Should sports channels start covering esports?


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they already cover golf and poker, so idc

It depends on how they want to coverage it and what games they cover.

CS:GO is the GOAT watching sport, fun for a beginner, a pure tactic game for big players, and the skills are present. Rocket League can be good as well but the level isn't elite yet

FIFA is "watch my dribbling skills during 20 minutes" when MOBAs are like Harry Potter battles, uninteresting if you don't know what spell does what.

VS fighting games can be like fleuret, épée or boxing depending on the powers of the characters, searching the opener to win the round.

VR games will be the future of e-sport, as it is ACTUALLY an electronic sport, with speed, endurance, precision, sometimes even strength but I don't know how it would be broadcasted, in first or third person (depends on the game of course). In five years it will be the elite discipline and could even get its place for Paris 2024 or LA 2028.


>MOBAs are like Harry Potter battles, uninteresting if you don't know what spell does what.
Yeah, CS is definitely easier to understand, I don't get all the MOBA hype because I don't play so i cant understand wtf is going on

Esports piss me off so much.

No, I'd genuinely rather watch other non-sports like golf ahead of this.

Stick to YouTube's teenage market

>literally wasting time watching other people playing video games
I don't fucking get it. Are people really so lazy and poor that they can't play these games themselves?

esports fans dont watch sports channels anyways, they have their own sites and whatever this is just big media trying to get some money

I'd be angry about that too desu, that game is a joke even at the casual level.

>CSGO is GOAT watching sport

you mean behind Faker right?

The order is:

the rest of LoL

espn wants to cover league b/c it makes most money

numbers dont lie

No. esports covers esports better than sports channels cover sports. Sports channels are 99% trash while esports coverage are likely to be talking about the actual fucking game.
Fuck ESPN and fuck YOU

based Colin. Fuck e-sports, peak soy.

>unironically uses soy
t. soy eater

Nah, different things. But twitch could get a tv channel

Based Doublelift raping EU cucks.

>spends his entire life analyzing people throwing a ball to each other and smashing into each other like hulk
>belittles people making millions sitting on their ass as much as he does

what an absolute retard.

>literally wasting time watching people play sports
I dont fucking get it. Are you really so lazy and poor that you can't play those sports yourself?

In 15 years esports will be more popular than meat sports

The people who watch e-sports don't watch normal sports and the people who watch sports don't watch e-sports.
So no.

>meat sports

>I don't fucking get it. Are people really so lazy and poor that they can't play these sports themselves ?

Just like us, some play sports/e-sports but want to see what it's like at elite level, some others know that they are shit on those games and/or don't want to practice a lot just to become average

>I dont fucking get it. Are you really so lazy and poor that you can't play those sports yourself?
I'd like to see you gathering 21 other people to play footie in the snow desu

>meat sports

The only acceptable e-sport is FPS and fighting game.


you don't have indoor pitches in Sweden?

ESPN already does

You have to book them. Plus they're really handball pitches.

the only acceptable esport is sc:bw, the rest is candy crush tier

no,esports aren't sports if anything there should be a channel for only esports

Sure, no skin off my bones.

>meat sports

I guess indoor turf pitches aren't very popular there. But you should be able to find 9 other guys to play one 5 a side match from time to time. If you're ridiculing esports because people only watch them instead of playing them (which is false) then you have no excuse for not playing football yourself

Futsal is good too, even better with friends than divegrass

Numbers are here because LOL (and DotA2) were the first games to make the step into fully professional competitions in Asia (and Asians are less in physical sports than Europeans or Americans).

The e-sport world is still growing and we'll have to wait at least 15 years until a single e-sport discipline comes at maturity like soccer was at the '80. The MOBA genra needs to know its needs and its flaws, and only time and the meta will give those informations.
So until that, it will only be the numbers of investors. For example, Valve put a lot of money in DotA2 to show it, something that Counter-Strike didn't need because it's always been kind of popular since 1.6 and Source, and this is why Valve isn't really trying with CS:GO. And still, CS:GO competitions generate more views than DotA2.

Electronic competitions won't be truely elite until we get two generations of players (from rookie to retreat, twice, so approx. in 15 years) AND until the interests of the competition are independent from the interests of the sellers of the game.

And, Riot sucks. A complete third of a LOL game is to hit NPCs and the characters are ridiculous and uncharismatic yet stereotypical and too many. The meta sucks too.

I've literally already played football twice this year

I enjoy watching the pro BW tournaments, but I don't want e-sports on actual sports channels. They're fine on the internet.

>people watching tv
putting e sports on ESPN wont make millenials buy cable subscriptions, jews.

Starcraft 2 is now an Olympic sport, so they should cover that game at least

>by Koreans for Koreans

No chance that it will happen again at Beijing 2022