I should be in school, across the ocean

I should be in school, across the ocean

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Why are you faggots so obsessed with her?

they're jealous that a kid has had more fame and success in her short life than they ever will

>Why are you faggots so obsessed with her?
They know they're living in a fictional world.
They have to attack anything that threatens to bring down their house of cards.


Greta thunberg needs to get fucked

Imagine being in alabama with this preachy prissy mumble munchkin

You pull up to the candlewood suites in a fucking dodge challenger with aftermarket headers and parts that get you 11 miles per gallon

One rev of the engine and she's already getting inexplicably moist in her room from the sound of your massive fuel-guzzling V8 roadboat

You get out and take a minibike running on a lawnmower engine through the parking lot and into the lobby of the hotel because FUCK walking, we didn't invent internal combustion to scuttle around with our dicks on our hands

Moonwalk down the hallway to the elevator while turning every thermostat you see on full blast and spraying CFC-saturated aerosol air fresheners everywhere

Check your phone in the elevator and hit up your broker app really quick to buy a thousand more shares of exxon, bp, and shell stocks while shorting anything that has to do with solar and wind because solar panels look fucking gay and windmills are for dipshits

Reach greta's floor, backflip into her door, breaking that shit down and sending splinters flying everywhere setting off fucking car alarms and barking dogs

Her primal scandinavian woman survival instinct kicks in and she immediately presents herself to you from all the viking raping and pillaging burned into her nordic DNA

You put a plastic non-biodegradable bag from walmart over her muppet face, set a cooked rack of barbecue ribs on the small of her back, and go to town, throwing the cleaned rib bones at the back of her stupid cantaloupe head in between thrusts

After blowing your load and covering the room in non-vegan protein, you wipe your monolithic dong on her priceless handmade native american uber-sustainable fairtrade honestly sourced hippie sweater

Jump out the fucking window into a formula 1 race car and cover the hotel in black rubber as you burn out and blaze off into another american night

global warm deez nuts, bitch

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Should care about environment, posts on Sup Forums

How much does shilling pay these days?

Holy fucking kek my goddamn sides

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A 16 yr old retard try and guilt trip me or tell me what to do.

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you're so fucking easily triggered, lol

Nice to know shilling happens on a 5 minute cycle

because she's an asshole. who is this random fucking 16 year old who doesn't know shit about anything to tell the entire world how to live? whats more infuriating is that brain dead left wingers are taking her word as gospel instead of listening to scientists with actual answers

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Shit like this really shows you how stupid the general population in. Trump outrage already does this incredibly well but wow guys our planet really is fucked. You chimps couldnt find your way out of a pringles can.

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That’s not even funny; you stupid fuck

It's funny because the dipshit thinks anyone is gonna read that reddit nonsense.

I sometimes wonder how life would be if I also was a globalist puppet like Greta

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Climate change is very much real, it's just that left wingers and ecologists fags thinks it's caused by humans. there is nothing humans can do about this.

You're posting pro trump propaganda on/b/ every day for free. You don't need to wonder, friend.

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most people don't understand that dinosaurs could never exist right now, and if humans were magically teleported back then, they'd die.

the reason there are no giant insects that are 3ft wide dragonflies right now, despite the fact that insects actually own the planet and outnumber the rest 1000x and are so resilient they'll outlive us for millions of years is that the atmosphere has changed. we can't have a "godzilla" or "cloverfield" or "tyrannosaurus rex". they'd actually boil in their flesh and die from overheating, trying to run a body that big in this atmosphere.

that was only 65 million years ago. shit changes and it didn't take 150 years of burning refined petroleum to do it. oh, but it'll all be GONE in 150 years so then we can get over this little pimple and forget the "abuse".

You dropped your (you)

>They have to attack anything that threatens to bring down their house of cards.
That's pretty ironic when everytime I hear Thunberg mentioned IRL, it's people wondering why the climate activists are appointing a teenages as their figurehead, parading her on a 4 million euro yatch with an actress and a member of Monaco's royalty while the media publishes countless articles praising her. It's almost as if her fame is 100% artificial and people don't actually buy it as much as intended.

Free trips around the world and "donations" in the millions. I cant wait until I have kids so I can push my agenda through their undeveloped bodies and make bank.

Respect the new queen of Sup Forums

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Ewwww, no

I mean a cycle for every 65 million years isn't that bad. just born in the wrong time, i'm okay with being petrol for the next evolved living thing

This was legitimately funny.

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If either of you give half a shit, Potholer54 is a great channel for this stuff. He's a cis white male conservative capitalist before you screech libtard.


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will keep that video in mind, thanks gotta go to bed tho, it's late here

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I think a lot of people don't like her because she looks at people like Clint Eastwood.

So other than his point of "dont believe everything you read on the internet", is he saying climate change is real and caused by us or no?

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Despite making 50% of the thread, trolls cause 90% of shitstorm.


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No, man. They're rockin it way harder than that.

Trolls make the thread. They don't bring the fight. They create the place where the fight happens.

That sounds nefarious. Its not. Stop walking into a place with no rules and thinking it will be funny. Its never funny when there are angry dicks waiting.

