Onision is getting #MeToo'd. He needs help

Onision is getting #MeToo'd. He needs help.

Girls claiming to have been underage during their relations with him are coming forward, and they say they solicited pics and assaulted them.

This is bullshit, Onision would never be that dumb.

You say you hate how #MeToo destroys honorable men... why not speak up for Onision? Why is he the only one on Twitter defending himself?

If you help Onision, maybe he can help you. Maybe he can even give you free Patreon content.

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at whatever level of satire you're going for, I suggest that you commit suicide as soon as possible

onision is a price of shit
buying wetlands to destroy them
trying to make a girl get locked up in his basement as a slave

That fag your boyfriend or something? Fuck him

Onision says suicide is for cowards, but even more cowardly is the fool who suggests suicide. I have a direct line with Onision, you can disbelieve me at your own peril.

Oh, so false rape allegations are cool as long as they happen to someone you don't like? You must be a fascinating individual.

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Ew, this thread again? This is next-gen Log posts.

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hes probs a pedo

she is beautiful

OMG I'm dead this fucking pic

Onision brainwashed a lot of kids back than with his atheist videos.
Onision will get what he deserves.

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i really hope you're fucking kidding because this is the most cancerous fucking thing i've ever fucking scene, you should probably delete your existence

What the fuck is an onision?

is anyone buying that this is just some dude?
we know its you onision
you are a child rapist

If by Log you mean, would I suck a log od shit from Onision's asshole? The answer is yes, but he has standards and doesn't just let any fangirl do that.

I'm 19, and one of his few remaining fans. I am simply trying to fight back against the wave if attacks he is receiving from jealous fans who just hate him for not getting to suck a log from his asshole.

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Hahahahaha, no one believes that.

Onision is innocent. He always waited until his bitches turned 18 before banging them.

Stay jealous.

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Stop making a scene faggot

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>she is beautiful
So I'm not the only one on Sup Forums that empties my balls to Carolina Sweets?

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ahahaha, that cuck
hope he gets what's coming to him

>He always waited until his bitches turned 18 before banging them.
Why is onision speaking in third person?


Ohhhh nooooo, that suuuuuucks duuuuuuude. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo

>Why is onision speaking in third person?
He does this with his sock puppets on Twitter.

Maybe it's for plausible deniability?

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Onision helped me get over cutting myself and realizing it was selfish . I will defend him until death.

Onision is a creep and dug his own fucking grave.

Fucking pedophile, hope he rots in jail


Are all humans this stupid?

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Overall 93% of the population. That subject in particular suffers from an emotional disorder plus, obsessive thoughts. Thus resulting in its pathetic choice of words and energy it emits.

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My waters of life bow to the furnace that forged you.

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Ah, how endearing. Likewise. S33 you around town, friend.

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Onision was with sarah a girl who was 15 when he is with laney and claimed to be "fostering her" but laney had pictures of them kissing and cuddling. Onision has been known for years for being a rapist,delusional douchebag. He was with a girl named shylo and she went crazy there are videos of her having a seizure and freaking out and he didn't do anything about it. Onision is a fucking horrible youtuber anyway but he has done so much shit. He's also done polygamy and his husband wife trans partner thing has changed her sexuality and gender like 13789 times. He should stop and just go to jail so should she. If my opinion offends you then boo hoo go cry to your mommy and get fucked in the ass you faggot

Onision, nobody loves you.

This is one the most cringeworthy threads I’ve seen in a while

Onision messaged me when I was 14 years old. He asked me if I wanted to “become his #1 fan” back than. . . Luckily my mom had access to my MySpace at the time and threatened to call the authorities if he messaged me again. Looking back, i’m glad my mom did that for me. Considering he lives in the same state as me. I miss you mom. Rip.

Fuck him

Yea hers far from respectable and I wouldn't doubt it if he was a rapist though I'll wait for the facts

>that subject in particular suffers from an emotional disorder plus, obsessive thoughts.
What do you mean by "subject"? You must type an example. When you say:
>disorder plus, obsessive thoughts.
You probably mean to typle "disorder. Plus, obsessive thoughts.
>Thus resulting in its pathetic choice of words and energy it emits.
What do you mean by "its"? Also, "energy it emits" is hilariously vague.

If you dare criticize Onision, at least make sure you have 6th-grade+ grammar.

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He says suicide is for cowards even though he almost got kicked out of the military for killing himself

I fucked up and had some typos myself. Keep in mind: Onision doesn't make typos, therefore I cannot be him.

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if he killed himself he would have almost certainly gotten kicked out of the military

He does on Twitter. Its fuckin weird

Onision would never do that, but these are the accusations he is facing (pic related.)

Tomorrow, Mr. Repzion is making these accusations public, and it will take off from there. Basically, you NEED to help Onision tonight, or he is fucked.

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shut the fuck up onion boy

>be me 33

who the fuck is Onision?

>but these are the accusations he is facing (pic related.)
Wrong pic, sorry.. These are all the accusations, They are obviously bullshit, right guys?

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not his personal army faggot

let him get jailed he's insufferable

Fuck onionsan for spreading misinformation about cannabis for views in '15

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Stop being so cruel, read his accusations here: You won't let an innocent man be destroyed by this, will you?

