Anyone In Syracuse Know Her?
Anyone In Syracuse Know Her?
No but shes got some zombie ass looking titties Blue thunderbolts deluxe.
Love seeing her tits
I might..
what makes you think she lives there?
look at the beer gut. her body is fuking rekt.
Would still hit it though
a man that has a sense of dignity and self-respect surely wouldn't. i'm sure you would though
Looks familiar.
To be fair, she probably wouldn't want to to fuck you or anyone else on this shit site.
i couldn't be paid to fuck a fat gut girl like this
Did I stutter?
exactly. did i stutter? get your reading comprehension tested.
no u
Have any attractive girls from Syracuse?
Google "user's mom".
Yes I know her
Fuck off incel. You would sniff farts out of her ass if she let you. Not good enough for you bull shit. You probably havent fucked a girl at all.
What's her sign?
I think she's attractive. Going to be honest. She has just the right amount of chub.
In my opinion at least.
To be totally honest with you guys if you're not interested at all sexually in a girl like that then you have some issues.
In my opinion that girl is naturally attractive.
Like I mean wholesome attractive.
She looks like she could bear children and at least in a physical sense would be a good mother.
Aside from all that if you're going to turn down a girl for a little bit of belly then you're either a turbo virgin or your standards are just plain too high.
Get out there and get some pussy. Chubby feels good.
Post more cuse girls
Is her name Elizabeth?
I had a girl like that once, I woke up every morning at 4AM to give them a squeeze and suck. Damn I miss her.
yes, post more ciara
What the hell are you bumping for?
Agreed. I'd suck those udders and grab that "chub".
cause i can
any more of those udders? nice rack on her
i heard there are vids
someone make a vola?
what do i do with this