Hey Sup Forums how do you stop Mexicans from unnecessarily using your front driveway to go to the neighbor who on the...

Hey Sup Forums how do you stop Mexicans from unnecessarily using your front driveway to go to the neighbor who on the contrary has plenty?

Pic related I've used one already and it worked but what else can I do?

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Move to America and Mexicans will stop doing that. It'll be Americans doing that lol

Build a wall

When they park there, block the entrance and call the towing company. That should be a deterrent to those roaches

Did it stop them from parking or just blow their tires?

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You can't. We own you pussy

call a tow truck and get their car taken off your property.

what if they try to kill you for fucking up their car? i treat everyone in the united states as if they own a gun and kill me at the slightest provocation. seems like the only sensible way to deal with people in this country.

I'll be more than happy to vandalize more directly just trying to look for an alternative

But mexico is in america..

Invite the customs officials over or someone in a federal jacket with the department prominent.

do you have a shared driveway? pics?

Highly unlikely that you’ve done this. I would go back and fuck out your house if this happened to my car.

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contact parking enforcement you don't need he sherif, make it clear that this a domestic disturbance possible trespassing.

not an emergency. do not call 911

find the local number or go to the station house and get the right information and proper numbers, if your lucky they will even give a speech you can say to the dispatcher.

do not contact 911
go to local station

I park my truck at the entrance to my driveway so they think one of the other party guests is there. They WILL block me, but not their pals.

Call a tow truck, they will take it at their expense. No one can park on your private property, without your permission.

>No one can park on your private property, without your permission.

Also block their car so they cant move it

then they wait for you with a shotgun. real smart to play chicken with people these days.

Yeah, get a gun then. These spics should be following the law

Bring out a gun and show them that they're on private property.

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Slash their tires and spaypaint "FAGGOT" in pink on the side of the car

Go talk to your neighbor like a man.

Steal the car. Tow truck is best way if you have a tow-friend. Make sure you have firepower to back it up.

Are you whining about people using a driveway to turn around in a narrow neighborhood street? Are you a dog or something?

Nah, that's the tow company's problem. Just call and the problem goes away. After they have to fork over a bunch of cash and fight with the tow company to get their car back, they will never pull that shit again.

Buy a fence with a gate.
Put up boulders on the corners of your driveway.

Hard to suggest stuff when your description is so vague.

Valve Stem Removal Tool

When their party is in full swing, slip outside, remove stem cover, screw on tool, unscrew tool. Finish cigarette. Return to house.

You're not destroying property. You're not vandalizing. And their car isn't moving without a replacement valve stem. They'll likely have to call for their own tow.

That is vandalism.

Call INS, y'know, immigration. Hell, just call the cops and tell them you saw one of them selling drugs, or shooting a gun. That ought to take care of your wetback problems pretty fuckin' quick.

Who fucking cares at this point

Change your wifi network name to "ICE SWAT Team"

user is going to rear up and say that it isn't destroying property, or vandalism, when it is. If OP is going to get an idea to remove the stem, they should know of potential consequences.

Put up a sign saying unauthorized cars park here will be towed at owners expense.. the follow through if the do it. Its your property unless you live on a public street. Then the standard easement laws apply.

Call INS and say you have a roach problem. They'll understand

is it actually your driveway?
It sounds like they are just parking in front of your house, which is public property. Nothing you can do mate, besides call the cops on them after 10pm (if they are being loud)

Boomer detected. That hasnt existed in like 15 years. Its called ICE now. which has existed about as long

t. shot white boi

many people in this thread clearly haven't lived next to a mexican family that has parties where like 250 family members show up
all the fucking time
you do any shit to their cars, including getting them towed, and your house is permanently greenlighted for the worse treatment ever until you finally cave and move
op your best option is to stop being a pussy and infiltrate them
become friends, bring over a case of medelo especial and eat their spiciest shit so they can laugh at your stupid whiteboy tastebuds not being able to handle it
after a few times of getting drunk with them, maybe eating some dinners or groping a drunk fat titted aunt at a quinceanera, they'll stop blocking in your driveway if you ask them to or just make it known that you need your shit open all the time
this is the only way for one whiteboy to win against a large group of beaners in this situation

How will puncturing their tires make them leave? Now they'll be stuck

INS is sooo twentieth century, dood.

I wish I was in your situation, instead I have white trash neighbors that think it is ok to park on my front lawn since it runs right up against their driveway. Next time I plan to drive my car up against theirs effectively blocking them in and then telling them to call the cops (because I'm tired of having to call them)

even better
leave their car on blocks!

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you could probably benefit from this too and there may even be the possibility of bangin the daughters with their dad

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Don't forget to thank me later for this one. You will not regret it


>>Hey Sup Forums how do you stop Mexicans from unnecessarily using your front driveway to go to the neighbor who on the contrary has plenty?

Park an ICE vehicle on your driveway.

Offer your local ICE field office some free soda or midday snacks so they stop by your house when your spic neighbors can see your new friends drive up to your house.

fuck.. this is back?

That's what the gun is for.

INS ICE whatever the federal spic removers call themselves these days. Hell, just stand outside and scream MIGRA! at the top of your lungs. Watch 'em scatter.

>who on the contrary has plenty

Plenty of what? Are you on drugs?

>unnecessarily using your front driveway to go to the neighbor who on the contrary has plenty?

Has plenty of what? This sentence makes no sense. Are you trying to say someone parks in your driveway? What the fuck are you saying?