No fucking YLYL thread!? Are you fucking joking!?!?!

No fucking YLYL thread!? Are you fucking joking!?!?!

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Haha nice little reddit memes my newfriend!

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I am sorry that you are retarded. Seek professional help.

In the meanwhile: The 13 stripes are for the original 13 states of the United States of America and the 50 stars represent the current 50 states of United States of America.

You're welcome.

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is this what it feels like to be woke

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There are 52, you forgot Hawaii and Alaska

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You forgot Disney Land and Universal Studios

and half the stripes represent black males that are responsible for the crime

thanks for this, havent lol in a while

Wtf is this for real

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Dont be racist user
Its their culture and it is just as valid as ours.
Look how wise he looks.
Dont you wish you could watch him take your wife from behind?

You know it happens a lot of time that tribe chief come to see real politicians cause they destruct forest and all fucks likes that.

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I second that


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yall fags for losing at a nekid black man. Shows how much y'all into that cuck life. Give me the funnies.

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uhhh... quads.... uhhhh

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I'd say I found the nigger, but no nigger can articulate thought that well. So this is probably a bbc whore writing on behalf of her aids donor monkey

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Is that guy possessed by zulu?

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>hey mom I did it again

51 is Puerto Rico
52 is Cuba

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Please be trolling.

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Wtf is that

Explain Puerto Rico. Protip you can't.
Checkmate, loser.

By the looks of it, I'd say: super nintendo guy.

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Do you think this is like the proverbial Adam in Eden suddenly realizing that he's naked as fuck?


Literally has a fucking camel toe

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That. Is. Awesome. I really hope that's as real as it looks.

Hell you're right. Black men do most of the violent crime and they ony account for about 6% of the population. You're so right I'll let you come over and fuck my sister. She's 235 pounds and has a kid and is married to a lard ass that weights 350, but he can't get up without letting go of the stick of butter he usually eats for supper so you got a few moments to slip it in daintily and get to work. I'm glad you caught that mistake. Thank you.


They cant
They cant even explain Australia

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gay men have all the fun.

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WTF is that?!

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We should be teaching our children to *not* feed the thots.

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so brave

damn my gayness, I'd have never looked there.

You don't get tired of being a faggot do you?

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Soy boy beta cuck

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What's he making in there?

Goddamn I love this one

Does anyone?

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You don’t get tired of living do ya

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Brilliant actually. I want me some angry chicken ffs.


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Sweet, sweet love.

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i but hes doing bunny ears out of that dudes mouth

Wtf is on his dick

Bad things happen to good people... I’m sorry guys but this is just the world we live in. May he Rest In Peace =(

It's a territory, not a state.

ancient battle horn of fertility

Penis horn. It's for playing theme music. Every hero needs theme music.

>2017 videogames must revise history to include minorities

Now we got nigger cowboys and openly faggot sounding people in Red dead Redemption 2 thanks to those cunts

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Don't worry. In a few years you'll see democrat KKK faggots that are black too. Gotta have diversity.

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Not true


But read dead 3 is not historical

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How is it not, faggot? That abuse to video game players extended all the way back to the early 80s too. WTF

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this of all things got me good

And it wasn't girls vs gamers
It was gamers vs non-gamers