Thoughts on AVGN?

Thoughts on AVGN?

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He fucking sucks now

is there a new episode? well i have to go check now



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Best skit episode: Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Best classic Nerd episode: Dick Tracy

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I was drinking Rolling Rock the other night and thought of him for the first time in years
advertising works wonders

I tell ya what...

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>Seaman that low
Shit tier list fuck that

The episode with Gilbert Gottfried was hilarious

He’s fun

Glad he's still doing good, always fun to watch his reviews

Blame the fat fucks

It's the only one YouTuber who remains fun in the years

I still love him and have been watching him literally half of my life but the screenwave guys really do suck. It's unfortunate James has such poor taste in friends and collaborators. I get he's been friends with Mike forever but boy oh god damn boy is he a weasely little manchild. I hope there's an alternate reality where kyle justin and bootsy are still there and the screenwave fatties dont exist.

>I get he's been friends with Mike forever but boy oh god damn boy is he a weasely little manchild

yeah and the whole "Mike is cool because he has a huge dick" bullshit needs to stop

I work on AVGN. James and Mike are great guys...

Tony on the other hand..

'the fat fucks' as you call us are keeping this show afloat with James busy schedule. So fuck off

Great, I still enjoy the content after all these years, just wished the fatasses weren't all over the channel, replacing bootsy was a terrible decision

Watched some of his old videos again. They have not aged well.
Still, pretty influential dude, and loved those videos at the time.


>Resi Survivor that low
Based fuck that episode put me off him tbh was just him saying the game belongs in a toilet for 30 minutes