Are all Canadians racist pieces of shit, or just this one?

Are all Canadians racist pieces of shit, or just this one?

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Just the weird faggy French ones

cry more nigger

Are all Sup Forumstards snowflakes or just this one?

Yeah so dont fucking come here nigger

the amount of shocking things coming up about him smells like a set up

Nah, it's just funny because he plays the biggest SJW around but got caught doing something racist even if it was 20 years ago; different time, different place and different job title. Should've just owned the photos right after he got elected and people would have forgiven him because they were still riding the whole "Dude, the Libs are gonna legalize weed!! Dude, weed, dude!!"

>Nah, it's just funny because he plays the biggest SJW around but got caught doing something racist even if it was 20 years ago

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most are

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Agreed! Can not stand Indians! Also know as Tent Niggers, leach of society and should all be extinct

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If you're gonna larp as a Canadian, you'll have to do better than that friend

He might have gotten away with one but there are at least 3 seperate occasions

Still better then Scheer.

really motherfucker? doesnt show up to the fucking debate, second debate now cancelled because that coward wont show up AGAIN. Now only 2 debates left and 1 is french which I wont watch becasue I dont speak fag

>When Racists are in such high demand but such short supply we have to go back in time to find them.

Oh how the west has fallen

He's gonna lose and me an my homies gon kidnap him and rape his racist ass all mufuggin night long mang!

I’d rather fuck your mother’s desiccated corpse then hand power back to those cowboy-hat-wearing retards out west.

Considering the timing and fact this is just coming up now I sense that to

even the faggots in the east want canada to seperate. I'm down.

You know what's funny? I'm racist as fuck and I've never put on black-face.

It's funny to think that Trudeau is worse than me.

It's just amazing how all the biggest 'woke' politicians and celebrities have the most shit in their closet.

Then let us leave and you poggy riding faggots can starve in the dark

Trudeau might have done a faux pas, but we can't let another Trump win in Canada, OP.
We're going to have to excuse him for this, but we might run another candidate when his time's up.

Why is wearing black face makeup racist?

>I'm racist as fuck and I've never put on black-face.
I brought this up with my friend. Personally not "racist as fuck", but I can't see a racist person going out of their way to do this shit. I really don't think little potato is racist but: The hypocrisy is what gets me.
Shill level over 9000

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just for the hell of it, I'm gonna say it. I don't think performers who did blackface back in the day, or paid to watch it, had a problem with black people. Blackface was more ignorance and curiosity.

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Just the Québecois.

I always laugh at Quebecers going on about their "distinct language". It's gutter French. They sound like the aliens from Mars Attacks.


Can't say that about Parisian French.

There was, is, and will always be racists but yeah I basically agree.
What the hell is with that place? Never seen the racism from them personally, but damn they are impossible people to like. They rub me the wrong way and I always have conflicts with them. Is it a weird french thing? I'm a patient, tolerant, easy going person.
I like when they made fun of Justin's bad french accent. Like, have you motherfuckers heard yourselves speaking english?

Not going to line, user, the blackface looks so fucking demented and creepy.

Didn't vote for him before, won't now. That said, don't think he's racist. Ignorant and a little retarded? Absolutely.

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Well they all are and act like they are not. Hes the worst a crazy leftist.

Wonder why he paid the news media off? They must have known better the last election.

Quebec has a centuries-long special snowflake persecution complex
They think they are some oppressed minority despite tonnes of uneven government policies in their favour
They claim to be French - including the pompous arrogance - despite being essentially Canadian with a butchered outdated version of said language

found another pic of him in brown face

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20 bucks says this was posted by a magat.

Don't forget to thank me later for this. You will not regret it

Canada is getting pretty bad. A new party had to form because the Conservative party wasn't racist enough.

And you are a perfect example of how the left thinks. Well he might have done exactly what we accuse the guy I hate of doing but...he's not the guy I hate so its ok if he does it.

Your hipocracy is unreal.

You say in response to racism by the Liberal party. Lol

how could Castro's love child be racist?

