For those that consume cannabis products on the daily, what do you guys do with your free time when you're out of weed?

For those that consume cannabis products on the daily, what do you guys do with your free time when you're out of weed?

Taking a T break after 2 years of being continuosly high. I'm just afraid I'm going to be bored out of my mind.

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I do meth occasionally as a break from weed.

you're gonna be bored as shit and won't sleep well
just get drunk

Been some time since i smoked daily. Even then, I just smoked right before bed or a few hours before to get to sleep. Tried being high from wake n bake until bedtime but i just took a bunch of naps and did nothing.

Running out for whatever reason made sleeping a bit tougher, but after a few days there was no difference, just didn't get to be high was all.

i just go on with my day as usual

I am currenty on my second week, it feels like shit first couple of days, but the dreams you get are insane.

Not to be "that" stoner, but I honestly am not a fan of alcohol. Just me.

The few select days I didn't smoke in the last 2 years (travelling mainly), I had a horrible time trying to fall asleep. Even when I felt the need to, I couldn't. I tried taking melatonin, it didn't help me at all.

I've heard that a lot of people don't dream when they smoke daily, but for some reason, I'd still get the occasional dream. They were almost always stress-related, so I'd always wake up stressed out. Can't wait to see how shitty waking up will be.

Pot was my choice for a decade, but then fentanyl came in and did the job 100 times faster. I used to get high for the high, but now its just about getting to sleep and in the least pain possible.

Marijuana is still best for getting to me sleep every time, but it does nothing for pain. Xanax is okay, but better for just the panic attacks. strong opiates will knock me out and i get a good sleep, even better with some strong indica.

That makes sense. When I started smoking daily, I just enjoyed the high, the only "real" reason I guess I could say I smoke weed is to help me go to sleep, when in reality, it gave me something to do.

It's almost as if smoking weed isn't the same as having an actual hobby or personality.

Life goes on as usual. You realize how little you actually do on a day to day basis.
Some noticeable side effects (1-3 days)
>night sweats

no shit but op never implied that anyway

I used to love getting high to listen to music, play games, do shit, etc. I was the 'enhancer' smoker.

But as i said, over the years pain and insomnia were the problem and it became a tool for sleep. Otherwise i never use it. Just a tiny bowl with a few hits of an indica and then straight to bed.

I'm going through this occasionally. Any way to cope with it? Or ween off

I live in a place where a lot of my friends are every day users and have slowly gone away from it.

they say the same thing it gets boring. but you need to find a hobby to occupy ur time.

Obviously not. I mainly use(d) weed to help me get through my day without focusing on being depressed. Being high helped me with dealing with it.

Can't wait.

Same, that's mostly what I am, I guess. Would smoke before I do stuff, that way I'm just enamored with whatever task is at hand.

>It's almost as if smoking weed isn't the same as having an actual hobby or personality
I can see you've never been near a community of professional artists and musicians before.

Do you fuckers know anything?

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hell yeah , crazy dreams ,

can confirm symptoms . on the plus side , lungs will improve slightly

More or less the same shit with more or less the same level of interest... If you've smoked for a long time, it's not doing as much for you anymore as what you're chasing anyways. Take the break, don't concern yourself with it and when you've got bud again, enjoy the lower tolerance that taking a step back can afford you.

I can always just buy nitrous, that gives one hell of a laugh before beginning with free time rituals
ephedrine (no meth do) is fun when I go take a run for 20 km in the woods just thinking and stuff
I have options like datura, amanita pantherina and alchohol all the time but I'd rather be sober than on that
I'm trying to cook up some lsa and other shit so that should work as pretty nice stuff for free time when lacking in weed

It kinda depends what day of the week it is for me because I have volunteer programs and shit I do during the week outside of work.

For starters I just smoke a joint or two (maybe 1g of weed total) before bed, helps me sleep and I enjoy the high. Sometimes on my days off where I have nothing planned, I like to get a little high (half of a joint usually) and cook weird recipes I find online for my girlfriend. I only do this around dinner though, and it's not very often I do it.

When I'm out of weed? I just have a shitty time trying to fall asleep usually. It's not like I'm going about my day high like some of the other stoner retards.

smoked for 3 years straight with just the occasional 2 days off
now getting cleanish (just smoking the rest of it on a weekly basis)
have to say, falling asleep is harder the first nights but i sleep better and don't feel exhausted by a relatively eventless day

sex is different but definately not worse (imo even better)

work is better -> can get myself to do tasks i didn't want to do

but i often don't know what to do with myself
bc gaming isn't as fun as when i was in hs (related with other issues)
and i'm not the artistic type and finding a hobby

freetime is mostly taking care of plants and family now ... thinking about getting a dog

Makes sense.

