If you support Trump you need to have the ever loving piss beat out of you.
If you support Trump you need to have the ever loving piss beat out of you
Come get some. But you wont. Cause you're a pussy
I can't wait for him to get re-elected
You are both pussies.
If you vote Dem you hate white people and American Values.
I love the tolerant left.
I will vote for Bernie hoping you will be raped by Mexicans and sold into slavery
I love the dumb right
If you support women you need the ever loving piss beaten out of you.
Try it. I’ll fuck you up pussy liberal
ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!
No man, woman or child should be physically assaulted for their political opinions.
If they are literally nazis then hell yes they should
Doesn't matter what political side you pick between Republicans or Democrats, because the majority of Americans are paranoid ignorant window lickers.
They will believe the shite given to them on their favourite news network and mirror it like chirping monkeys.
Government anally rapes you for money every year and you all thank them for it, how fucking sad is that.
Oh thank you Corporate Government for making me pay out of the world prices for medical care that my insurance doesn't cover, I am sure it is the best in the universe so I feel better about being in debt.
Oh thank you corporate government for making over 100 stealth fighters that will never get used, because you told me doing so will make the country safe from ISIS.
Oh thank you corporate government for having a fake trade war with China, that you totally set up between the two nation's corporations into making more profit, while us dumb dumbs buy the goods at a higher price thinking it is protecting America's economy.
And so on.
America you need to wake the fuck up and get your kids proper schooling where they are taught to think for themselves and work out shit, not get handed a sheet or two telling them how to do things.
This is why young Americans on here get salty as fuck when you hit them with logic or proof. It is cringe material - "OH MY GOD THAT IS NOT HOW I THINK - YOU... YOU ARE THE THING I HATE THEN"
So you are saying, non American here, that you would go against the 1st Amendment?
>Literally a Nazi
Fuck me dead, you guys really have no minds of your own hey?
There's way too much truth in this post...
i dont support him but is he going to get removed from office?
are the dems grasping at straws now that the mueller report is old news?
did the dems just blow their chances at a 2020 presidency?
Same shit happens all the time and vice versa, when Obama was in office it was senate and congress blocks, impeachment attemtps etc, same for Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr etc.
Gerrymandering is the politicians favourite pasttime, it just enables them to stretch out 1 years worth of work into 4 years, so it looks like they are doing something and getting paid over the top salaries to do so.
And Americans just clap their hands like seals to it.
Agreed Trump is a retard and anyone who actually supports him legitimately doesn't know the whole story. Or probably all that much in general.
Nazis don't get free speech when they're doing nazi stuff.
Fascism loves to hide and multiply in the cracks of freedom provided by modern liberalism. For instance, at the Battle of Cable Street in 1936 the British Union of Fascists decided they wanted to march through the East End of London, and about 20,000 people from the local community turned up to block the march. They didn't want fascists in their community, they had already tried and failed ahead of time to get the government to stop the march, the government refused, and because the march was therefore technically legal, the police protected the fascists and attacked the antifascist protesters, who ended up having to fight not just fascists but their own police force as well, the very people who were ostensibly meant to be defending their community against threats.
We all know exactly what happened just a few years later when fascism was allowed to take hold, protected by freedom of speech - It became an existential threat to the system that previously protected it.
you are the problem with america.
being a hispanic ive been called everything there is wetback, wab, fucking etc etc by some of the most racist piece of shit losers and you know what its their god damn right to believe whatever the fuck they want to believe.
are they right? No
does it affect me? No
BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSES OPINION OF ME IS NONE OF MY GOD DAMN BUSINESS, stay in your fucking lane and mind yours.
Let pepole believe what they want, at the end of the day its their right as long as they arent hurting anyone but themselves
>>If you supported Hillary you need to have the ever loving piss beat out of you.
Fixed this again for you OP. Did it in the last thread I saw too. How stupid are you to keep messing up like this?
