What was the point to the Bruce Willis arc other than to extend the runtime?
What was the point to the Bruce Willis arc other than to extend the runtime?
What was the point of Samuel L Jackson and John Travolta arc other than to extend the runtime?
The whole movie is about grace as a supernatural force that binds humans together, giving our separate lives meaning when we cross paths, and imposing the structure and the form of narrative upon what would otherwise be utter chaos.
Check out the name of Zed's bike if you don't believe me.
There is no point to Pulp Fiction, it's basically just trashy exploitative entertainment in the same vein as the pulp novels of yesteryear. Tarantino wrote the whole thing in 2 weeks while getting high in Dutch coffeeshops.
There was no point to any of this trash flick.
Why can't I write something similarly popular?
Literally the best sequence. Would have made an amazing short film.
I bet you think Inglorious Basterds is about WWII also.
Divine intervention
Because you're not Quentonimaevius Tarantulino
It's a chopper, baby
Who is worse?
The people who think the brief case held the diamonds from Reservoir Dogs, or the people who think it held Marcellus's soul?
Where there bullet holes in wall already before guy came out of bathroom shooting?
What does this post even imply? Yes it is set in WWII. The film is based off the war films Tarantino was a fan of. The film's premise is almost a rip off, "homage", of the WWII film the Dirty Dozen. Tarantino does not make "smart" films with deep philosophical or social commentary, it's all just genre and exploitation shit. Everything else is secondary.
it's just as i feared.
He wrote one really good script (or stole it) and he's been taking parts of it for the movies, that's how he created that disjointed style.
But in the end it's a deus ex, that lasts the whole movie.
Is Zed actually dead?
If you're just going to meme post you might want to go to reddit, kid.
yeah, you're retarded
>The people who think the brief case held the diamonds from Reservoir Dogs
Never heard that one. Sounds pretty cool.
Prove that it isn't his soul
Takes one to know one biznitch.
who's meming? oh wait, is this the meme where you act like an insecure pleb and i understand a film better than you?
The whole movie is supposed to be like an updated take on oldschool pulp crime anthologies. The difference is that the stories are connected. The breaking up of story arcs is meant to be reminiscent of that anthology style.
Who's chopper is it?
Does it have two wheels?
Prove it isn't Einstein's foreskin
You're a big guy
be honest, you just hate it because it's older and cooler than you
Prove that it isn't antoine's soul
i saw the Simpsons parody years before i saw pulp fiction, scared the shit out of me.
I liked Pulp Fiction, but it has no point to it
The point of the whole movie was to extend the runtime.
It's in my Top 5 Simpsons 2bh
why is Quentin so based bros?
Director's Commentary:
>"ahh the bandaid. Cut his head shaving. It added to the frame, so I left it in. Started a --- started quite a stir. something about his soul?"
Because you're all too stupid to realise it, Inglorious Basterds was a commentary on the rise of fascism in the modern world, that happened to be set during WWII. The fact it went over all of your heads is proof enough this board doesn't know what they're talking about
>Elle wasn't the leader
>Vernita wasn't a demolitions expert
>Sofie wasn't even a part of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad
>a sword isn't really a knife
What a stupid theory.
I can almost guarantee you haven't seen The Dirty Dozen.
so fucking based
It was also a wry commentary on propaganda films. QT isn't the unrestrained genius most of his fans think he is, but he's not the artless purveyor of thoughtless exploitation that the pseudo-patricians of Sup Forums think he is either, he's somewhere in the middle. (Except for Django, idk what he was thinking with that one.)
Django is literally one of his worst films. If not for Russell who I'm a big fan of, basically carried the whole film I wouldn't have watched it
Django is his worst film by a country mile, that's what I was saying. Overindulgent in all the worst ways. Who the fuck is Russell though? Kurt Russell? He's not in Django.
sorry i was thinking hateful 8, I hated hateful 8 more, Django went downhill when after Leo and Waltz died
Why does a movie have to have a "point"? It should be just a good story. I hate when movies have a blatant point or moral.
Damn. I felt the opposite. I found Django, ok, there were things I liked about it, but I wasn't really too impressed,Mobutu I thought Hateful 8 was on the level of Reservoir Dogs.
>Django went downhill when after Leo and Waltz died
That happens in like the last 10 minutes.
^this guy
is not this guy:
and he is wrong. Inglorious Basterds is a movie about the history of movies and how WWII ruined cinema forever.
1. Jackie Brown
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Pulp Fiction
4. Inglorious Basterds
5. Kill Bill (Vol 1 & 2)
6. Django Unchained
7. H8ful 8
8. Death Proof
No matter how fast QT wrote this story, every part is very important to show Marsellus Wallas's crime empire. The angle of view is the different.
I don't even know why it's a mystery.
Jules' clearly states that the briefcase contains his boss's dirty lingerie. That's prime blackmail material and could earn someone a lot of money from Wallace in exchange for not telling the world.
Doesn't it glow gold? Diamonds are clear.
>pulp fiction
>Jackie brown
>reservoir dogs
>hateful 8
>kill bill vol I
>Death Proof
>inglorious bastards
>kill bill vol II
If we could count True Romance I would probably put it between Hateful 8 and KB1
You guys are dead wrong about Deathproof, as usual.
It was only the pilot retard the characters would've been fleshed out in later episodes....
>Inglorious Basterds was a commentary on the rise of fascism in the modern world
no it wasnt you fucking retard
it was about propaganda and about how antifascists (or however you want to call it) are worse than actual fascists
I wouldn't go that far. I figured it was more about how we went and matched the ugliness of the Nazis.
I mean we didn't round up quite as many people into work camps, but that's what happens with hatred and aggression, is that it tends to get met with more hatred and aggression.
Surely death proof and hatefull eight are at least better than Django.
all the long winded female lines were cringey and forced
>1. Jackie Brown
>black strong woman protagonist
>black badass motherfucker
>whites are retards
no, that's the cuck ranking
black people dont have souls
>fascism means hatred and aggression!
hellooo college socialists
So what'd he do, fuck her?