I went through my days high, but it was what I was used to. I don't remember ever really being questioned about the fact that I was high. It's a weird sense of clarity to being sober, though. An uncomfortable amount.

Yeah, I'm mostly just afraid that I'll be too bored with my life to even play games, but that's maybe a sign if I can only enjoy games while inebriated.

Other people absolutely could tell you were high lmao. But I understand what you mean about the clarity thing.

Before I was smoking the way I am now, I used to just get high every chance I had. All of my free time would be consumed by getting high, eating a shit ton of food, and playing videogames. I had literally no life, I was fat as fuck, and I was depressed because I realized weed was the only think that made me happy at that point. It took a LOT of self control to get me out of that mindset, and that's where I think the negative stereotypes of the stoner culture come into play... A lot of stoners just don't have that sort of self control. I didn't start smoking pot until I was 23, so that might have had something to do with how I was able to break out of that toxic cycle and unfuck my life.

there is literally nothing good about quitting other than saving money.

i don't really feel good playing games high/drunk bc i can literally feel my reaction time rise and therefore not having the success i wish to have in a game

i tried playing games i used to have fun with
that does it for a short time
but when trying newer ones ...they all kinda feel like "shiny"-old ones ... just the same stuff over and over again or overrun by children (aka. Borderlands / Dota etc.)
even had a look at apex but it didn't get me ...

made plans on some woodwork for the next year (for plants on my balcony) and want to build my own set of speakers during winter to keep myself busy
but that costs a bit (material and tools)

a dog would be perfect but me and my gf are not sure if we can properly support a dog and train him etc

exactly right, and that's not much of an incentive really

pls elaborate

i myself can say it had positive effects on my life

If you've been high on a daily basis for 2 years, you'll be kinda bored with most stuff you used to enjoy while high for the first week.
After that, things'll get back to normal, you'll have more energy and motivation, which may lead you to actually try new stuff you wouldn't even have thought about before.
It worked that way for me at least.

not OP here
but thanks good to know that my battle is not quite lost

You're welcome, are you quitting weed atm?
If so, I'd advise you to keep your mind busy, that's how quitting will get easier, and also how you'll find new hobbies, I got into cooking that way

i'm generally pessimistic and think people hate me after spending any time with me at all. i take prescription meds for my depression and anxiety, which help me be stable, but they don't actually make me feel good about things, either. i find it much easier to see the good in both people and the world in general when i have a bit of thc in my system.
i'm quitting for the sake of some asshole i've never met before, who will refuse to hire me if i don't pass a piss-test, regardless of qualifications or how much he needs the help.

>i'm quitting for the sake of some asshole i've never met before, who will refuse to hire me if i don't pass a piss-test, regardless of qualifications or how much he needs the help

then don't bother quitting

yeah getting cleanish after 3 years of daily use

also love to cook btw. but i'm as the germans say a "schnöggel" (i dont like a lot of food or food comibations or variations and stuff )
so it's kinda complicated

good advice trying to keep it just like you said

well okay i see your point there
i feel for you user bc i know the positive effects of thc
shitty drug-tests are the curse of people like you

>I've heard that a lot of people don't dream when they smoke daily, but for some reason, I'd still get the occasional dream. They were almost always stress-related, so I'd always wake up stressed out. Can't wait to see how shitty waking up will be.

he means the dreams you get once you stop smoking. not smoking for a few days will make your dreams go wild, you'll be dreaming all sorts of crazy shit.

i need the work, don't want to be homeless. not to mention i'm a bazzillion times worse without my meds, which are not free.

You can cold turkey it without severe side effects. You might crave it the first day but it becomes unnoticeable after the second day.

when i dream at all (or when i remember it) i dream about shit like getting up to get a glass of water, and then i can't remember if i really did it or if it was one of my boring-ass dreams.

i think i killed this thread too

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i just think we covered the essentials

i'm just so fucking lonely and it's nearly five in the morning

Fuck I feel you Sup Forumsro

sry but i'm at work so i can't offer to play some games

watch the sunrise user, smoke a cigarette enjoy
if you don't have to work that is ...

After beeing stoned for 3 years i got high from beeing sober so dont worry basically nothing will change

Just smoke CBD weed, you won't get high but at least you can tell yourself you already smoked if you get the urge.