Sissy/trap/Cd/mental illness thread someone was asking for this Cd the other day, have a decent amount more anyone interested?
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Die Fahne hoch!
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Die Reihen fest geschlossen!
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SA marschiert
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mit ruhig festem Schritt.
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Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
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Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit.
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Die Straße frei
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den braunen Bataillonen.
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Die Straße frei, dem Sturmabteilungsmann!
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Es schau'n aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen.
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Der Tag für Freiheit und für Brot bricht an!
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Is she on HRT?
If not, how did she manage an ass like that?
Zum letzten Mal wird Sturmalarm geblasen!
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Zum Kampfe steh'n wir alle schon bereit!
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Schon flattern Hitlerfahnen über allen Straßen.
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Die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit!
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Traps Raus!
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Last I spoke to her which was after these pics were taking she said no so I have no idea kek
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If a man lies with a man as a woman, he has committed an abomination. They shall be put to death, their blood is upon them.
Leviticus 20:13
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Why are anime and traps almost always seen together?
Really makes you think...
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Friendly reminder that 40% of trans people commit suicide. Pretty much like flipping a coin lmao.
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>that 40% of trans people commit suicide
...and nothing of value was lost
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Trans people when they haven't told anyone about their gender in 5 minutes.
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If you're gonna fuck a trap, go for a white one. The browns have the highest HIV rate in the world.
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White men of yesteryear
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It's okay to be a feminine gay guy, don't be tricked
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mfw god-tier self-delusion
Man Traps are very crazy off the bat. Hormones and shit make them crazy.
just google "Danny Bendochy"
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>trusting a book written by Jews.
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bro what the fuck happened
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I don't know what's more disturbing - the panties or the fucking glove thingies.
kawaiijeshika. he's a crossdresser btw
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Why did you catalog this as a mental illness? Every trans person thinks she is fucked in the head? Just curious.