How do I leave my small town if I’m on probation for being black?

How do I leave my small town if I’m on probation for being black?

How do I find someone renting a room in the big city in my state so I can transfer? I have money

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You’reon probation because you broke the law you fucking retard

My people get punished worse than anyone else

Can you tell me how to find a room ?

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Try not being black. Works for me

Line up a job somewhere and move to that place, anyone can get a room. Jobs the hard part.

You don't transfer probation. You're stuck in the country you were convicted in until your probation has ended.

Can confirm.

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I just need a room. How do I find out. That’s all I want

You need a job


And to pay your debt to society

No job = no money = no room

You could try not drinking and driving. You belong in prison.

Try not being a nigger.

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G. You can't be so stupid that you don't know what Craigslist is.

Will people think I’m autistic if I tell them I’m on probation for being black and tryin to move there?

If they flake or something I’m fucked

make this thread every single day and ignore all the advice everyone gives you. surely that will work.

But a lot of people flake on there

If they're white, shit yeah. Other niggers don't give a shit

God this fucking pasta is so fucking stale, at least change it up. Move along people let this thread die.

You make it sound like you are on probation exclusively because of racism. Have you maybe thought that you deserved whatever you got? What's your story?

Do you think people would put up with the shit if I pay them? I don’t care about money I’ll pay someone thousands to do it

sage goes in all fields.