Soooo... Sup Forums i've always been curious what an artificial vagina looks like (surgical sex change)...

soooo... Sup Forums i've always been curious what an artificial vagina looks like (surgical sex change), and what an artificial penis looks like.

pics? preferably healed. like does it look like the natural thing or is it like an obvious knockoff? hopefully today my questions will be answered

Attached: mckayla-maroney.jpg (1345x2000, 1008K)


My gore folder has a whole subfolder of fake genitalia.

Attached: 1568684519552 (1).jpg (388x300, 102K)

Attached: 1540859356640.jpg (400x533, 11K)

Look for "post op" on your porno service of choice to see artificial pussy. Honestly some of them look pretty good, better than the boobs and facial surgeries by far.

Dunno about penis, very few can afford that.

Attached: 1544762662123.jpg (1024x768, 161K)

Well user?

damn that shit does look fake

wtf type of skin making a cock sure looks fuckin weird

I'll post a few favorites but don't expect me to stick around all night, I've got shit to do.

Attached: zxEs1Qf.jpg (1052x1661, 319K)

This is the most convincing fake I've seen, no contest. The surgical scar is quite visible if you look closely though.

Attached: 1498870391603.jpg (1333x2000, 301K)

Attached: zka9Xrh.jpg (1796x1960, 667K)

Attached: 1499311523273.jpg (800x533, 113K)

it's alright user, i've made my conclusion that they look fake af. i thought theyd be real looking due to modern medicine but nah.. thanks 4 fake pussy enlightenment

Attached: 1499222620468.jpg (918x1280, 204K)

> teeth

You ever seen a guy that gets mauled by a bear? Then has his elbow skin and ass sewn to his face and he's smiling saying "nraw eh cun wiv meh rife uhgem"....

That's a post op tranny in nutshell.

Attached: 1551051893512.jpg (755x280, 58K)

The ones that look the best won't be on display; the ones you can google easily belong to whores and pornstars from Brazil and Thailand.

Don't fall for this dirty Tranny propaganda. The neovaginas posted itt are representative of the top 99% of surgery results. Most are worse... Much worse...

how do u know??? ;)

>dirty Tranny propaganda

No just someone who understands how the world works. Go be triggered somewhere else.

this one looks like pussy lips were put around an asshole gg no re

Closet case would be the obvious. He's clearly invested a lot of time into looking for these pictures.

That's called a "cloaca" and is what birds have down below. This may put you off tomorrow's eggs at breakfast.

holy fuck boys this is an educational thread