Anything unusual about my girl's pussy?
Anything unusual about my girl's pussy?
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Huge pussy
its disgusting. Did she service a football team for decades? jfl
What's huge? The pussy lips?
Fine but what exactly is "disgusting"?
looks pretty nasty but i'd fuck it.
The gaping hole. And yucky.
Do you like the lips?
It speaks to me.
theres a large tear in her l.minora down to the perineum
its quite stretched, and theres a darkening on her l.majora. this means she either is used often when full wetness has not been
achieved, or she is a mongrel of some sort
her clitoral hood is very stretched
theres practically no vestibule left, and her urethral meatus is fully exposed, im starting to think happened
your girls a slut bro
Do you think her "beef curtains" are abnormal? Which is vestibule?
the beef curtains, the skin connecting the lminora to the lmajora, on your girl seem to be a bit stretched. it really varies, as some girls just naturally have them. I have a developmentally disabled patient/client at my facitily who naturally has them, and she only had sex once (rape). Theres another that has high promiscuity, and she has an innie (I have to inspect them sometimes when female staff are not on shift, shit is weird).
I made a mistake when i said vestibule, I meant hymen remnants. sometimes a woman can have living hymen remnants still inside her vagina. it looks like hers are completely gone.
Yeah, it's a neovagina fashioned from penile and scrotal tissue, along with, potentially, a portion of his colon.
Would you say that this belongs to the same woman?
medfag here
no, no its not
it certainly looks like that
but no
yep, the hood looks the same, meatus looks the same, and the hood on the left looks flopped over to reveal where the clit SHOULD be.
what the fuck am i looking at
Really? What's the main differences? They look quite similar to me.
Can you clarify?
Pubis looks natural, im not seeing any scarring from a sex change surgery (the scars on the perineum are from birthing a child), and meatus doesnt just look like just a hole placed there for pissing sake
clarify what? just loop at where the moles are in each image, theres a succession of the moles at the bottom left of he vaginal opening, on her perineum, going left diagonally from the anus, the pubis is the same shape, and the scars on perineum are identical to each other as well
look* not loop
Yes. Kill it with fire before it spreads.
Wow, that thing looks like it took a grenade for its platoon.
Is there something you're worried about?
nice dubs btw
The huge black that the labia?
yes, its part of it
It looks like a bird about to throw up
Here's the pussy being massaged...insights?
she should do kegals or however they are spelled
kegel flexing
it just looks like a vagina, maybe one thats had a kid. she could benefit from and lminora bleaching, but it looks fine to me
lemme ask you this, why do you care? do you love her? do you nut when you fuck her? do you trust her?
if any of those are no, eplain
if they are all yes, delete this thread and go hug her
She has HIV.
Hotdog down a hallway?
well, on the bright side, you wouldnt see an infection
you would, however, see any opportunistic infections that infect that region
That's a dog's pussy, bro. A shaved lab I think
Trust me, I would know
Apical prolapse
What the fuck is that?
thats hole's not a cervix, you fucking retard
dont listen to him, hes clearly retarded
Wtf man is your gf your grandma? She's looser than a mothafucka.
What the fuck part do you consider "loose"?
im the medfag youve been talking to
ignore most of the people here, as they are too used to seeing anime vagina that looks like a coin slot to know what an actual vagina looks like. does she really have HIV? I mean, a condom will protect you, but that sus as hell
Dude that vagina is huge, could probably fit two-three dicks in that and still have some breathing room in there. That shit is loose as hell. My old ex gf had a loose one, damn it i could fit a dick and some fingers in it.
First thing that came to mind is that it looks like a toothless rabbit mouth that was crushed by a speeding car.
The wound in op's original pic looks a bit like herpes forming.
medfag here
youre retarded
quite literally too, and at E2 pitch no less
God damn it's nasty. It's good enough if you can't get any better I guess.
Herpes? WTF!!
youre quick to trolling, arent you?
What part of her pussy makes you think that? Come on man!
What do you mean? I think he's right!
she's trans, aint she?
I'm actally impressed.
I think the beef curtains are probably the only strange thing, no?
Fuggin kekd
>thank you for your service
She's a woman, trust me. Idiot
Aside from the AIDS? Not much.
It's just a fat chick with a huge, loose vagina.
What the fuck do you base that on? Man some people on here are dense.
She's not fat at all
I can see the 4 scars. Idiot.
how old is she? 60?
No wonder.
scars to aid in birthing a child
That's a dude.
"disgusting" is that pussy
She looks old to you? What gives it away?
Seen herpes on girls before. OP should get tested..
The fact that i have eyes.
Now get out of here with that crater.
Holy shit, you're literally spouting a mix of latin names for parts and mixing it with bullshit that has no basis.
Please show me the papers indicating darkening is solely the byproduct of being used when not at .. 'full wetness' .. whatever the fuck you determine full wetness as.
She used the vacuum cleaner as a dildo therefore absorbing all the bodily fluids in the process hence the dry vagina.
Skin thickens with friction and chafing, a factor that can play into the darkening of the genitals. Another thing I said it could be is her breeding (race) as skin pigmentation on certain areas, like genitals, joints, and extremities.
also pic related to the "random latin". source: any high school life sciences book
its a screenshot of me lazily typing in "vagina anatomy"
killyourself, 5/10 troll because you made me reply
skin pigmentation show more on certain areas* i havent slept in 2 days thanks to shifts at my facility being fucked
Sup Forumsro you posted this same bitch on Sup Forums a few days ago. I recognise the roast beef looking labia minora, the gaping pussy, and most importantly that fucking clit.
Different pic but same bitch.
I know you're medfag and not climatefag, but in your professional and educated opinion, is climate change real?
What's up with her clit?
In this vagina, yes.
Im not one to really say, but the earth naturally goes through hot and cold phases. im inclined to believe that the greenhouse effect is real, and ive tested it on a smaller scale about a decade ago as a senior in high school
Don't forget to thank me later for this one. You will not regret it
fuck off cianigger
go eat hot lead fucking honnypotting pedoshit
This looks like the pussy Salvador Dali used for inspiration in his paintings.