Now I'm not saying we kill ALL the Jews, but just consider the benefits

Now I'm not saying we kill ALL the Jews, but just consider the benefits.

>federal reserve dissolved
>no war with Iran
>world peace
>no one to stop us from nuking africa
>golden era of prosperity for mankind

Just saying.

Attached: 7ef.jpg (600x600, 32K)

>lose most of our greatest scientists
>lose most of our best hollywood elites
>lose literally all of our most successful stock market traders
>America suddenly just full of white trash with no future in sight

>>no one to stop us from nuking africa

This one really cracked me up. It's late, time for bed.

>lose most of our greatest scientists
All they do is lie about climate change to try to scam us out of shekels. It would be an improvement to not have to deal with them.
>lose most of our best hollywood elites
Nah all they do is molest children.
>lose literally all of our most parasitic usurers
>America suddenly just full of whites with a glorious future in sight

>lose most of our greatest scientists
Straight-up lie.
>lose most of the hollywood elites
>lose practically all of stock market parasites
These aren't cons.
>America suddenly just full of white people with positive prospects and no debt-based poverty.
Sounds good.

>lose most of our greatest scientists
Social "science" isn't science, and the Nobel Price has been lost for decades. Jewish contribution is next to nothing.

>no war with Iran
Why r muricans so bad at geopolitics

why not genocide nazis instead for being so violent and manipulating

I'm 100% on board. Now let's being this to congress.

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You know all those "examples" you gave are not true.

But you knew that when you started to post your tryhard bread.

One HUGE problem with your plan: When you kill all of God's Chosen People, then God decides Earth's time is up and you go burn in Hell for all eternity.

Did you type that post with your humongous Jew nose?

Not even Jewish, now what excuse are you going to use now?

"Now I'm not saying we kill ALL the Jews"

What if Im sayin we should. Just off em all. Problem solved.

Because some of them are willing to repent for the errors of their narcissistic desert religion.

found the rabbi


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lets play spot the jew shill.
Einstein stole his theory btw
good screw Hollywood propaganda
wow and end to the jewish monopoly
i already dislike the working class scum nice try fag

Ok dude I'm down

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This 100%.
can we start also calling out the republican and democrat jewish shills they gotta go too.

people like alex jones. steven crowder. bill whittle i had enough of these slimy treacherous faggits we should deport them to isreal the shills

>kill ALL the Jews, but just consider the benefits.
no jews ...
what are we talking about here?

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oh how could i forget the biggest shill of them all next to steven crowder. the donald trump king of the jews.
how about this cuckservatives fuck your feelings your choosen people or gonna get the gas

>>lose most of our greatest scientists

name one.

Shekel Physicstein

And how would killing jews accomplish any of that, exactly?

get a load of the new fag
if you havent caught up on your jewish trickery i suggest you get started

I've been here for years, you guys just aren't very convincing.