What's your opinion in drugs, Sup Forums? Drug of choice?

What's your opinion in drugs, Sup Forums? Drug of choice?

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Drugs are cheat codes for the mind. Useful, but they can have heavy consequences. It should be a personal choice.

Weed but have been one coke binge the last week and half because I met a Russian guy by strip club who hooks just me up with dealer quality coke that's not cutt with baby powder like that shit in your picture because it's still rocked fishscale fuck buying powder. If the cocaine you buy is powder you are getting whatever someone junkie out in it to make an extra buck

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yeah you are totally correct. what kind of dealer would spend their time busting your shit up for you?
I have problems with alcohol and coke because I love them so much but the best for me will probably always be lsd. I like most shit I've tried though

>that's not cutt with baby powder like that shit in your picture because it's still rocked fishscale
>rock means it can't be cut
oh my sweet summer child

sure it can be but it may not be. if you're buying straight powder its guaranteed bunk

Yeah if you ever buy straight powder, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

Had my girlfriend for 3 years... 18 year old, emotionally messed up, adorable, likes to escape herself with pain killers and shit from time to time... I watched helplessly as she went from a great person with manageable problems to a full blow retarded psychopath of a heroin addict... When I left I felt like I should left 3 years earlier and missed all of the drama... She OD'd and died not that long after the break up... I'm not a big fan of drugs, I just drink to escape my own head like a grown ass adult.

I sniff glue and browse grindr

That's rough man. Always sucks to hear about someone who thinks they can handle their drugs, then delves deeper and deeper until it's too late.

i love cocaine, but it's expensive, so I drink or do acid.

MDMA is the best drug.

Can't get hard on it though.

it's always fucking thots
"oh yeah I got it for $40/g" bitch even if you're fucking your dealer I already know you're bringing meth

You're probably just taking too much. It *should* be difficult to get stim dick on real MDMA.

Lmao unless you know the fucking creator of that coke, it's either gonna be hella cut, or meth powder.

>Can't get hard on it though.
The bane of my existence

I'm on speed and weed right now because I live in rural Norway and that's the best I can get..

My drug of choice is no doubt pure MDMA crystal.

In rank:

Coke was fucking fun, best times of my life, crushed it at my old job fixing shit.

E was great for the harder parties, good fucks.

I landed with acid. Ill trip twice a year in the same month (1st & 25th day) since the first trip is a relaxation experience and of a vacation and second is just a "fuck yeah" experience and usually a double dose. 25 mind you, been doing it for 7 years. Gets better everytime and its one of the few things I have to look forward to.

natural mild rolling tobacco and black coffee

my choice

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> lsd
> its one of the few things I have to look forward to.

Hi are you me?

nah try some pure lsd and you'll see the truth, and sex is even better
molly is for the kids
I've tried telling them so many times but these bitches like their bunk shit I guess. I already know I'm gonna pay up when I get coke, partly why I never do it now

>I already know I'm gonna pay up when I get coke
Yeah shit's expensive, but worth it if you use it right. Personally, I get suspicious of a g that costs less than 65

This is your subconscious.
>its time

ketamine duhh my tolerance is way too high for it now, the first k hole will always be the best k hole

straight up, standard even from my regular dealers was 80, but usually 180-200 a ball so you already know what I was buying usually lol

Keta is the best

I took 150mg over about an hour my first time and only felt mildly sick. My friends took 75 in the same time from the same batch on the same night and they all had a blast.

What do?

LSD told me the answer. sex on LSD? it constricts blood vessels. while the orgasm might be like a slow burn asphyxiation, it's harder to finally cum.

i agree that e is crap. it's like a bomb that hits and slowly fades. i must admit i found it remarkably funny when i took that first real mistubishi, not knowing what to expect, and wandered, bored and stoned into the dark part of my apartment and saw the inside of my eye tubes lit up in a silly way and saw the crazy shooting tubes. i had seen my eye tubes before, having done LSD 100 times, but that was... surprising. i almost laughed. then i really noticed the buzz.

Why not just take the meth instead it's literally better for you.

>it's literally better for you
I know that, it's not a matter of what's better for you. I want what I paid for, man. Meth is like $20 a g, coke is about four times that. I'm not trying to get one pulled over on me.

same here. the first time I did lsd was the last time I ever felt legitimately happy. but I loved sex on it, melting together and shit, I lasted forever but it was better than any orgasm ever
lmao. I don't remember much of doing molly. probably done it 50+ times and just wore myself out on it. it drains me too much now
lol nah I'm good coke is fun as fuck

Also one line will keep you up for a good 40 hours. I just want to get fast and sleep after.

