What's it like being married Sup Forums?
What's it like being married Sup Forums?
Even if you're in a decent marriage, it's kind of crappy. I would never recommend it to anyone.
How long married?
Dude honestly my experience is good I love my wife! If I had to give advice if your sure she'll stick around during the hard time and when i come to kids (plan it) and the love for a little person you want is indescribable, and last bit of personal advice (always keep talking dont lose communication, be honest and dont let your pride blind you)
I was married for 11 years OP. Its meh at it's best.
it ranges from terrible to amazing, depending on the people involved. i imagine anyone on Sup Forums who is/was married probably has a terrible relationship.
It's just like when you're not married, except now people don't ask "you're not married? Well, when are you getting married??"
I was married at over point, but It's a waste of time and the government doesn't need to be involved in my love life.
How long have you been married and how long dated?
you probably though when you got married you found "the one". the reality hits. why do so many people fall for the marriage meme?
>i imagine anyone on Sup Forums who is/was married probably has a terrible relationship.
I'm pretty happy with my wife, we're still pretty much newlyweds though.
6 years. As said, it's meh at best. And at it's worst, it can destroy your life.
A friend of mine works on building skyscrapers and about once a year, they get a call that some guy has climbed to the top with a rifle. It's ALWAYS a guy who got fucked over in his marriage and/or with family law and divorce stuff.
Its got its pros and cons . I’ve been married 2 years and at times we’re really good and then at time I just want to get away from her as far as possible. One thing I would definitely suggest is get as much pussy as you can while you can . I’ve only had three woman and I regret it now . I’d i wish I would have taken advantage of the sexual opportunity’s I had . Other then that tho it’s mostly good we have a kid and they takes my mind away from things .
My gf of 6 years keeps pushing me for marriage kids n buying a house, I told her before she should stop forcing me to do that shit and it may come in time, but before I know it years fly by and I still dont really want any of it, I just want to be somewhat free and try some other chicks.. she was my first and got chubby with the years, if it wasnt for our crazy bond id go away, but I just cant....
Still married? That's so sad.
>she was my first and got chubby with the years
How chubby we talking?
Yes, it is sad. And the worst part is that it's not a terrible arrangement. No one's abusive or drinks too much or is angry all the time. It's just a life sentence that we agreed to for some reason and that's that.
Do you at least still get sex?
Seriously? No, neither one of us want it at all.
Pretty damn chubby, put on atleast 15 kg, I told her a bit ago that I was getting less attracted to her so she dieted for a bit lost couple kg but she eating lots of fats again, sigh
Damn. Maybe try to have some together? It can strengthen your bond.
Jeesh couldn't even wait for a ring to get fat? Women these days.
We don't even sleep in the same bed. Haven't for years. And honestly, I'm not interested anymore. I freely admit that it's partially on me.
Gets me down to talk about my marriage, mates.
Never ever get married. It's garbage.
Sorry to bring it up, I'll pray that it'll get better user.
2 year. It's pretty bland.
Women want it becAuse they're secured for life no matter what. I wish it wasn't illegal to hit your wife. Or if she cheats you are legally allowed to shit kick her like you would a man.
I inherited $500,000 when my dad died now and it pisses me off if things go sour she can now have what took my father a lifetime to earn.
Well, I do have a plan. We're both older folks and I've earned a good chunk of cash. So, I've told her that I'm going to be quitting my job in the next couple of years and leaving on a long vacation.
But, I may just never come back. Kind of let the whole thing drift and see what happens. If she doesn't call me and I don't call her, we'll just let it go that way.