>Fuck onionsan for spreading misinformation about cannabis for views in '15
Onision understands that the risks of cannabis outweigh the benefits.

Fuck you for saying we should deny the facts.

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fuck off already.
god dammit, is this the new andy six?

>is this the new andy six?

>implying you wouldn't suck a greasy, creamy turd out of Onision's asshole.

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Onision did nothing wrong.

So you're just his cuck and he had you come here for a personal army?

onioncunt is a pedo, this is already widely known.

I have no fucks to give. Let him and his bullshit burn.

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Cunt deserves it, let him fall

Don't we all have one or two locked up down there?

No, this is not cool. But even if it's true, I can see no problem here. I mean we talk about women, not real humans.

Since when does Sup Forums dislike pedos???

good riddance, that dude always was trash... who the fuck starts a forum to rate high school girls bodies and then claims it was an innocent endeavor... hes a sick fuck

dude was never even supposed to have a career, his only talent was manipulating children.

How could your blubbering offend anyone???

He’s a known pedophile. Why are you defending him

I don't get why someone has to defend him. He did nothing wrong - where I'm from everything 14+ is as legal as it should be.

Didn’t he rape dudes too? Like that guy that was in his deathnote parody

No one needs to do anything, Onision is a predator that dug his own grave, he has what's fucking coming to him.

You are fucking gaslighting or being a faggot sheep I swear to God, there is NO evidence anywhere stating the 'risks' outweigh the benefits of Cannabis. He was utterly and blatantly WRONG about the whole situation.

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lock this dumb faggot up already

dudes cringe

who cares

Why should I give a shit about onion retard?

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>If you help Onision, maybe he can help you. Maybe he can even give you free Patreon content.
Rofl wut

i know you're trolling but your existence is beyond pathetic.

No one is at peril he is a piece of shit, the only thing i'm pissed about is that this didn't happen 6 years ago

>You say you hate how #MeToo destroys honorable men... why not speak up for Onision?

Um, because he's not an honorable man?
What kind of fucking honorable man; buys wetlands than destroys, giving his girlfriends a shitty life, telling underage girls to send him photos and then says that they're fat or ugly, a pedophile, and worst of all, likes Death Note

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>Why should I give a shit about onion retard?
Because he cares about you. Believe it or not, Onision is highly empathetic. He cares about whatever you are going through, as long as you also care about his troubles.

Pic related is trying to say Onision groomed her, but Onision would never do something like that.

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Well aktually onycuck loves Andy sixx


So you admit you are jealous of the fact that Oniision bangs fresh, LEGAL, 18yos?

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Lol onion boy.... hope all this shit finally bites him in the ass

Look at how handsome he is. Sup Forums is just jealous that he has an army of teens that will fuck him at a moment’s notice. Just look at how hot he is for a 33yo guy!

Everything about this pedo cunt, the way he looks, those faggy little pedo eyes and all, and the fact that he thinks he can keep getting away with what he's been doing to young girls, makes me so fucking mad. The allegations aren't anything new and to be honest it's pretty shocking that things hadn't come to a head YEARS AGO
Hope he kills himself and rots in hell tbh

I don't think even onion boy is retarded enough to start a B thread trying to defend himself

regardless of my opinions on metoo i hope he loses what scraps of revenue he has left. fuckin weasel

‘sup Onion?

Onision would fuck a toddler if it was legal.


>Onision would fuck a toddler if it was legal.
Care to provide any evidence for this? Onision adheres to the law, and would never break it. Y'll are just mad because he bangs hot, but legal, teens.

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I already said if it was legal and you said he only follows the law. If toddlers were legal to fuck, you already admitted he'd fuck them. It's cool, Onision, we know you like to sockpuppet. Good luck on your prison sentence!

Sup Grunt. Your posting trademarks are all over this. Speaking of yourself in third person, moral superiority out the ass. Being the whiniest faggot in the known universe. Thinking it's not practically incel tier to stuff your underwear with socks to hide the fact that at the age of 34 your cock is the size of a toddlers.

This guy is marvel. He fucks with almost exclusively girls just out of highschool, yells and screams at his extremely young children, has a massive head nearly the width of his shoulders and wears tons of make up to cover the fact his actual skin is this blood red zit apocalypse. Pic related nigga looks like sloth from the Goonies while trying to get underage poon as some hot teen idol or whatever the fuck.

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He is cancer. Someone should just off him already

Go back to bed, Onion.

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Hey Onision. Looking forward to a pack of niggers destroying your asshole in prison.

Fuck off, Onion.

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Haha exactly. He'd also be morally superior about it, saying how legal it is, and how he never breaks laws or whatever his narrative is.

Onion sun fans image thread now

I'm not even religious and I pray someone kills him.

He was put temporarily in the charge of watching over a friend's toddler daughter for about 2 hours or so, and during that time the child soiled themselves as toddlers do.

He refused to clean the kid up leaving them sit the entire time almost in their own piss and shit I think nearly causing an infection because he was afraid of being labeled a pedophile for having seen the kids genitals while changing them.

This is Sup Forums we get actual pedoposters and even to those sick fucks I think they'd admit that isn't typically a normal reaction for a "totally nonpedo" adult to have. Then make 3 videos and endless tweets trying to justify it.

PPL hate me too, but the also hate childfuckers... Not sure your conflation will work here Obesion.