what happened to us b
What happened to us b
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the same that happened to the rest of society.
Hijacked by Cultural Marxists?
(((Cultural Marxists)))?
I asked myself the same thing yesterday.
I saw people actually helping a guy who was suicidal instead of rolling for live stream.
Hmm, oldfa6s... Didn't think any remained...
It's a new burning bin of 2019 age of spin REEE now. Moist excellent piles of complete useless shit now without any form. I come to hunt the weak...
Ah but this is kryptonite for the board at the moment. Cancel culture can come here
2016 brought in millions of absolute retards who just dont seem to get what we are (where?) all about
And the fappening brought in all the porn fags
user-IB and some porn subreddits got shut down so all of them migrated here, but because all of them are cumbrains they didn't realize that there are boards dedicated to porn
How you guys been all these years? Ages and time on here?
I'll start by saying that Sup Forums always been pretty shit aside from some of the intermittent excitement that came from the more high-profile happenings and the far more frequent but less well-known everyday heroes that have good content to share in 1-2 solid threads per day.
I've been checking in on Sup Forums periodically since 2008 or 9, whatever year it was when I was 14, just to make sure it still exists and kill time but other boards have been my dedication over the years.
I'm 26 now, sitting in my apartment phoneposting and trying to think back on being an early teen and the crap I used to do. I used to play counter strike competitively, try and suck at texturing 3d models, and had poor self respect and no social skills. I'm still a loser, but for different reasons; I'm poor, pretty injured, and never finished my degree. Fortunately I grew up to be tall, handsome and being a late bloomer for my actually quite good social intelligence.
Anyways, so much has changed. Mostly from my life, Sup Forums has been solid for me for over 10 years. I mean fuck, I grew up with this shit and its changed here and there but its pretty consistent in character. If I'm honest, its me that's grown up and changed (same for you fuckers) and I wouldn't expect Sup Forums to be similar to how it was when I was in highschool. Internet culture has changed and Sup Forums has a lot more mass appeal from normies and shit now, so its not as tight knit of a group as when I was younger, but around the time I started using Sup Forums I started making friends and fucking with girls for the first time in my life and never gave a fuck about this place being or remaining a secret club. Most hardcore oldfags that legitimately use Sup Forums as a constant social outlet have all fucked off to their respective sub-chans all over the web.
Anyways, I'm just reminiscing more or less pointlessly. b has always been a cesspool with occasional gems, grass-is-greener fucks
Who is b?
What do you mean? It strives well as USB-C.
>I started making friends and fucking with girls
kill yourself faggot
Well, I got too old (mid 40s) to be posting on here all day, then a fuck-ton of instaface loving millennials took my place, so, now Sup Forums is just an endless FB/IG/VSCO thread.
inb4: cool story bro
I might if I was some sexless fucking fairy like you. Remember while you're in the goddamn waifu thread playing pretend that there's good reasons no one is ever going to tolerate you long enough suck your cock, let alone love you. Take your own advice asshole
b use to be about cp threads and doing shit for the lulz but now everything is too political and shit, Sup Forums became too mainstream
Seriousposters still think the racism and homophobia is in earnest. They seriouspost and don't get jokes or ever say anything funny. That's pretty much it fambly.
I came 2.x-3 years before you snd besides your ambivalent memories of Sup Forums itself I share the same progression of interests and sexual-social development. What I would say is that the transformation of Sup Forums reflects the transformation of the internet as a whole which I believe has been far more formative than it was content-related as popular opinion usually suggests. The basic organizational structure of the social internet was the web forum, which was based very closely on the model of a UNIX file directory system. An iterative cascade of parallel subject matters provided the formatting for individuals of diverse interests to associate through a protracted process of discursive consensus, whereby individuals would introduce topics of discussion relevant to the chosen category field under which other users could post replies which created a 'thread' of positive, negative, or benign feedback which reflected on how the original poster's topic fit within the over-arching theme of the forum's subject. These threads had an indefinite lifespan and their content was indexable according to a variety of site-specific fields and subheaders. The relevance of thread topics was ranked solely according to the recency of their activity.
That's why you're here. Feel free to GTFO.