Just that one, most canadians are very open minded to new ideas and stuff eh?

His actions show that he has remorse for the stupid shit he did in the past though. The Conservatives are fucked though thanks to the PPC. They've just taken away some of the conservative parties voters. Split parties is what fucked the NDP.

Don't forget to thank me later for this. You will not regret it

Fake and gay

The party of Stephen Harper is crying about racism because someone dressed as a cartoon character?
Were you born in the last 4yrs?

Because of Trudeau I'm growing legal pot in my yard. This man is my hero

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Kill yourself lying faggot

Canadians are incredibly racist. Outside of the few main cities we have, most of this shit country is rural country bumpkins and they have foreigners. Also, with our cities being taken over by Chinese and Indians, those of us stuck living here are starting to hate them too.

no only the far-right assholes who live here

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>The Conservatives are fucked though thanks to the PPC.
Yeah kinda doubt that buddy. They will win some seats in already conservative strongholds but that's it. The liberal vote will split hard and you know it. Even liberals are fed up with this government and will vote.....uh ndp I guess.
Legalization was a mistake. I smoke weed and now grow it too. Look at who's profiting off that train. Big business and bigger government.
That was very inconsistent, wtf are you trying to say?
>I'm not racist, I just hate that one specific group of people

Outside of the few main cities? There's quite a few main cities. Sometimes two in a province....

Which part are you having trouble with?

You mean his fake tears and apologies Get fucked you liberal cunt

all of them People think that the non-whites are all friendly and loving people. They would form their own version of the KKK if they could.

your retard man.
>fellow pot smoker

There are few cities of note in Canada. Many exist but most are completely insignificant both culturally and economically. There can be main cities of a province but they are still irrelevant to the country.

Literally 30% of our economy comes from one city, large chunks from about 2-3 others.

You mean Alberta's oil?

I guess, couldn't you have just said hicks be racist? and skipped the cities lol.

Would have happened with or without him.

The economic engine has always been Toronto. Calgary is still a big contributor though but it fluctuates with oil prices.

Not really, the point was that hick be racist and the cities be turnin' that way too.


assuming you'reeveryone outside a few major cities racist?
but it's the major cities being overrun but indians and chinese and they're also racist
That's like everywhere my dude. I've lived in the fraser valley and it sucks. Whole cities that are chinese or indian. They can be fairly racist people btw. It's not a shining example of integration or multiculturalism.
>There can be main cities of a province but they are still irrelevant to the country
Elitism in a nutshell. I could give a flying fuck about what happens in toronto

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>Big business and bigger government.
did you know that former PM Mulroney is CEO of an American company that is going to grow pot and sell to Canada?

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On top of Trudeau just letting refugees in to pander to PC culture and to be the guy that "sticks it to trump" by ruining the economy. That'll show him?

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silence you mapleback snownigger

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Are you saying you're my retarded man or are you just illiterate?
May your buds have mites, hypocrite fag

If it keeps drooling right wing retards out of office, I'm ok with being a hypocrite.

Actually it's the Queen's oil, moron

Lots of these up here also (prairie niggers)

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I think he's making fun of you.

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Found the American.

Sure thing. Harper was just about to legalize it wasnt he


Rural areas are racist. Cities are becoming racist.

You don't have to give a fuck about Toronto. That doesn't change the fact that it's a massive part of the economy and a driving cultural force. The same cannot be said for places like Charlottetown.

I live in Toronto and I hate it. There's no elitism here, this city is garbage in every way but it is absolutely the economic heart of the country.

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Imagine paying a convicted terrorist 10 million dollars. Love our justice system.

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You're an absolute idiot who has gone his whole life without being told so. They just let you run free thinking you were educated. God save us.

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Found the liberal.

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The refugees keep the Canadian economy growing. You do know the economy depends on constant growth & we'd have a decreasing population without immigration, dont you dumbass?

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Do you know what Crown lands are?

here's a novel idea, make it so Canada is a place where people who live there want to have kids.

To me, Canada is a pornographic shithole completely unsuitable for raising kids.