Do it, faggots

Do it, faggots.

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do you drink pee?

I can’t pay this

I voted for trump
This one has 35% to get you laid though

i post on Sup Forums

brongo tongey baluppa mingo

Care for some meatloaf?

I brought popov vodka

I'm glad we're vegans.


Where are the crayons?!

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Hitler did nothing wrong

Can I rape you

men built everything here

My kids are black

laughed in real irl

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Why do I always see Sup Forums threads ending up on twitter?

So about fucking niggers...

Of course someone brings politics into this...

I love Greta Thunberg.

Youre a fucking nigger

because all this shit is the fucking same at this point.

How tight is Uranus

The Holocaust never happened

Here are your crayons.

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So, do you swallow?

I am a Feminist.

can you not, for fucking once, bring up anything relating to trump or politics, then fucking kill yourself?

Do you like bbc?

Vote Trump 2020 MAGA!

I bet you’re white IRL


I know a woman who had a half black daughter from her first marriage. When she showed a guy a picture of her on a first date he apparently told her
> you little black man touch you?
> I was married to one. My first husband was black.

He apparently without saying another word stood up and walked out of the restaurant

I fuckin hate niggers!

you look like mum

My mommy's not home

But if he kills himself first how would bringing anything up be a problem? Kill yourself for being so stupid.

I don't know any woman who isn't a feminist or hasn't been heavily brainwashed with feminist trash TBH

I have a micropenis

Stop with the politics..

nah, im a mexican
wahoo taco taco burrito i love tacos

why does race matter?

I eat lead paint

because he would first realize the error of his ways then quickly correct them

Want a Cosby Special?

nobody gives a shit, stay on topic

meet me at gamestop

Do you have cooties?

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>why does race matter?
Instant date ender

you're sure pretty sis

I fucking love communism

ok, that made me lol, you got me

Mind if I vape?

My penis is discolored.

Sister is my mother

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Pull my finger, please

I fucked our dad

I love arguing politics

i am a coomer

I weigh x pounds. Honestly I'd just have to show up.

Does this look infected?

Gas the kikes fag

You prettier than sister

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I did this deliberately

I love fucking toddlers.

I just shit myself.

You’re like my ex

Hi, my name's Mike.

Let's get married now

Traps are actually not

Wtf is this gay shill bot shit?

You into shit play?

Based and red pilled

So are you paying ?

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That's 7 words. Instead, try
>Want to join Antifa?

hi, welcome to chili's

Boxxy is a cunt

Because you're a pathetic trumpshit who can't take it snowflake

>Hey! How are you?
Fail to make eye contact.

He said it boys!
Move in.

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Whatever you want, forever

I support forced abortion.

are you unaware of the concept of not feeding the trolls, just ignore it dipshit


Hope you like AIDS

Show me your feet
Is five foot short?

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Kek kill yourself you faggot nigger

it's hard to ignore being right

Niggers, Faggots, Spics, Kikes

Let us go Dutch

Women are in charge

That would ruin a date though. Go back to your fleshlight.

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Hey, Jim ya wanna join antifa?

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Page 4. Come on. If we pull this together we can take it to Page 1. Impeaching Trump at a time when we need National Unity is not a good course of action and is actually technically Illegal during time of Heightened National Alert.

You can stop being a dumbass any time now

Anything you say dear

Fellatio now you cunt.

Do you like speedruns?

No. This post wins the thread.

Andys warm log poopy

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