While on the whole most forums required a users to register a persistent identity to post with, the creation of alt accounts was usually a trivial matter and community moderation resources were generally inadequate, so reputation systems were underdeveloped and mostly inaffective. The primary metrics for distinguishing individual users were simply the age of theor account and number of posts they had written.
This system was inherently oriented towards information-dense comments which prioritized content relevance over meta-social prestige as the primary currency of value for discussion over the internet.
Today the vast majority of online interactions take place on platforms which are designed around promoting the content of ecelebs, which is prioritized by algorithms which weight heavily the frequency of exposure by novel users to a specific online identity above all else. This gamification of access to public attention creates a feedback loop of user conformity, wherein the online identity with the most rapid output broadly conventional content monopolizes the interest of the lurking netizen public.
Reddit happened.
Nah I was originally here for the cp once 12chan got shut down
They aren't oldfags and neither are you. There are hardly any of us left and we don't come that often. You sound like you're about 12. Here are potential oldfags (no proof though):
Everyone else is confirmed newfag/LARPer
We became spambots, logposters, and traps.
I'll show you later.
Ultimately, the cultural contagion of this broader social ecosystem has infected Sup Forums via memetic means. People are conditoned to seek out and replicate submissions which consistently draw the greatest amount of attention, and the absence of variation or novely has little to no affect on their ability to derive enjoyment from the social interactions they experience online. The sockpuppet-induced skinner box conditioning of social media users to engage in attention seeking mimicry has led to a behavioral sink of uncreativity that denatures the chaotic essence of Sup Forums more and more with each passing day. Eventually there will be no need for mod censorship or forum-sliding astroturf campaigns, because the over overwhelming majority of Sup Forums users will simply have no interest in posting content which falls outside the narrowly defined memetic conventions of the internet at large.
If you go well back the creation of other 'random' boards like /r9k/, Sup Forums, /bant/, /s4s/, /trash/ and other more focused ones have deprived Sup Forums specifically of its more varied and constant content that was in a large part non-pornographic. Sup Forums remains as the landing place for outsiders who are usually mindless Coooms and don't give a fuck about boards. As a result when the diverse sources of constant content where segregated into boards it left solely porn to fill the gaps. The creation of more boards has deprived Sup Forums of much of its posting power and eclectic nature and it has thus been dominated by lowest common denominator repetition that is tolerated nowhere else. Parts of Sup Forums's old spirit is each contained in the niches of its daughter boards, that was the trade off.
I started browsing in 2011, I was 12 at the time. I am a newfag, I was on newgrounds before I came to Sup Forums. I left during the first exodus, and have only come back recently.
I think the change had to do with the popularity of the website. As it became more popular, more of the oldfags (true oldfags) left and were replaced by new kids who didn't adopt the culture. The shift in culture was gradual, but it has definitely been large.
For example, nobody says implying, nobody knows what a candyass is anymore, more recently, trap threads don't say mental illness anymore, and there are a constant stream of FB/IG threads. It's just weird to see it change. Sup Forums was never good, but I really think it was more fun than it is now.
Honestly? We got outnumbered, simple as that. It turned to eternal summer, in between newfags, reddit intruders, Discord trannies, oldfag dying out or just leaving we ended up here. The only real solution is trying to post quality shit and become janitors worth a damn. Reply and boost good threads and OC in stead of keeping shit threads alive by even replying.
Where can I learn these powers?
I really think this is right. I have seen some good old stuff on those boards, but it is just missing the combination of all of them.
Yeah I sort of miss Sup Forums as a landing place where you could jump into not just pure 'random' content but varied semi constant threads that make up the prime content of interesting but slow boards now. The fleeting nature of these here gave the convocation more momentum and brought in more outsiders, or they just saged alone, but no one remembers the short lived dead. The current 'home page' is sorta like that with the trending threads from various boards, I do like to check it out as a jumping off point.
cope harder retard, I've been blown by a few girls, it's nothing special at all, not even worth pursuing. you need a reality check.
Furthermore I think its the dynamism you get from the more open and fast moving conversation that gave Sup Forums a lot of its 'meme power' like a fast moving conversation with a bunch of diverse strangers trying to top each other in a fleeting thread. I think thats what slow boards miss, they may be interesting but their often, insular and incestuous, I'm sure they prefer the peace from absolute retards but it has sapped Sup Forums's content.