> I don't remember much of doing molly.
Every person I know that does molly:
> I don't even feel anything on one pill I always have to take 3 now
Also everyone I know:
> Bro I was rolling so hard I don't even remember what happened
Like there has to be some middle ground, guys.

it could be the way you're snorting it? try using both nostrils and sniff it in like how youd sniff a flower. dont suck it in hard af cause the point is to get as much surface area in the nose so that it goes into your bloodstream faster

Clits, nitrous, marijuana, orgasms

lol when I did that shit I was out of control. one friend ordered 10g straight clear crystals and a bunch of pressies, another ordered 50g of some sassy shit at the same time. also had a good plug for pills. it was legitimately every weekend for a long time
I have no self control, when I got my hands on a vial of L I did the same fucking thing

I enjoy power tripping.

> LSD + Coke

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>liquid L
Nice. Hope it's not cut with water.

How different does that feel? I Have done both separately multiple times.

250ug drops. Fuck strong and super colorful. I buy a bottle once a year (100 drops). It's my 7th bottle. I bought the 500ug bottle once, waaay to fucking strong, hard to take if you don't want to have a full ego trip every time.

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dude lsd and coke is seriously the best combo

How much did you pay for it? I always get tabs. My guy recently got stuff sent from Poland it's crystal laid. Supposedly 99%. Only tabs to have a design on the back too that I've seen.

The only people who need drug are weak beta bitches who can't be social, can't make friends and can't have fun without using drugs.

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This man has never shared lines with a group of friends at a strip club

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The euphoria of the coke heightens the LSD and that sense of wellbeing, also takes away any mindfuckness. But, if you do too much coke it can dull the experience a little.

Mushrooms, weed, kratom

Yup because I'm not a little beta soy boy like you are.
Gotta go to the strip club to get pussy hahaaa

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opiates + benzos

I wish I could edit the OP.
For the people that don't do drugs occasionally, would you ever try anything? Weed doesn't count. If not, why?

it's all xtal laid fam, and all liquid is made with xtal. also don't always trust blotter, anyone can buy the art and put whatever they want on it
not saying your shit isn't legit but always test it

I get a bottle for $450. Done fuck loads of tabs and they never compare to proper liquid.

>always test it
but then I'll have less product

nobody goes to a strip club to get pussy dummy

that's what I paid for my vial, really want another one to have on hand. and fuck man if you wanna sell it the margin is so good
lol you can't spare a quarter or eighth of a tab?

Nah, I can, just joking. Mainly cause I don't have a test kit. Aren't they single use?

nope you can get one that'll last close to a lifetime for like $20 online

i once watched a documentary about drugs and addicts. One guy was doing drugs for about three decades with 25 years of continuous cocaine abuse. He did not only sniff it, he took a syringe for coke. He said the most wise words i ever heard on that topic:
> "No one ever got happy doing drugs."
(refering to long term use.)

These words hit me like a truck. a percious glimpse of enlightment. i can fully relate to his quote.

Damn, I have no excuse then. I'll check it out eventually. Hopefully before the next time I get L

You sure it's pure? Try viagra and it maybe, but idk haven't looked up if there is a consequence to that.

i am coked out of my mind right now

I’m 39 years old and have some just about every drug there is. Here is the definitive list:

1. Ecstasy. Not even close.
2. Benzos. If you have xanax after eating E pills all night, you’re a lucky man.
3. Alcohol.
4. Amphetamines
5. Psilocybin (mushrooms)

I have done every drug out there. Coke is great until you’re out. heroin is a one way street, acid is too intense. This is the top 5 don’t @ me

>tolerance is way too high
You mean your fucking addicted

To keep me focused Cocaine for me to chill and enjoy food weed and a Xanax bar. And some acid usually will be awesome if I’m having a really great weekend and everything is falling into place nicely

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Fentanyl, it takes the pain away, gets je to sleep, and has the best high ever.

Xanax is godly for panic attacks though. That shit works in seconds to stop them.

Nah dissociative tolerance is one of those tricky things, like mdma tolerance

I wish dxm worked the same as it did

like I said chances are your shit is pure, real L is very easy to distinguish from anything else but it's always a good idea
never had a problem getting hard on mdma, cumming sure but I could still fuck
even on a lot of coke and alcohol I could fuck like an animal and actually cum. the fuck wrong with these dudes dicks
that's your top 5 but not so accurate for me lol. acid is way easier to handle than mush imo, though I totally agree about coke

Had a xannie before that had fent in it. It was the most lucid high I've ever felt. Like being on the border between reality and dream. Too bad I'm probably never going to get my hands on it again. Especially since there's so much controversy surrounding it. How do you dose it? I can imagine it's a very small dose.