If your 'side' has to recruit children to make emotional points you know you lose
It's a political stunt, stop paying attention and discuss with scientific facts n shit

Careful, she has retard strength

She should be called out for the media created fool she is.

I like how she gets people butthurt because she chose to learn a topic rather than just run her mouth about it pretending to know.

And not only that, somehow some fat bois have started making up shit she supposedly said or done, because thats your typical ignorant fagtoid course of action when they get butthurt about something.

And the beauty is she will continue to be on the news, doing this, and the knuckle draggers and window lickers will get even madder coming up with even more ludicrous stories in their efforts to be edgier each time.


How old are children? 18, fire a gun, vote, decide shit about their bodies?

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She hasn't learned a topic she's been spoon fed an extremist version.

She thinks we're all going to die

She thinks she can see CO2

She's a 16 yr old who's childhood has been ruined because she's been trained to be a climate zealot.

How dare you do this to her

She's another fad and her followers are hypocrites who are as far from an actual understanding of the situation as Greta is herself.
The fact that she gets any sort of attention in the first place is a signature of poor common morale and judgement.

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It's not necessarily that I disagree with the sentiment. As with any debate though, this is only partially about being right and mostly about convincing people.

As far as convincing people goes, I think having a kid deliver an emotionally driven and condescending speech to world leaders may actually be counterproductive. It shows the shit-tier philosophy of the lobby behind her.


No such thing. You're just jealous corporations are protecting her and not you.

How cringe was this. Jesus...

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No one is triggered, everyone but her shills arw laughing at her.

Shes not American so not sure why anyone keepa mentioning left or left wing. Her agenda is not a partisan issue, its an environmental issue

Faggot ass nigger

Its not like she doesn't have any valid points its just i dont like a child telling me what to do

lol you retard

Prove it.

>only I know the real situation
>and I'm never wrong

She's warning you not telling you what to do. Get over yourself.

And also you are.

Whatever you need to tell yourself, im not even the guy you were talking to.

You're the only one I'm talking to. Defending triggered faggots is the definition of being a triggered nigger. Sowwy ur wittle butt huwts fwend :(

That’s a long way of saying you’re mentally retarded user

Agreed bitch

It's a Ctrl V way to say your retarded but the message is loud and clear lol


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That was my 2nd post in the thread kiddo.

Based, retards always need their tribe

Why do the biggest companies fight manmade climate change while Trump thinks its a hoax?


Because they think virtue signalling is good for buisiness.

still a child is warning me about the future. i'd take it more seriously if she wasn't 16 years old.

>Kid - Hey! Cliff!
>Old dumbass - No silly child is gonna tell me what to d- *ope*
>The bloodied rocks below tell a tale as old as time.

Nobody is stopping this stupid cunt from attending school. Fucking autist

Actually scientists are warning you but you prefer to target her you dip

Just saw that episode y'day. Great show

Don't sign your posts.


No they're not,dumb nigger

like i said before. i don't think what she's saying is wrong it's just that they're using her as a figure head to push they're agenda. do you want a 5 year old telling you how to drive? no. if a five year old told you how to drive properly you would ignore them because they're a child. same with this.


Because leftists know that thier power falls and they use that autist kid as tool to regain the power because there are many stupid people who believe that global warming is true

5 year old - hey dad they said you're gonna crash if you don't change course
Brick wall - heh
Dad - no dumb kid is gonna tell me wh-
Brick wall - gottem

Nyet, albania

If a five year old told me I was headed for certain devastation and I found out he was in fact correct and agreed with him, I would not hold it against him lol

dose it matter if the brick wall is unavoidable. i have zero hope that she will fix climate change.

If the five year old is telling the obvious, yeah, you would listen, wouldn't you?
"You shouldn't drive drunk", "you should war seatbelt" etc.

I don't know how this isn't obvious.

i'm not saying it's logical. but the fact that she's a child talking down to me makes not want to listen to they're message. it's not like any of this will fix climate change anyway.

If you want to deny your agency and the agency of everyone else on the planet, that's certainly a thing you can do. It's stupid, but nobody is going to stop you from being a retard if you want to be one.

sounds like a you problem

Most recent research says that there is still hope to have a normal life for something like next 2 generations. People like you are just as big of a problem as those fucking boomers.

i think your in denial that climate change isn't inevitable. climate change is probably going to happen regardless if a child talks down to you or not.

I just think its funny that a autistic fetal alcohol syndrome child can lead around full grown adults. And the retards lap it up.

Flavor of the week

I literally don't care. I see no reason we shouldn't make an effort to maintain the planet. Environmental pollution and climate change go hand in hand. If we can stop it, we tried and did it. Major win for future terraforming projects and research. If we can't, maybe we start the ball rolling on tech that could reverse it. It's guaranteed failure if we don't give it our all though.


Starts with recognizing with what is the wrong situation. That's a protip my friend.
When you seriously feel attatched to the words of an aspergers kid who clearly could not possibly know something about anything at all without its handlers then you may feel very, very proud of yourself.

Her boat trip didn't save anything by the way, it was a total setback. So much for "teh plan". Buncha intellectual napkins.

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Some are pedos ,personally I get annoyed that she has so much press when more important things are happening

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Thank you for that


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>alabama with this preachy prissy mumble munchkin
I hope to fuck she really dose not come here

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