>> they arent hurting anyone
Are you familiar with Nazism and WWII? A single nazi alone in their home is fine.. out in the streets spreading propaganda and recruiting is cause for violence.
and what exactly are you doing?
youre literally doing the exact same thing. theres no such things as nazis anymore theres racism and hate fueled by people that are too stupid to realize theyre the other side of the same coin.
Its become this never ending cycle of violence and "see this is why we should hate these people and beat them in the streets". You dont change people with violence
Seen liberals misuse the free speech bubble plenty of times also.
My point is, Americans think their patriotic but they continually shit on the Amendments constantly and think nothing of it.
It's very cringe.
Fucking autocorrect, They're*
>OP being his usual faggot self, suckling those commie cummies
Not sure if this site will survive the volume of leftist cope posting after impeachment falls flat on its face again lol
>you don't change people with violence
say that to the Germans and Japanese who aren't allowed to have militaries any more after we kicked their asses. fucking faggot learn some history
It's not even close to the same thing. You can stop doing Nazi stuff in the street and you'll be left alone. If you're a political enemy of fascism though either they lose or you die.
>All this reddit spacing
They do have military units, no idea what planet you think you are on.
For example the Japanese have the JSDF and are ranked 4th in capabilities in the world.
You need to get of your pro-American taught history soap box and actually look at reality.
> still bringing up Hillary as if she has done anything in the last 3 years
>living in your head RENT FREE
lot of good being 4th place does lol
>ranked 4th in capabilities
retard detected
>Muh Sup Forums!
Second term incoming
>go cry on pol
I support Trump because the other guys want to beat the piss out of me for owning my own mobility scooter and guns.
Have fun faking impeachment threads for another 4 year
It shows how their limited budget of 46b per year can produce a military force that is up there with the US, china and Russia.
It also shows how capable they are, while the US overspends on useless fighters that won't be used and cannot keep peace in Afghanistan or Iraq.
This shows how weak the US ground force really is.
No need to be salty there, armed forces are rated by capabilities by the credit suisse report, which is important, the fact you didn't know this makes your little childish retort turn around and point at you.
Totally agree
You'll be waiting forever
Russian troll
what is this... it is not profitable for trump to run another term, it might be more profitable for him to be impeached. now from an accuratiable point of view being impeached is profitable.
ie nixon clinton.
this is wrong being pres should always be desirable something is wrong and i think black science guy said it best about how congtress is full of lawyer instead of all the sciences
The myths at the core of fascism - the bad statistics, the made up history, the really off-the-wall stuff we'll be getting to later on - it doesn't really matter to a committed fascist how many times you sit down and debunk that stuff. They keep Today's Wednesday saying Today's Wednesday. That's because once it's not so much not about the content but the act of saying it.
The job of propaganda isn't necessarily to convince anyone. Propaganda is a recruitment tool: it gathers and retains the people who understand the true message and who are willing to repeat it. It doesn't matter to a committed white nationalist how many times you sit down and debunk the ridiculous white nationalist conspiracy that the world is secretly being taken over by Jews: because when they say that, they aren't really saying that it's true. What they're saying is they want to persecute Jewish people. And their audience are all running around trying to explain the days of week, saying, "Come on our talk show and explain your weird theory about the days of week! Bring this idea to the free market place of ideas that we may debunk it!" - whilst some of their audience are sitting there going, "Oh, I get it. Today's Wednesday."
The liberal love of free speech is a great thing but it assumes that everybody is coming to the table in good faith and is willing to play the game, which fascist obviously aren't. That's why it is worth countering fascist arguments in order to try and reach potential recruits before they can, but antifascists will try to deny fascists platforms. Because when we interview fascists or we debate fascists, they're not really there for us; they're there for our audience. Whilst we're up there talking about the days of the week, there's a guy there's a guy at the back of the lecture handing out pamphlets about "the Wednesday question."
>military force that is up there with the US, china and Russia.
Clearly you are now trying hard to get out of the hole you dug for yourself.
Check the graph..
It shows the strengths of each military of the top 10.