>never had a problem getting hard on mdma
>even on a lot of coke and alcohol I could fuck like an animal
I can't even get a chub, lucky bastard

dood be careful with the fent please
two of my best friends got into that heavy and I'm shocked they're still alive

Aha funniest shit ever this dude is a cuck.
My god.

idk it's never been an issue for me. like I said actually cumming is not guaranteed on mdma but coke sex usually is and god damn is it nasty
lsd was the best sex I've ever had though. on the verge of orgasm for like 45 minutes straight but totally in control of it


Ex boyfriend popped pills and it fucked our relarionship up

Mother drinks

Best friend did hardckre drugs

I feel like now I need to rely on adderall just to get out of bed. I'll probably die of a heart attack some day. Who cares

Favorite combos:
E + lsd, DXM + shrooms
Favorite Solo
Salvia, Dmt

my top is L still need to try molly
its really retarded but benedryl is actually really funny although its horrible for you if you do it frequently

You have to be 15. You had a Xanax with fentanyl in it?? Come on now. Drug dealers don’t do that. You probably don’t know what fentanyl feels like. Benzos and fentanyl will kill you. Nothing lucid about it.

What else have you tried?

Two close friends have od’d off that, don’t push your limits.

Really? Huh. Probably wasn't fent. Definitely wasn't a regular bar though. There was talk about it in my town at the time, so I just figured. Still haven't answered how you dose it though.

I'd hope to not get fentanyl in a street buy. It takes smart pharmacists and doctors to dose it, not some cracked out shady dealer getting shit from china.

I've always got it prescription or if from a MD, so I trust the dosage. Even still I've been on strong narcotics for years and they give it in baby steps. Its not to be fucked with. If I was a pharmacologist I'd dose myself with free shit from china, but I dont have enough organic chem in my arsenal to know.

DXM, shrooms, really wanna try dmt and I used to be wired off of a fuck ton of adderall for like a year straight but its been a while since i've had any

>If I was a pharmacologist I'd dose myself with free shit from china
Couldn't you just get it, test it for purity, then weight it out yourself with a microgram scale?

I get it exclusively through doctors office. Even I'd probably do from a randomly cut heroin dose. Street dealers dont know shit, powder is powder to fill, even if they realized they could sell the fill for more.

Fentanyl is the greatest 50 second high, then I'm asleep.

Nice I recommend salvia totally different than anything me and friends have had crazy experiences on it. Recommend starting at 10-20× strength. Have tried up to 100×. Ask if you want to hear a trip story.

Probably, but it's dangerous enough id prefer to have a degree in the field to manage it.

It's best if you know you are getting fentanyl only. Cut with heroin and whatnot who knows and then you die .

I used to do coke most weeks, stopped doing in since starting a new job i notice I feel a lot mentally fresher and less depressed since I've stopped . People I know seem to be using it a sort of antidepressant

The only time you’ll come into contact with fentanyl is if you’re buying heroin. Xanax is a pharmaceutical. People buy Xanax in bulk and sell them off. Benzos are a weird drug. You can’t snort it, you can’t shoot it. You certainly can’t mix benzos with any other drug.

I've heard salvia is nuts
I think its illegal in my state but that doesnt really stop much other than making it harder to get

Lets see some of your naughty pics you have took while on said drugs

drug of choice?
#1 lsd+molly (candyflip)
#2 lsd
#3 molly
#4 shrooms
#5 weed

Does anyone buy their drugs on the dark web? Always wanted to buy it online but don't know what I should take care of

Yeah you can still get the plant or anything of it online just says "for research purposes only."

>implying I'm a gril
I used to video myself fucking my own ass for hours on end with whatever I could find when I did meth a bunch. Could go on for as long as 10 hours one time. It really brought out the darkest of my fetishes, since the stuff I normally get off to didn't do the trick.

Research on that doesn't start hear look for nightmare market and get the tor browser. And to get bitcoin you can look for a bitcoin atm in your city which will give you a code to put in your bitcoin wallet. Use a seperate darkweb wallet and transfer your money to it. It'll bounce around the bit coin for about an hour beforw it's done and you're set.

>Drug of choice?
Soft drink, known as soda

I had some salvia trips that were great. The last one was on a high dose. Thought my live is the trip I've experienced

That's only half the process. How should I get it sent? Obviously using my real address is out of the question. Right?