

Attached: 7.jpg (1000x900, 450K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Pls rember that wen you feel scare or frighten never forget ttimes wen you feel happy, when day is dark alway rember happy day

Attached: konata.jpg (225x224, 13K)

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Attached: Seven.jpg (711x989, 123K)

What a beautiful duwang


I cannot think of a place as pretty as this thread

This feels like a



Attached: konatajojo.jpg (714x1200, 1.16M)


Attached: Qgl3Q2K.gif (500x281, 1.93M)


Attached: Konatajojo3.jpg (467x700, 304K)

Will there be cookies at the picnic?

Attached: Sukuna.Shinmyoumaru.600.1933011.jpg (577x600, 64K)

yee fite wiff each oder sow eye ken tak ober bread

Attached: 15425354356453.png (1000x972, 237K)

Probably no, sorry
But you can bring some

Attached: Konata744.png (640x888, 388K)





rate this post on a scale of 1 to 10

Attached: 1472246580710.jpg (640x480, 52K)

nice nice nice nice postere nice nice
i'm slepepepepy

Attached: 1538692792051.png (1000x749, 613K)


Attached: Konata762.jpg (700x700, 105K)

you didn't have to lie
you're nice
consider sleeping

thank you

Attached: 74619056_p2.jpg (700x700, 165K)

yew shuu we dot ned smelly peepol

Attached: 1578967586424895.png (790x545, 108K)

my opinions are not lies
you're really nice and i like you a lot and i'm always happy when you're here
i should yes but i'm talking with Aki

Attached: 9099d8b9249ae5dbe501f328ee7dc7b852ee757a99a03aa2a013f695acc62460.png (812x1010, 638K)

I don't have any I was hoping for free food.
Desu desu
I rate it a 69

Attached: 76856697_p0.jpg (823x670, 289K)


No problem, you nice person

I can give you chocolate

Attached: Konata514.jpg (750x600, 129K)

oh, 69 is a lot
a lot of lewd
i like it!

oh, talking with Aki is really nice and a very good way to spend your time

true, but i will just sit in my corner
and bully you occasionally

Attached: .gif (500x280, 1.41M)

but another reason i stay up is to talk with you, too

Attached: 1253578.gif (500x281, 237K)

tiny fren
thx u alwise sayy ice tings two we
dat egainst rulez u knot ellowed ouut, cowlick

Attached: 1685723469786537.png (800x800, 510K)

I always say it because youre funny

Attached: Konata907.jpg (842x595, 304K)

i'm not
look at this cool Konata pic i found

sorry, i wish i didn't suck at talking with people
lately i have been in a very weird state and i'm not even sure what i'm doing anymore

what are you gonna do about it, hairy toes?

Attached: .jpg (667x1000, 221K)

it's okay, you're doing a really good job
aw, okay. i hope you can feel better. is there some way i can help? do you need anything? i'm here to help you. that's what friends do.

Attached: 538917.gif (540x303, 505K)

u makn funny of we know eye em dummy
eyell bulli u ore spooky u ore sqweez u

Attached: 15937846754.jpg (850x598, 208K)

cute and nice

Attached: IMG_20181122_172951.jpg (1920x1080, 169K)

Ultra cute konata, im going to save, If you dont mind it of course

Im probbaly the most dumb here, so i feel good of making fun of myself

And cute nice

Attached: Konata512.jpg (656x443, 167K)

no, i'm just glad you're here
that's more than enough

please, don't squeeze me
you should squeeze Aki the moment you see him
also, is that umbrella gonna be alright?..

how are your sad hours?

please, do

Attached: EDNvA6oUYAEq0So.jpg (1107x1380, 90K)

misschievouz n ebil
fib tellar eye ken bulli u ifb went, u noww embrella habben blu hair persun

Attached: 15789467682347.png (600x728, 139K)

eye ken dew boff, snorrer. fren gow slep early eye knot sea dem. embrella bee fin

Attached: 1523789678653.jpg (850x850, 125K)

Im not sure what you said but im completely and 100% in agreement with you

New konatas are always good, thankyou for helping me

Attached: Konata558.jpg (724x1024, 163K)

And nice cute

Sad hours arent as they used to be. Fire emblem really helping to distract me. It's good.

benine and nutral

Attached: IMG_20190723_072036.jpg (1209x1694, 243K)

i'm really glad you're here, thank you
really, if you do need anything more, it would make me really happy to help you.
join me in bed please
or not, i understand if you're more comfortable there.

Attached: 287165362.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Cute and cute

Attached: Konata707.jpg (1129x1600, 1.05M)

Chocolate is my favorite so I'll be there
You can always go lewder
Hello umbrella friend I find a few new pictures today.

Attached: 76856697_p1.jpg (853x600, 439K)

Take it

Attached: Konata507.jpg (700x581, 393K)

u gott sumting wrrong wiff earz blu hair
fren n u
howw tiny fren knight. wut yew fin

Attached: 16576768532475428.png (500x828, 800K)

My blue hair is okay, you hair is also good, blue hair is kinda cute

Attached: Konata871.jpg (496x377, 37K)

we blu hair shuud worc twogethar n tak ober bread en da nam ofb ebil

Attached: 16789456785363.jpg (600x772, 88K)

Im no evil but... If you want...

Attached: IMG_20190918_200915.jpg (1354x2048, 191K)

yew ebil noww we goin mak luuts ofb frens

Attached: 1673895674683.jpg (850x987, 196K)

Lewd but that's okay.
The ones I'm posting now and another one sec

Attached: 76856697_p2.jpg (853x600, 233K)

Yeah, probably not how it works, but im sure we will make frens

Thankyou for accepting chocolate

Attached: 1538017881040.png (1108x1154, 526K)

>2mb file limit
Thanks for nothing moot

Sometimes happens, i cant post some konatas by that

Attached: IMG_20190924_011431.jpg (890x898, 118K)

dayy coot butt lewd
eye lik dis wun lott hoo artest
u sea et muster plan

Attached: 178467865374863.jpg (400x565, 51K)

Im not good with plans, but im good following them, you can make ultra super master evil plan

Attached: IMG_20190905_022829.jpg (1024x768, 85K)

I swear it used to be 4mb when I started posting
A little bit lewd. I looked at the artist but I think that picture is my favorite. The background and clothing choice reminded me of Air Gear. pixiv.net/member.php?id=3552672

Attached: 76671427_p8.jpg (1013x1125, 636K)

wel en dat caze gow gett we wutar et four plan
et gott lut of deetaills gud find, eye ken sea wut u meen bye air gear simlairties. thx four link

Attached: 1647869935783.png (703x771, 60K)

ejoy yor knight frens hop et peeaceful four u

Attached: 1678946724557.png (850x850, 988K)

sorry, internet went down
sleep well, fren

sorry, internet went down
that's nice
comfy video games are best way to deal with sad hours, sure
have a nice night

have a nice night, Smol

i don't need anything
thank you and have a nice night

Attached: 10017615_p9.jpg (335x800, 118K)

>You "want to get to know me better"? Where have you picked up those lines? You sound like an idiot
And it was still Haruhi