>inb4 some more try hard attempts to look like they think they know what they are talking about but clearly don't
I am sure right now you are feeling very salty.
I only hate Trump because he's too left wing
nvm after more research i no long think this way
guess boifat ran off scared typical fagboy
go back to Sup Forums redditfag
You seem very tolerant.
I better fucking get my wall if he gets impeached
maga 2020
christ you don't understand what America is supposed to be.
Not full of Nazis doing Nazi stuff.
The Holocaust happened to the Jews in the 1930s-1940s. But the other side of the holocaust was that it did not happen and no one had any problems ever. The world was perfect and there was nothing wrong with the way people lived. It was never about money or power, it was simply another time where paradise had spread over the land. No one was hungry or poor and they all had extra care that they would be that way forever. Except that paradise part never happened and it was not happiness and sunshine that spread across the land it was blood, suffering, death, and disease. The people were dying because they were starving they had no food and they could not afford to pay for a night's rent in the town so they were homeless and picked off, sent to camp's and tortured for the sick enjoyment of those who had guns and a hatred of those who were peaceful.
all over the news here in germany you can hear that trump is finished because of the ukrainian affair. is it true? if so i´ll miss the old fellow, he was always good for a laugh or two.
He ran for POTUS as a Republican. He needs to do something like eating a live baby, screaming as he tears its flesh off, on live TV in front of an astonished crowd to get in any real trouble.
What is "Nazi Stuff" You mean gassing Jews? That's not speech that's a public service.
Literally who??
>If you do not support Trump you need to be hung for treason
>You need to have the ever loving piss
mm, kinky
just when i think Sup Forums might disappoint.....
The one truth of this worl...
N E V E R. T R U S T. O R A N G
Nazi scum like you better stay behind their keyboard.
Americans with insurance pay less to survive a major heartattack than a Canadian spends to have the sniffles.
>Autistic screeching
That's my interest from beginning to end. To watch you libtards scream at the sky for the next 5 years plus.
I'm just excited for 2020. The Ds can't stop sinking their own ship and pissing off literally everyone that wasn't already on their team.
Democrats are currently worshipping a child with severe mental illness. Her parents biography of her (ugh) confirms she's suicidal, and has an eating disorder.
Y'all fucked up.
>global warming isnt real because autism and eating disorder
you know
you and they are both retarded
but at least they're trying to make the place better
their idea of batter might be bad
and their methods may be infuriating
but at least they're trying
this whole policy of doing whatever will make your enemies cry
is just a stupid, pointless waste of time
why not try to make them cry by improving the country
if they're so weak and crybaby
then surely you can do a way better job, way faster
don't you want to be able to rub that shit in their stupid faces?
but oh
oh yeah
that'd entail actually doing something
that'd entail actually learning something
and putting effort in
turns out, you're even more pathetic than they are
because you'd rather let the country rot
so long as you can make them cry while they rot it
because you're a baby too
all tucked up at home
with your tv and your fridge
eating the bread and watching the circuses
because you're just as easily manipulated as they are
you worthless piece of shit
Sup Forums has been looking for combinations of words that can be typed in a keyboard that can get a reaction out of people for years.
Acting like they support Trump is just the latest one. The majority of Trump supporters simply aren't paying attention and will vote Republican no matter what because it's part of their identity.
Just ignore them user. These are trolls and the ignorant we're dealing with here. Very few people are actually swallowing the alternative facts wholesale.
Fuck you! Come get me, libtard.
>Hi I'm a triggered baizuo
I'm not mad
just disappointed
OMFG how fucking stupid is America to even vote this piece of shit into office. The American government will never mean a thing ever again. Fucking idiots.
you poor kids
hahaha lefty mascot
stay mad, faggot
marx was not wrong when he called ferdinand lassalle a jewish nigger
People never learn. This will do nothing. I'm still laughing at the Mueller report. If you honestly believe this stunt will do anything, you haven't been paying attention.
WWII was unconstitutional, leave Hitler alone!
I support Joe
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