure
the samoan god tua
Fox's on-screen graphics are so aesthetic
is the xp still done after the clock runs out? or is considered a different play or something?
It's an untimed down.
You do get to take the PAT, yeah.
did the vikings miss the xp at the end of the minnesota miracle? or did they choose not to
Has one player ever cucked a franchise as bad as Rodgers has Dallas?
They kneeled.
In both Hail Marys, the receiver who catches it is left alone. That's probably the secret.
that shit was so wobbly and it didn't even matter.
All the NO players were gone back to the dressing room and people had flooded the field. Eventually, the referees wrangled 11 NO players to line up, including their punter lining out as a DT, and Case just kneeled.
Doesn't look so perfect to me. Defender could have easily got it
Not actually that great of a throw, but hey.
that catch is just disrespectful.
hey its that good qb who fucked himself and his team by taking a fuckton of money that he won't even need
Again, the throw is whatever. But check out that pump fake, wew.
That double move Gronk pulls on that guy is career ruining.
Last Brady for now. He's good.
I sure hope the Lions can get this man a ring in my lifetime.
post wentz
A personal favorite QB.
wobbly as fuck
This is actually a terrible pass in terms of accuracy. But it's a wonder to watch.
that fucking BITE glorious
i watched this play from fenway before the sox game started, the playoff game ortiz hit the grand slam against the tigers
Another favorite. Effortless.
The guys with big arms always make it so effortless. The Vick and Stafford webms this thread just look like flicks of the wrist and you can see Brady really putting everything into it. Arm strength definitely isn't everything for a QB but it's really aesthetic.
In a similar vein.
>It's the player's fault! He should give the money back to the owners and the NFL who deserve it!
Get fucked, it's not Stafford's fault the salary cap works the way it does.
Lefty throwers are also really cool. Young being the best.
the way he just throws it off his back leg. all arm
A historically significant throw.
nigga, FUCK Raheem Moore
Reminder: In Manninglet's minds this is a perfectly thrown pass.
Reminder Manning defenders don't know the difference between someone being inside and someone being over the top.
Reminder Manning defenders are the biggest casuals in sports.
Fun one from this season.
gosh this "sport" is so gay lmao
That's just ridiculous arm strength. Absurd.
Good pass, sure. Perfect, nope. The reciever obviously has to slow down to catch it.
I love how he didn't look at the receiver until he was already throwing the ball. Just watched the safety to know he'd have is man in one v one, and trusted him.
at least im white, jamal
I swear to god I nearly had an orgasm when Rodgers made this throw. A literally perfect pass in a must-have moment.
love it
Not sure how the Steelers lost this game.
b-b-bbut Brody only throws screens and short 5 yard outs
You seem pretty autistic
Forgot about this one. Heck of a pass.
>Does anyone have the webm of the actual only perfect pass?
It's from the CFL. The QB throws the ball to someone on offense who is running a slant or something. But the player is not looking at all at the QB or the ball coming at him.
The throw was so perfect that the ball just wedges itself between the player's arm and hip and he runs it in for a TD.
Probably the best throw of Eli's career.
Good memory.
>That's just ridiculous arm strength. Absurd
Came to say this exact thing. 60 yards in the air, on target, from off balance.
There are kickers who can't kick it that far.
>this footage is 10 years old
Thanks, this one was ridiculous.
Perhaps you'd be interested in some of his other works.
Rodgers has a howitzer for an arm. He throws that ball 67-68 yards at punt trajectory
>le league lets his receivers push off for hail mary's man
Looking the safety off. That's a great camera shot
This is a broken play, not a perfect pass. It would've been perfect if he nailed the back shoulder fade but instead, he underthrows and nearly concedes an INT.
Nice job avoiding the sack but he got lucky. DB was sleeping.
pretty much every WR and DB gets away with murder on hail marys, the refs don't have the balls to call a touchdown back or give the offense the ball at the 1
Brady to Moss was so great
Sad Rodgers' career has been wasted hauling McCarthy's bloated, useless carcass through the NFC.
Steve Smith is football
does anyone have amendola to brady
I don't know how "perfect" of a pass it was, but yes.
how about edelman to amendola?
When Favre swings his arm like that I immediately hear boomer's WAP! noise. Classic moment.
Definitely is
>Revis covering
It's a shame he gets so much shit for his attitude. He's unironically a pretty good QB.