
let's have one of these, i'll start


The koran also says infidels aren't innocent so...yeah.

>better delete your comment i'm offended

fuck these people


oh shit

based gucci out of fucking nowhere


I mean its literally true that not all Muslims support terrorism and I guess if you have a sub-80 IQ #notallmuslims might inform you of that but really how does this further the discussion at all? Try to talk to a Muslim about radical Islam and they'll just point out that they and no one they know are terrorist. Well gee that's helpful.

drumpf also btfo


The Qu'ran also teaches that everyone who identifies as a Muslim is a Muslim, and that all other Muslims must respect that.

I wish #SendApologistsToSyria was trending or something.

>Ross Bain
He's a big goy


Those murdering sandniggers are the closest thing to their childfucking prophet in existence. No real muslims my ass.

Ay dios mio

Not All Men was an attempt to derail a conversation about women's experiences in a patriarchal society where street harassment, rape culture, etc are the norm. It was, at best, an attempt to deflect attention towards men and away from the fact that basically all women experience gendered street harassment, regardless of whether all men commit it, for instance.
Not All Muslims - although I haven't heard the argument expressed through that particular phrase - is a direct response to ISIL's divide-and-conquer tactics. The French attacks, according to ISIL's own newsletter, are an attempt to breed hatred and violence towards Muslim people living in Western countries, and thus draw people who feel persecuted by their own countries to ISIL. Unity is the best weapon we have against such tactics, and is also the most moral choice, in my opinion.


>calling takfir on someone who professes belief in Muhammad
wew lad, he even Muslim?

Muslims made the decision to support Islam. Islam is at war with the west. Should we not kill our enemies?