The white supremacists who have had a presence since the newsnet days of the internet have found fertile recruitment grounds on these boards. Hiding under the guise of “for the lulz” have indoctrinated a while generation into their toxic mindset.
/b is now effectively /pol
Constant change is the natural state of the universe as it slides into a greater state of entropy.
Either accept it, or kill yourself.
Duck roll.
Can I be an oldfag yet motherfuckers?
Degenerates and jews thats what happed
unironic non-funny shitposting didn't help
My fellow sociological negro, bravo.
I don't think this is correct at all. If it was, you would see more Sup Forumslack threads than what you do see, which is porn threads (both softcore and hardcore). I think it is what previous anons said, when a board is created that overlaps with Sup Forums, it takes whatever element that it is meant to encapsulate with it. Sup Forums has a board, therefore you don't see as much of it on Sup Forums. This has really always been the case, with the exception of elections, as that is always prime material to discuss anonymously.
Sup Forumstards aren't going anywhere for a multitude of reasons.
Most of the Sup Forums shitposters on Sup Forums are banned from Sup Forums for being faggots.
Others avoid going to Sup Forums because it moves slower than Sup Forums.
others avoid the flag and ID's because it makes it harder to shitpost.
Sup Forums is apparently full of the dregs from (4+4) chan which booted the normal users out.
they aren't going anywhere unless gookmoot bans people avoiding the Sup Forums quarantine
Sup Forums goes through trends, i was here when it was all mlp on the entire board, for example, the latest trend has been nigger cuck shit for like 2-3 years, tho. I have no idea why, or how it lasted this fucking long so i'll just have to assume it's a targeted mass spamming.
As for what really happened?
Well tumblr died so the fucking cunts and all of their conflicting ideals moved here, plebbit has started intermixing, and at the end of it, Sup Forums became mainstream and lost it's initiative, there's no fresh memes, no raid planning threads, no cool and unique shit like efg, it's nothing but cuck shit and logposts
Plebbit spacing!
You're right though, gotta admit.
reddit spacing isn't a thing here. The double spacing is a result of a period in time around 2006-8 where people would just say "tl;dr" if you didn't break up your sentences or responses
They're the easiest faggots in the world to troll for lulz though. Don't make them mad, make jokes at their expense.
Someone remembers.
People tl;dr because of walls of text, spacing has nothing to do with it
You fucking morons. B is for the God of Time's Family Porn Business.
We going to do CP exclusively for free so you guys know heaven is waiting for you all.
the wall of text is a result of people not double spacing
the issue is that they just spam shit so genuinely interesting threads die
Can i into triforce hehe xd
Most of the points brought up are valid. I'd also like to point out Sup Forums's downward spiral after so many euro's came here.
>reality check
Says the guy that says oral sex is not worth being pursued. I mean you already lost all credibility when you told someone to kill himself for having sex as an adolescent, now you're gonna say getting your dick sucked is just "ehh"
Like, if you wanted to tell me that I don't meet your particular criteria for an acceptable level of social and sexual experience per the (your) norms of this site and I'm crashing your super secret party, I would've still told you to shut the fuck up, but I would've accepted that as a heartfelt grievance. Saying you don't care either way about getting your dick sucked in response to a post that was more about you being a lonely faggot in the first place is just disingenuous. Even if you actually didn't like getting your dick sucked and actually had the life experience to be a judge, you're still a lonely faggot. See, I've been coming to this board for 10+ years now, and you, nigger, and all those like you: the eternal retard that will claim fucking felatio to be an unworthy investment of your time and yet you sit here on Sup Forums showing me just how worthless your fucking time is. Unrivalled in your retardation, the fucking apex of all that ever was and will yet be retarded, just timeless and seamlessly woven into the tapestry of retardation I've encountered over the last decade. If dumbass niggers like you were ever gone, I'd feel something missing from my life.
How fucking time intensive is getting your dick sucked anyways?
Been here since 05-06 and this place has fallen so far. In fact, I come here only when I can’t sleep or taking a shit, yet regret it the moment I open the page. Like now. I’m out.
once the eurofags started infesting this place everything started turning into reddit