Amerifag here, why the fuck do women from the UK put so much damn makeup on...

Amerifag here, why the fuck do women from the UK put so much damn makeup on? I love UK women but they all look like they rolled their faces in a bag of dorito chips.

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I just want one good reason.

And yes, women from the States are fat.

I'd still nut in her

... One. Good. Reason.


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they're fucking hideous.

Because they look like crack whores without it and it upgrades them to just looking like whores which is better than the alternative.

We are trying to raise our daughters for the greater good and to be cock hungry sluts.

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I've been to London about 10 times. The best looking women are the one that aren't from the UK.

So have you seen how FLOTUS and Ivanka slather it on?

I just want one, literally one person to vouch for the UK women

I dunno I kind of have a whore makeup fetish so I'm personally kind of okay with it

The same reason why mexican chick's and kabuki do; just to show off, simple as that.

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Bro, there is no comparison! I agree, lots of makeup but I least they blend it.

imagine acc thinking that all of one kind of person are the same
>stfu retards

me too and well gypsy sluts are the best at whore makeup in my opinion especially when they pose in their caravan.

Like I said before, I love UK girls, I just don't understand why they have so much makeup, they are fine as hell without it. Except for the teeth, fix that shit. Ever heard of braces?

Yea Gypsy sluts are the best. Cheap as hell and care about their work.

Those gypsies know how to breed there women and train them well. Pure slut trash!

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Just use them as fuck toys

all that makeup and still hair on her chin.

100% Hungarian here. I love my Gypsy blood

bad skin

I really don't think so. I think they find it trendy. I'm just confused.

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Fake all the way

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Looks like a manequin


When you see this shit in real life, you don't see them as 10's. Might work for cameras, but the human eye find its quite clownish. U still fuck them of course.

Whats the point?
You can't kiss them without smearing their paint all over and it gets on you and on your clothes. May as well be eating spaghetti.

Fuck yea, you get it