Any Anons work in HR or as Hiring Managers? How much do former managers tell about employees...

Any Anons work in HR or as Hiring Managers? How much do former managers tell about employees? Cause I'm pretty sure my former manager told alot of personal stuff about me to my new employer

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I did at once for a year at a food plant and let me tell you that no matter how professional they seem to be they will always talk bad and bring up your name in bad spirits. I left my last job because a coworker trying to get me fired and we’ll I got tired so I quit as a driver for a oxygen company. And lord all the shit I would hear about me and yeah. But good thing you are not there and are somewhere better I hope ? Lol

You can get them in to some shit for that.

What sort of stuff do you think they told about? Why do you think that?

I'm the hiring manager for the company I work at. That involves a lot of calls to references. You honestly don't have to bad mouth anyone to keep them from getting hired on somewhere else. A simple, "I would not hire them again," will do the trick.

I'm a director at a company, and the most we can really say is if you're eligible for rehire within the company. Sure we can fuck you over by saying certain things with bad tones, but other than that its considered HIPAA violation and can lead to some serious shit. It's pretty basic stuff. Rate of pay, hour average, etc. Personal attacks wouldn't go far.

>What sort of stuff do you think they told about?
I started dating a client(who's still my GF) and it led to some bad blood between my big sister-ish former manager, my GF, and my co-workers.
Why do you think that?

I told them in advance that Tuesday would be my busy day at home and school so they started off with that day being my lightest but eventually it became my busiest day. Also the fact that the guy who trained me Is friends with former coworkers and I guess in my industry most are kinda related/friends

I was actually very friendly and liked by the plant manager, but my co-workers on the other hand.....

Still. Employees may have a HIPAA or related thing in the handbook. I as director and any other hiring staff cant call and ask anyone other than the employer or references youd provide directly. It would be a big no no if we tried snooping without consent.

On a related note, any social media or public access would be fair game. Is Facebook, etc.

It depends on what part of the globe you live in. I'm gonna assume you're from the UK because it seems like this fucking useless ass site has been overrun with you vermin, but if you live in a first world country like the US, it's illegal to disclose anything other than professional observations. They can't give your address, they can't make generalized statements based on emotion, just fact.

>It would be a big no no if we tried snooping without consent.

I'm pretty sure my old managers/possibly the plant manager as well contacted my family regarding my relationship with a client. I wouldn't be surprised if they did told my new employer. I guess they think they're doing me a favor and being nice but it does create lots of problems

I'm in Los Angeles

Well then you're fine. If, for a single moment, you aren't, look up defamation of character laws."Talking shit" about a former employee is highly illegal, and if they disclosed anything remotely unprofessional, you can sue for defamation of character and theoretical lost wages. Most companies will blame the sole individual responsible for the transgression and settle out of court to save face for the public view of the company. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

It would be a violation then. Youd have a fun conversation with HR. The only legal thing they can really say is you're not eligible for rehire at that company due to breach of company policy (if dating a co worker is even stated as a breach).


Something I've been wondering - I recently worked for a small company, in their web customer service department. During our peak periods (about 3x a year) we'd hire a bunch of college kids as temps, and I'd be given a temp pay raise and title of CSR Lead, as I'd have staff to train, schedule, etc. If I put my position as CSR Lead and the higher hourly wage, despite being only temporary things, will that come back to hurt me?

Nope. Not really.

Is this the actual topic? Are we fucking joking here? I'm out, OP you're a faggot as always.

I don't even think they're shit talking about me or my work ethic but more about my personal life, who I'm dating, what I like to do, etc. I've been at my job for a month now and I get this feeling that they been talking about me and probably contacting my family as well. I had to leave my old job because it got too personal

Not OP, just another user who's putting his resume together after too much time living the NEET life and taking care of family as they died of cancer.

Just call HR then. If that doesnt work lawyer up. Keep records, log calls, etc.

Personal life has nothing to do with professional life, and would be entirely irrelevant in an actual court type setting, let alone your next job at McDonalds.
They cannot release any details about your personal life, unless you've been caught committing a crime, and the former employer thought it would be relevant to the next employer out of genuine concern for their business, which is probably not the case.

How do I even keep call logs between managers?

>Personal life has nothing to do with professional life, and would be entirely irrelevant in an actual court type setting, let alone your next job at McDonalds.

It's a $50k a year sales job.

50k is nothing. Become an apprentice for a real job. Go back to school, get your fucking life sorted, mate. 50k is literal nothing. Get a trade skill, and stop worrying about what the manager at Tesco's may have said about you.

Ehh, chances are some idiot told him if he sold enough phones at T-Mobile he could theoretically make 50,000 a year. You're worrying over nothing, dude. Get a real job.

dubba dubs of truth